Pandemic or not, you’ve still got to keep your horse clean. That’s why, this week, your President of Positivity trotted down to the Blue Ox Historic Village — home to Old Town Carriage Company’s equine star Jessie — to receive a handy horse-scrubbin’ tutorial.

Jessie is still fairly new to Old Town’s streets. She came to Humboldt from Pennsylvania in March as the permanent replacement for Barney who passed away last year.

While he says there are fewer people taking rides during COVID times, carriage driver Brendan Fearon is making it work and he’s made some changes to increase safety for his clients. These days, there’s a bottle of hand sanitizer on board and he scrubs down the carriage’s seats after each trip. 

If you’re in the market for a horse-drawn historical tour, check out the Old Town Carriage Company Facebook page for more details. 

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