Sheriff Billy Honsal (left) with Supervisor Rex Bohn. Photo from HCSO 2022 Annual Report.


Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office is pleased to share with the community our 2022 Annual Report. The new report, and previous years’ reports, can be viewed online or downloaded at this link..

In this report you will find information on every division of the Sheriff’s Office. This publication is only a snapshot of what the Sheriff’s Office accomplishes daily throughout the county. There are things our personnel do every day that make a difference and go unnoticed. We pride ourselves in that. The Sheriff’s Office is blessed to have the community’s trust and support.

As public servants, we value all lives above our own and we are always ready go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure our community and citizens are protected. We can’t do this job alone. We value our tribal public safety partnerships with Hoopa, Yurok and Blue Lake Tribal Police. We also want to recognize it takes a team of volunteers to assist us with carrying out our goals. We want to thank those volunteers that assist us with Neighborhood Watch, Search and Rescue, Coroner duties, Animal Shelter Care and Maintenance, Sheriff’s Citizens on Patrol, Community Emergency Response Teams, and our beloved Chaplains.

We look forward to continuing our pursuit to build trust and relationship with our community, to solve problems together and make Humboldt County a safe place to live, work and play. If you are interested in learning more about the Sheriff’s Office or our mission, vision and values, please visit our website at, like us on Facebook HumboldtSheriff, or follow us on lnstagram @HumboldtSheriff or Twitter @HumCoSO.