The Red Salmon Complex. | Photo from InciWeb
Press release from the Red Salmon Complex incident management team:
Current Situation: Recent light rain on Friday helped crews to make progress and secure additional containment lines. However, drier conditions and increased temperatures this weekend have brought active fire behavior back to the east and southwest flanks of the fire. Burnout operations will continue to help secure the southwest corner of the complex along Tish Tang Ridge and working west and east from a drop point along Lone Pine Ridge. Firefighters working to complete control lines are using these firing operations to increase depth along these lines.
Clearer air over the past several days have allowed air resources to assist ground crews. Helicopters are conducting bucket drops of water on key hot spots and have begun to remove unneeded equipment in the fire area.
Firefighters and equipment remain in Denny and Forks of Salmon completing structure protection. Many more isolated structures have also been addressed in the possibility of fire moving in that direction. Crews in the northeast corner of the complex will continue defensive firing to keep the fire from the Salmon River and Hwy 93.
Weather: A warming and drying trend is anticipated on Sunday and Monday as high pressure builds into the area. Temperatures should moderate into the mid 70’s and low 80’s with relative humidity dropping to 25 to 40 percent range.
Air Quality: Smoke from the Red Salmon Complex will combine with smoke from other fires in the area which could keep some areas in the Unhealthy range, depending on proximity to the fires.
Area Evacuations: An Evacuation Warning remains in effect for Forks of Salmon.
National Forest Closure Areas: The Klamath and Six Rivers National Forests remain fully closed. Entry is not permitted.
Some Shasta-Trinity National Forest lands east of the Red Salmon Fire Complex closure area are open for public use. The use of any ignition source on National Forest System lands is strictly prohibited, including campfires, gas stoves, smoking and outdoor barbeque grills on houseboats. Continuing dry conditions and very limited firefighting resources require visitors to remain vigilant and be prepared to evacuate if a fire starts nearby.
More closure information is available on the Red Salmon Complex InciWeb page.

Map of the Red Salmon Complex provided by the U.S. Forest Service.