Red Salmon Complex Grows to 12,100 Acres, Remains 35 Percent Contained
Photos of the #RedSalmonComplex from PFFN District Vice President Tom Dunn, who is currently assisting with the combined fires burning in the Trinity Alps Wilderness on the Six Rivers and Shasta-Trinity National Forests. Strong work by all of the fire fighters who have responded.
United States Department of Agriculture press release:
Current Situation: The Red Salmon Complex consists of the Red and Salmon Fire located on the Six
Rivers, Shasta-Trinity, and Klamath National Forests. All fires are being managed for full suppression
utilizing minimum impact suppression techniques.
Red Fire: The fire continues to burn within established containment lines. Last night firefighters were
successful with burning operations increasing and strengthening lines on the northwest and western
portion of the fire. Active fire behavior today will again produce smoke visible from the surrounding areas.
Crews will focus on reinforcing lines especially those on the northwest and west side of the fire from Mill
Creek Gap to Blacks Lake. Protection efforts for historical and cultural sites around Salmon Summit and
High Point Trail Head will continue.
The spot fire near Prospect Peak east of the Red Fire grew yesterday as the very steep and rugged
terrain continues to challenge firefighters. Today’s efforts will be directed toward establishing
containment lines along Whiteys Ridge and utilizing the 04 road along the old Butler Fire to halt
movement toward the northwest. Aircraft will again be used to support crews on the ground and cool hot
spots as needed.
Salmon Fire: With containment at 79 percent, fire activity will remain minimal as crews continue mop-up
operations. The strategy is for this fire and the Red Fire to burn together along the northwest corner of
the Salmon Fire.
Weather: A Red Flag Warning will be in effect for the fire and surrounding areas due to expected
abundant lighting. Little or no precipitation is expected. A strong high pressure system persists over the
region causing low valley inversions and smoke settling in area drainages and valleys. Cloud cover could
occur over the fire and surrounding area will result in slightly cooler temperatures and slightly higher
Air quality: The massive high-pressure system in the area may result in more smoke in the valleys
creating unhealthy morning air conditions. Refer to Closures: The Red-Salmon Fire Complex Forest Closure became effective on August 8, 2020. The full
Forest Closure Order can be found on Inciweb.
COVID-19: COVID-19 precautions are a priority at all incident camps with daily temperature screenings of
personnel and implementing measures such as wearing face coverings and social distancing to prevent coronavirus spread. Community and firefighter safety are a top priority of both the incident management
team and the National Forests.