Red Salmon Fire Sees ‘Substantial Growth’ Friday, Now Over 37,000 Acres
Photo: Inciweb
Press release from California Interagency Incident Management Team 14:
Red Fire: 36,831 acres, 19% contained
Yesterday’s Events:
The inversion weakened in the early afternoon and allowed for air operations to drop water buckets and backhaul equipment and supplies. A southerly wind also caused increased active fire behavior.
Fire activity in Eightmile Creek increased and reached the south end of the Salmon Fire.
The southwest corner of the fire saw growth in the headwaters of Tish Tang Creek and north towards Horse Trail Ridge.
Fire continued to fill in the unburned area within the fire perimeter at the headwaters of Nordheimer Creek.
Firefighters began to open historical lines around the southwest corner of the fire and improving line along 10N02 Road.
Firefighters continued to patrol the northeast portion of the fire where moderate fire behavior was observed at Nordheimer Creek and China Creek.
Operational Plans for Today:
Crews will continue to clear historical lines created during the Corral Fire of 2013 near the fire perimeter in the southwest area of the fire.
The 10N02 Road will serve as a primary line for future tactical firing operations to contain fire east of the Hoopa Valley Reservation, as tactical resources and weather allow.
Along the northwestern and northeastern flanks of the fire, crews will continue to patrol and mop-up along the containment lines.
Salmon Fire: 807 acres, 79% contained
This fire remains in its original footprint. Islands of vegetation inside this area continue to burn as fuels dry out.
Weather Over the Fire
Hot and dry conditions are leading to low relative humidities and critically dry fuels. Light and variable winds with gusts up to 15 mph will subside as the day progresses. The inversion is expected to lift in the early afternoon, providing for more active fire behavior and higher temperatures. Hotter and dryer conditions will continue to increase in the coming days as a dry front moves into the area.
National Forest Closure Areas
The Red Salmon Fire Forest Closure Area became effective on August 8, 2020 under Forest Supervisor’s orders on the Klamath, Shasta-Trinity, and Six Rivers National Forests. As hunting seasons open, hunters are reminded the closure is in place for their safety as well as the safety of firefighters. Complete closure information is available on InciWeb for the Red Salmon Complex.
Community and firefighter safety are a top priority of both the Great Basin Incident Management Team 5 and the National Forests. As such, Team 5 is implementing precautionary practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19.