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- Jacoby Creek Students Taken for Medical Attention After Third-Grader Inadvertently Shares Weed Gummies
- Parent May Be Charged With Child Endangerment for Recent Weed Gummy Incident Among Third Graders
From the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services:
After a group of third graders at a local school inadvertently ate cannabis gummies last month, Public Health officials are reminding adults to help keep children safe from cannabis exposure and overdose by making sure it is inaccessible. A lockbox is recommended and available for free through Public Health.
Cannabis edibles can look like candy and other foods that appeal to children, but even a little piece of a cannabis edible can make a child very sick. Warning signs can include trouble walking or sitting up, loss of coordination, trouble breathing, nausea and vomiting, rapid heart rate and difficulty staying awake.
Take the following steps to help keep children safe:
1) Keep cannabis edibles and all cannabis products locked up where children and pets cannot reach them.
2) Talk to children about cannabis edibles and that they can make them very sick and remind your child not to share food at school.
3) If a child has consumed cannabis edibles, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. If a child is showing symptoms of having consumed cannabis products, call 9-1-1 or contact your medical provider for help right away.
4) In addition to cannabis, make sure other items such as alcohol, medications and firearms, are stored safely as well.
The Keep It Safe Lockbox Program provides free lockboxes to community residents who need them. The lockboxes can safely store cannabis, medications, firearms or other items that might be used to cause overdose, injury or suicide.
For a free lockbox or for more information, contact the Substance Use Prevention Program of the Humboldt County Department of Health & Human Services Healthy Communities Division of Public Health at 707-268-2132, stop by the Community Wellness Center at 908 Seventh St. in Eureka or email PublicHealthAOD@co.humboldt.ca.us.