Food for People’s Emergency Food Response Coordinator Robert Sataua and Nutrition Education Coordinator Colby D’Onfrio distribute food in Redway,

Food For People release:

Food for People’s network of Emergency Food Pantries and hunger relief programs are here to help those who have been impacted by the McFarland Fire, Monument Fire, other regional wildfires, or personal emergencies. 

For people affected by regional wildfires - either from loss of food from evacuations or power outages, or for those evacuating from other areas to Humboldt County - Food for People has resources that can help. Currently, all countywide food pantries remain open during the ongoing crises. Food for People’s network includes 17 food pantries across Humboldt County. In the areas currently largely impacted by fires people can seek assistance at:

Or, find the food pantry closest to you, including in the central Humboldt Bay area, at or call (707) 445-3166.