Arcata High School. File photo.
Arcata High School is on “modified lockdown” this afternoon, after administrators discovered a threatening message posted to Instagram.
There is a strong police presence at the school, administrators say, and the incident is being investigated.
The following message was just sent to parents with children on the Arcata High campus:
Dear AHS, Six Rivers, and Pacific Coast Parents and Guardians, We apologize for the late notice as this is a rapidly developing situation. Recently we were informed of an anonymous threat posted to an Instagram account that is followed by many AHS students. This threat included a countdown to “not come to school,” with the countdown zeroing out at 1:30 PM today.
We have been working closely with APD and there is a strong police presence on campus. When students return from lunch, we will be on a modified lockdown for the last block of the day (modified lockdown is doors locked, curtains shut, and students being escorted one at a time by admin if they need to use the restroom); however, we understand if you prefer to pick up your student early — we just ask that you call in their absence to the office so that we know who went home (leave a message if needed).
We will update you as more information becomes available.
Sincerely, Roger Macdonald