It broke our hearts when you left us
But we couldn’t let you go alone
So a piece of our hearts went with you
The day God took you home

Donald James Thompson passed away in his sleep on June 13, 2022 at his home in Mckinleyville. Although he was born in Weaverville, he spent most of his life in Humboldt County. It was here in the beautiful forests that he fell in love with logging. He worked as an independent contractor and his ability to climb and fell trees was second to none. Because of his skill level and ability to deliver, he was sought out by big timber companies, private landowners and even homeowners who needed his expertise. Although his main job was always tree work, he was also a natural at mechanics and even briefly owned a motorcycle shop. More of a hobby shop than a moneymaker, he was able to combine his love for motorcycles and his ability to turn wrenches.

Besides the unmentionables, the only thing he loved more than climbing trees and bikes was his son, Kid. From the start those two were two peas in a pod. His absolute favorite time in his life was the years he spent with Kid on the race track. He was never happier or prouder than the time he spent out there on the dirt helping his son bring home the trophies.

Donald worked hard and played just as hard. He had a huge presence and never left a room without making at least one person smile. To know him was to love him, and pretty much everywhere he went he made friends. Before passing he told his family that he wanted a big party to celebrate the life he lived. So that is exactly what we plan to do! Please join us for a potluck at Pierson Park on September 11 at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome and the family asks that everyone who attends brings a dish of food to share.


The obituary above was submitted by Donald Thompson’s loved onesThe Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email