Thanks to the local mask fanatics at Marrella Masks, your President of Positivity is able to take a safe and fashionable Monday stroll with her pet fish along the docks of Humboldt Bay. A fine day, indeed.
What?! Who’s that? A menacing gaggle of rotarians from the Rotary Club of Southwest Eureka just happen to be hanging out on the docks eagerly ready to promote their upcoming socially distanced fundraiser dinner to anyone who might happen to saunter by! Wow! Do you like fish? Do you like supporting worthy local causes? Then the the Drive-By Fish Dinner — taking place Oct. 1, 5-7 p.m., at The Lodge in Eureka — is for you!
More info from the Rotary Club of Southwest Eureka in the release below:
The Rotary Club of Southwest Eureka is, once again, bringing the delicious and the delectable to diners on the North Coast. On Thursday, October 1, from 5PM to 7PM, fish fans will enjoy petrale sole, steelhead, rock fish and calamari, cole slaw and bread, according to club President John Vandermolen. This year the club will add another element, as well. Portability. Respecting county guidelines and health requirements, the need for social distancing, and the inability of guests to gather as they traditionally do for this event, the 2020 version of the club’s annual dinner is going mobile.
“Current times certainly are affecting how we do things, but they don’t change who we are,” said Vandermolen. “If it is October in Eureka—and it will be—we remain Rotarians who are known for good times that benefit good causes, for expert fish preparation and cooking, and for sharing those skills by providing delicious fish dinners for our guests.”
This year, guests will drive to The Lodge on Herrick Avenue and, guided by signs, stop in a designated space between The Lodge and The Lodge RV parking area. Rotarians will deliver their dinners to them as they remain in their cars. “Guests, in the comfort of their homes, will dive into a dinner that is every bit as tasty as those we have served up for the past couple of decades,” promised Event Coordinator Haider Ajina who added his thanks to the Elks Lodge for their generosity in providing their facility. Ajina also thanked Pacific Seafoods for contributing much of the main course—the essential fish.
This year’s event sponsors have been especially generous in their support of the event, according to Ajina. “We thank them all for helping us to help our community: Redwood Capital Bank, Coast Central Credit Union, Northwood Chevrolet – Hyundai, Rainbow Self Storage, Pacific Seafood, Haider Ajina-Wells Fargo Advisors, Aflac, Jitter Bean Coffee Co., Champ CPA Group, David L. Moonie & Co. LLP, Express Employment Professionals, On-Call CFO, Bragg-Mainzer-Firpo LLP, Coldwell Banker Commercial-Pacific Partners Real Estate, Whitchurch Engineering, Belle Starr, Sidney W. Noyes CPA, SafeHandles, John and Leslie Vandermolen, Marty Lay and Terri Clark, Kenneth Singleton DDS and Ravi Singleton FNP.”
The dinner, an enthusiastically-anticipated fixture on the Rotary calendar, will be held at The Lodge in Eureka, 445 Herrick Avenue. Tickets are $20 each through September 24, $25 each after that date and can be purchased through the club’s website – – and at the point of pickup at The Lodge. All dinners must be paid for with credit or debit cards. There will be no cash purchases.
This year’s Fish Feed will provide funding for Backpacks for Kids (a Food for People program that provides food to Eureka children), the Rotary Club of Southwest Eureka’s academic and vocational scholarship programs and other club community projects. “A tasty dinner with friends and neighbors—this evening will help us improve lives in our community as we strengthen our club’s more than 50-years tradition of support for local education, schools and students,” said Vandermolen.
For more information: or call 707-572-4101.