Bernadette Vielbig applies her “Ocean Currents” to the southernmost Samoa Bridge
In keeping with LoCO policy of alerting the community any time paint is applied to a surface, we must now inform you that the west-facing end of the Samoa Bridge that briefly interrupts Eureka’s Second Street is in the process of being blued up.
It’s a quick facelift. Local artist Bernadette Vielbig, along with a smattering of volunteers, began painting today and she expects to finish tomorrow. Vielbig lives nearby and was able to receive funding for the light mural as part of the City of Eureka’s Neighborhood Investment Mini Grant Program, which offers small grants up to $500 for “volunteer-fueled solutions developed by the community.”
Of course, you are now wondering if the government will help you express yourself too. Well, they might! If you are a Eureka resident who wants to improve your block in some creative way, consider perusing the city’s grant application form at this helpful link. Do it!

Vielbig shares her design proposal


In progress