On November 19. 2022, we lost our beloved best friend, husband, father, father-in-law and grandfather, Galen Duane Willfong, after a short and courageous battle with Stage IV Glioblastoma. Although this aggressive brain cancer took him from us to soon and at such a young age it does not define the person who Galen was in life. With the devastating progression of his cancer over the past 6 months we found it crucial that we keep our BLESSINGS in check along the way. We were given cherished time, although short, to share our most precious memories with each other, our family and our friends.

Galen and I met and soon after became best friends when I was 15 and he was 20. After I graduated from high school, on September 12, 1987 I became Mrs. Galen Willfong. This day would prove to be just the beginning of many, many of the happiest days we will share in our life together. We slid into our new roles naturally and Galen quickly adapted to his new nickname, “Baby.” He didn’t think twice when others referred to him by that name as well. We would always laugh when someone called him Baby without even knowing his real name. Since we have spent more years together then we have apart my definition of who he is, is hard to minimize for all of you but I will do my best.

Galen (Baby) was born on October 9, 1963 in Arcata to Patricia and Duane Willfong. He grew up in Westhaven, going through the Trinidad School District and on to McKinleyville High School, from which he graduated in 1981. He starting working for his dad’s logging business, Willfong Logging, at the age of 15 and at the age of 23 (the year we married) he was hired to pull green chain at Schmidbauer Lumber Co. in Eureka. Baby had a great passion for the outdoors so working in the timber industry was all he knew and loved. He always enjoyed sharing his knowledge of timber with me. We would be on our Sunday afternoon drives through the mountains, deer hunting, or while out cutting wood and he would say he wished he could bottle the sap and make a perfume for me and then proceed to tell me what kind of wood it was and any additional characteristics he knew about it.

In 2015, he started working for Efficiency Delivery, where he was employed up until this May when he received his heartbreaking diagnosis. He enjoyed his early morning starts and the many friendships he made along his delivery route around town and in Crescent City. His work schedule with Efficiency gave him the freedom and flexibility to be a domestic God for me and to help care for our then six-month-old grandson Mason in the afternoons. Both brought him joy and contentment, it was a win win for all.

Baby was a dedicated 49er fan with hopes to take his grandkids to a game as we enjoyed doing.

Through the years, the school functions, sports events, family vacations, traditions and holidays these were always high lighted memories for Baby that we will continue and honor. About 15 yrs ago prior to becoming empty nesters, one of Baby’s new found hobbies was prospecting. We would often spend our weekends camping and/or taking road trips to the river with his sluice, gold pans, ice chest filled with his favorite beer and my palapa/ beach bag in hand all with hopes that “EUREKA” would be the word of the day and could be heard from him miles away. Needless to say the “EUREKA” part never happened, but you would never have known as he showed his excitement with filling his glass vials with what gold he did find. He said his love for gold panning is what makes him so fond of the Gold Rush cheerleaders … ok baby (wink, wink).

Baby and I made a FABO team and did everything together. Gardening was another joint pleasure we called our “dirt therapy”. Getting his (our) hands dirty planting a big beautiful vegetable, herb and flower garden in the backyard every spring was a delight we both looked forward to every year. In keeping it real, I will say he did all of the hard labor and prep that would provide the foundation for our farm to table and he did it with such a sense of satisfaction and pride. Sharing our excess bounty with others always put a smile on his face. He also took on being the family grill master and would grill (BBQ) our breakfast, lunch and dinner when given any opportunity. He liked getting creative. Baby was a hard worker no matter what the task and set that example for his family.

Along with all of the precious milestones that come with parenting over the years having his kids all together and filling the room with laughter and music were some of his fondest moments of being a parent. The night before he passed we believe he was at peace hearing the kids together in the kitchen doing just that.

He is survived by the luckiest wife he has ever known, Christine Willfong, his daughter Mackenzie Helms, and sons Colton (Ashley) and Garrett (Amanda) Willfong along with his beautiful grandchildren Penny and Oliver (Mackenzie) and Mason (Garrett and Amanda). In addition, 10 yrs ago after a evening babysitting job, Galen took on the privilege of being Unk to a very special young man “Monkey” (Dominic), who was just 6 weeks old at the time. The two shared a very special bond that will be held close to all of our hearts forever.

As the saying goes “not all blood is family and not all family is blood.”

He is also survived by his father Duane Willfong and his sister Shanell (Simon) Beyzade and their three daughters Jayda, Tibel and Ashkim.

He is proceeded in death by his grandparents Einar and Norma Olson, my grandparents Frank and Sara Ashby and most recenty his mother, Patricia Willfong, with whom I’m sure he’s enjoying a long overdue cup of coffee with without interruption.

We have been beyond blessed with having so many amazing people on this journey with us, my heart is so full and I will never forget any of you. My family and myself will never be able to express our complete GRATITUDE for the amount of love and support we have received from, but not limited too, his neurologist , Dr Z and medical team at CPMC in San Francisco (both Davies and Van Ness campuses) they were our home away from home for 21 days. Dr MacDonald and his radiology team. Dr Ng and his Oncology team, his acute therapy team at CPMC and Providence in Eureka. Dr Fratkin and his Palliative/Resolution Care team…you ALL amaze me daily with the care you provide.

All of these people that I have mentioned were our biggest cheerleaders and encouragement in rooting us on in meeting one final goal that Baby and I prayed we would get to share….celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary on September 12th and….WE DID IT BABY…WE MADE IT!! We shared this priceless achievement with a precious weekend in Gold Beach just as planned. Although priceless, It was bitter sweet knowing this would be our last vacation, but…WE MADE IT BABY!!

Baby’s time on Hospice was short, however the guidance, confidence comfort, strength and support we were given by his nurses, Sadie and Pam, (DeAnne, Katie, Kristen and Travis) helped us to embrace what was ahead. EVERYONE has shown me such care and sensitivity during my emotional struggles with being a daily caregiver as I watched my soulmate decline.

To our loving family and dear friends, God Bless you all for being by our side with anything and everything like a rock!! A heartfelt thank you for your thoughtful texts, calls, visits, cards, flowers, monetary donations and the yummy meals that fed and continue to feed our family on the days when we need it the most.

My dearest friends Rachel and Rene, you two will never know the impact you have made on Baby, myself and our family since the moment I called you on May 14th with the news from CPMC. I know your work isn’t done as I enter this new chapter and for that I am forever grateful. We all love and appreciate you both more then you will ever know.


I love you every second, of every minute of every hour of every day. The Willfong name lives on and though you might be gone you will never be forgotten.

Please come celebrate Galen’s life with his family and friends this Saturday December 3, 2022 at 1 p.m. located at a private residence, 2522 Dragonfly Place, McKinleyville.

A sentimental thank you to Hannah at Arcata Florist for becoming a customer turned friend to Baby. As you share your kindness, beautiful floral work and fond memories we appreciate you.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Galen Willfong’s loved onesThe Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email news@lostcoastoutpost.com.