Photo from the Spartans’ Facebook page.
Humboldt State University press release:
Humboldt State University will be hosting the San José State University football team for training and practice ahead of the start of their 2020 season. The Spartans will live and practice on campus, all while essentially maintaining a bubble to prevent contact between the team, the campus, and the local community.
The team and coaches are highly focused on not taking risks that could impact their ability to compete in a game or even lose an entire season. For some players, it could mean losing an opportunity at a professional career.
In hosting the team, HSU saw an opportunity to safely support a sister California State University campus and its students. Similar to the situation that Stanford may soon face, they have been unable to hold the needed practices even as other universities around the state have been given permission to do so.
For the last few weeks, the team has been taking extensive precautions in San José, including an aggressive testing program that will continue. As they depart for Humboldt, they have no positive cases. In Humboldt, multiple precautions are being implemented in anticipation of the team’s arrival.
“These are very challenging times and SJSU asked for our assistance. Their team has been regularly tested and is adhering to safety protocols from the state, their county and campus. With their season ahead at the division 1 level, we understand their need and want to help a CSU family member,” said Humboldt State Athletics Director Jane Teixeira.
“While this cannot be easy for SJSU, we will help where we can while learning from them. This will enable us to assess as we prepare our programs to compete in CCAA competition in the spring. It will also help us determine if we could again hold a commencement once that would be permitted,” Teixeira said. “Humboldt State is looking forward to hosting the Spartans, and there’s really no better time of year to be here on the Redwood Coast. A big thanks to all those on campus who are working together to make this happen safely–they’re stepping up big time.”
Some details:
• SJSU has committed to maintaining its protective “bubble.” SJSU’s team of approximately 135 players, coaches, and staff will stay in HSU residence halls that have previously been unused this semester. The halls are separate from anywhere that HSU students are currently living on campus.
• Dining will be provided to the team in the residence hall to further limit team interaction with students, faculty, and staff.
• The team will be given access to Redwood Bowl during certain hours of the day. In addition, they will be able to access the Student Recreation Center outside its current open hours, so HSU student access to the SRC will not be limited. Sanitation procedures will be followed closely in the SRC.
• SJSU is responsible for covering all costs related to their use of the athletics facilities, housing, dining services, and more. The team’s use of HSU facilities will not reduce services and resources available to HSU students, faculty, and staff.
• SJSU is responsible for the testing of its team, including players, coaches, and staff. They will be tested prior to departure to HSU and will be tested once a week until the Mountain West conference calls for more collection of testing. SJSU is providing its own testing services, and these will not affect testing capacity on campus or at local testing facilities.
• SJSU has a strong commitment to these protocols, as any non-adherence could affect their ability to continue their season. As CSU students using a CSU facility, the team is focused and intent on being able to complete pre-season preparations and their season.
• Both SJSU and HSU have asked students to commit to being socially responsible during the pandemic and follow protocols such as wellness self checks. You can read HSU’s Social Responsibility Commitment here.
• HSU has been in close contact with Humboldt County Health regarding this agreement and will continue to adhere to county, state and CDC guidelines.
• With the safety and success of this visit, HSU can learn from this and may be able to offer future opportunities for rec. sports and other activities with support from the Chancellor’s Office and public health.
• The entire HSU Campus remains closed to the general public.
HSU remains committed to the safety of the campus and community. There are currently no active COVID-19 cases among students and employees. Learn more about HSU’s plans, preparations, and actions during the pandemic at campusready.humboldt.edu.