From the City of Eureka. Click HERE to enlarge

Here’s something to root for. Big changes could be coming to Cooper Gulch, as foretold in the City of Eureka press release below: 

The City of Eureka is excited to announce its application for the Prop 68: Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program. This funding opportunity helps fund park projects in critically underserved communities. The city is working hard to improve all city parks with the focus of this grant application being to revitalize Cooper Gulch Park.

A robust community input process took place from October 2020-February 2021 with the support of neighborhood community group, Cooper Gulch Common Grounds. We would like to thank the countless individuals who attended the meetings and responded to the survey, along with those who reached out directly with their input. The conceptual design now available for your viewing is a direct reflection of this community engagement.

This process resulted in a grant request for $8.4 million for the following park improvements:

  • Construction of two new, accessible playgrounds for ages 2-12 including a fenced area designated for ages 2-5
  • New ADA accessible restroom featuring low-flow toilets and LED lighting
  • The existing ballfields will be renovated to be multi-use field supporting baseball, softball, soccer, and special events and will include, new bleachers, new dugout, new scorer’s table, and drainage improvements to extend the fields usable season
  • A universally accessible loop trail will be added to the park, curving through and around the park to support jogging, walking, bicycles, strollers, and skateboards
  • Upgraded recreational trails throughout the park including upgraded neighborhood entrances and a new entrance at 14th Street
  • Group picnic/barbeque area including new picnic tables and ADA accessible tables, and picnic areas throughout the park
  • New native plants and trees and creation of rain garden/bioswale to divert Park and parking runoff
  • A rentable concession stand
  • Outdoor environmental classroom to support educational and performance opportunities
  • Outdoor fitness equipment along trails
  • Upgrade and improve irrigation for the Park
  • The community center will be renovated to be more energy and resource efficient and provide diverse programming opportunities for all ages and abilities
  • Disc golf course will be renovated with new baskets, launch pads, safety and shared signage, and paths
  • Parking improvements including ADA access and rain gardens/bioswales to manage stormwater
  • Lighting will be improved throughout the Park to allow for extended nighttime use and to increase public safety

A notice of award should occur in Fall 2021 should this project receive funding. Due to the success of the 20/30 Park grant award of $6.3 million from the previous Prop 68 grant cycle, which is currently being designed this summer, our city is well positioned to again be successful in this competitive grant program.

We would like to thank all of our community partners who made this project proposal possible: Cooper Gulch Common Grounds

  • Humboldt County Library
  • Humboldt County Office of Education
  • Wiyot Tribe
  • National Parks Service
  • Humboldt Trails Council
  • Eureka High School
  • Redwood Community Action Agency
  • Tri-County Independent Living
  • Silvercrest Assisted Living