California Interagency Incident Management Team 4 press release:
Fire Resources:
18 crews, 10 helicopters, 40 engines, 7 bulldozers, 42 water tenders
Current Situation: Last
night crews attempted to continue firing efforts from Highpoint Ridge,
but due to high humidity and low temperatures, the fire was
not able to carry, instead, crews monitored the fire. Tactical firing
will continue today with a safe, coordinated operation along the ridge.
The intent of this firing is to keep the fire from lining up in
drainages and spreading to the east or potentially
throw embers across the line. The goal is to merge fire westward and
ultimately box it in from Highpoint Ridge, to the Butler Fire burn scar
and the main body of the fire. This operation may take several days to
Smoke production will likely increase throughout the area.
Fire crews are working closely with resource advisors protecting cultural and natural resources.
The Red and Salmon Fires are burning on the Klamath, Six Rivers, and Shasta-Trinity National Forests.
California Interagency Incident Management Team 4 is working
closely with the Hoopa Valley Tribe and the Yurok, Karuk Tribes and the
Community Liaison for Forks of Salmon.
Red Fire: Monitoring, patrol and mop-up of the Red Cap area on the north west area of the fire remains our number one priority.
The second priority is today’s tactical firing operation.
Crews monitoring the line from Salmon Summit Trail to South Fork
of Red Cap and from Mill Creek Gap to Blacks Lake, reported all lines
holding. Moving forward, night shift will no longer staff these areas.
Salmon Fire:
This fire remains within its current footprint. However, islands of
vegetation inside this area, will continue to burn. These are not
containment lines.
Relative humidity will remain in the 30-45% range. However, predicted
relative humidity levels may drop this afternoon as low as 10 - 15% at
elevations. Winds from the east this morning will increase and transition westerly and south westerly later in the day up to 10mph.
Air Quality: Westerly
winds will move smoke to the east or northeast today. Smoke may be
thick in valleys and canyons immediately east of the fire. Refer
Closures: The
Red Salmon
Fire Forest Closure became effective on August 8, 2020. As hunting
seasons open, hunters are reminded the closure is in place for their
safety as well as the safety of firefighters.
The full Forest Closure Order can be found on Inciweb.
Interagency Incident Management Team 4 has implemented precautionary
measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in both fire camp and the
surrounding communities. These measures include daily temperature
screenings, mandatory use of face coverings, social distancing,
implementing more virtual work, and smaller fire camps. Community and
firefighter safety are a top priority of both Team 4 and the National