Quick Response to Attic Fire Spares Homeowner $450,000 in Damages, Arcata Fire District Says
Photos of the scene provided by AFD.
Arcata Fire District:
Arcata Fire District responded to a residential structure fire [yesterday] evening.
The first engine on scene reported fire in the attic and all occupants out. Once the second engine arrived, a firefighter was sent into the attic with a hose line to extinguish the fire.
The fire was controlled in minutes with damage limited to approximately $1,000. The value saved is approximately $450,000. The homeowner had two sets of working smoke alarms in the house.
Mutual aid was provided by Blue Lake and Samoa Fire Departments. Arcata Fire had four on-duty firefighters, one Chief Officer, seven volunteers, and one off-duty firefighter at the scene.
Arcata Fire recommends all homes have a working smoke alarm in their attic.