Founders Hall. | File photo.
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Press release from Humboldt State University:
The Supreme Court blocked the Trump Administration’s effort to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a federal program that allows children of undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States.
While the Trump Administration may still try to end DACA, today’s ruling reflects Humboldt State University and the California State University system’s support for HSU Dreamer students, employees, and their families.
HSU will continue to uphold CSU policies and the State of California’s laws that offer protections and services to Dreamers. As a reminder HSU and CSU provide various immigration resources:
Dreamer Student Resources has updates, an FAQ page, and links to important resources, such as the Immigration Preparedness Toolkit, published by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center (practical tips on knowing and asserting your rights, common pathways for immigration relief, and more).
Free immigration consultations from the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) via Zoom for HSU students, staff, and faculty. To sign up for a free consultation, call HSU’s Educational Opportunity Program at 707-335-9510 or sign up with CHIRLA directly (scroll down to Humboldt State University, “schedule an appointment”).
The CARE Team (Campus Assistance, Response, and Engagement) in the Office of the Dean of Students offers assistance with academic accommodations/advocacy including notifying professors regarding missed classes, dropping a course, and withdrawing from a course due to extenuating circumstances. Services also include help understanding university policy and procedures. Contact CARE by emailing dos@humboldt.edu or calling 707-826-3504. If you miss them by phone, please leave a voice message and DOS or CARE staff will respond at their earliest availability.
Counseling and Psychological Services is open and operating remotely. Call 707.826.3236 or hsucaps@humboldt.edu.
California State University Support
Information on everything from grants, loans and scholarships to legal and campus support services.
Please contact Dan Saveliff, Executive Director of EOP & TRIO programs, at dan.saveliff@humboldt.edu for more information on resources.