On June 4, 2021 just after 1:00 p.m. tones rang out alerting Humboldt Bay Fire crews to a structure fire on the 1800 block of Buhne Dr. in King Salmon.
As crews made their way from their stations, dispatch provided an update stating that three RVs/trailers were involved and that a resident may be trapped inside. Hearing this, the Incident Commander called for a second alarm, sending the last remaining HBF crew to the fire and pulling in backup from Loleta Volunteer Fire Department and Samoa Peninsula Fire District.
The first engine arrived on scene to find one RV completely engulfed in flames and beginning to burn the units in the spaces on either side. Quickly, the crew accounted for all residents and announced a primary “all clear” for their search while knocking down the fire, protecting the exposures from further damage. Crews gained control of the fire within 15 minutes, and remained on scene for a total of about two hours securing the area, controlling hot spots, and performing an investigation which revealed the cause of the fire is undetermined. There were no injuries — occupants of the RV in which the fire began as well as the neighbors and their dogs were able to evacuate before fire impinged into the homes. Damage to the RV in question, the neighboring RVs, and heat damage to a nearby vehicle is estimated to be around $50,000.
HBF requested response from the American Red Cross, who was able to provide alternate housing accommodations and assistance to affected neighbors. Humboldt Bay Fire crews were grateful for the lack of strong wind this afternoon; the lightweight construction of recreational vehicles combined with the tight configuration of the park could have been a recipe for disaster had it not been for the favorable wind conditions, rapid notification of 9-1-1, and competence of the first-arriving engine and following crews.
Humboldt Bay Fire would like to thank Eureka Police and Fire Dispatch, Loleta Volunteer Fire Department, Samoa Peninsula Fire District, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the American Red Cross for their assistance on this incident.