Photos: Andrew Goff.

UPDATE, 2:21 p.m.: The transfer station is closed until tomorrow. Here’s a note from management:

HWMA’s Transfer Station is temporarily closed for the remainder of Tuesday, September 14th following a morning fire at the Hawthorne Street Transfer Station. Closure is necessary to allow HWMA employees to perform mop up activities, monitor the debris pile for any remaining smoldering material and not add additional solid waste to the pile. 

The fire was detected and reported by HWMA staff and quickly controlled by first responders.  HWMA expresses our appreciation to Humboldt Bay Fire Department, Samoa Fire Department and the Fortuna Fire Department for their immediate response, as well as our staff and customers for quickly and safely evacuating the site.  HBFD was able to confine the fire to the interior of the Transfer Station, and worked with an HWMA operator to extinguish the fire. There were no injuries or apparent damage to the facility.  

HWMA reminds customers to not dispose alkaline or lithium batteries, ash, oily rags or other flammable materials into the trash.  HWMA Transfer Station, Hazardous Waste Facility and the Eureka Recycling Center will resume normal operations on Weds. September 15th at 8:00 am.


UPDATE, 11:51 a.m.: Probably goes without saying, but the HWMA’s Jill Duffy would like to get out the word that you probably want to hold off on bringing in your trash or recyclables for a little while.


UPDATE, 11:45 a.m: Amy Conlin of Humboldt Bay Fire tells the Outpost’s Andrew Goff that the initial fire has been knocked down.


A few moments ago, a fire broke out at the Humboldt Waste Management Authority’s waste transfer station on Eureka’s West Hawthorne Street.

Allied agencies from other jurisdictions have been sent to cover the Eureka area while Humboldt Bay Fire attacks the blaze.

Jill Duffy, executive director of the HWMA, tells the Outpost’s Andrew Goff, at the scene, that it currently appears that a load of trash came in “hot.” Employees have been evacuated from nearby buildings.

We’ll update when we know more.