A gentle genius who remembered everything about everything: history, trains, computers, you name it.
He was born Nov. 7, 1952 and raised in Santa Paula, Calif. After serving in the Army, he became an airplane mechanic, then a trainer of mechanics at American Eagle in San Luis Obispo. When that job was moved to Texas, he transferred to his other favorite subject, computer technician. He worked for Humboldt Superior Court in the IT department from 1999 until his retirement in 2014.
Ken and I met in 1970 at YMCA camp. He was horsey-man and I was the storekeeper. We have been together since, married in 1972. He loved trains; believing the world would be better off with more use of trains – hauling goods and people. He was computer tech to many friends – there just wasn’t anything he couldn’t figure out.
He was also an avid reader, especially enjoying Neal Stephenson, Jack McDevitt and William Gibson. Their fascinating stories really made him think – he would refer to their stories many times, relating them to current issues.
Ken was recently diagnosed with renal cancer that had metastasized to other organs. He was about to start medical treatment when he suffered a pulmonary embolism on Sunday November 28, passing away on December 1.
He leaves behind his wife Jackie and loving sister, Charlene. He also leaves three beloved cats: Robin, Emy, and Smudge. They cuddled on him constantly, enjoying that soft, sweet warmth.
How can you sum up a person in a short little obituary? He was my comfort and calm, my other half in every way possible.
He would appreciate any donation to any worthy cause, but a couple of his favorites were Farmer Veteran Coalition and North Valley Animal Disaster Group in Chico, Calif.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Ken Parks’ loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.