Mr. Albert R. Giddis, 92 years old, and resident of McKinleyville for the past 16 years, died on August 19, 2023. Preferring to be called Al, he is survived by his two sons Robert and Jon, three grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. His wife Jackie passed away in 2016. In accordance with his wishes, he will be cremated with his ashes scattered by family members over the ocean.

A graduate of Harvard in 1952, Al spent two years as a draftee in the U.S. Army Signal Corps working on radio and radar equipment, married his wife Jackie, then moved to the West Coast, the land of promise, to begin a 39-year career in the electronics business. He soon became an energetic part of the new space age with its developing communications technology and evolving satellite systems. In later years, he was fond of saying that he “was proud to have been at the beginning” of that new world.

Upon retiring from the business, he gravitated toward tutoring math in schools and at learning centers wherever he and Jackie lived. Finally settling down in Humboldt County, he joined the staff of Six Rivers Charter High School in Arcata as a math aide and later expanded his duties to include chemistry. It was the joy of his life — delighted by the intellectual and emotional growth of students, and hoping that he had helped some along the way.

A memorial for Al will be held outside on the beach- Saturday, August 26, 2023, at Moonstone Beach from 6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. All are welcome. Bring a story about Al, a beach towel, chair and join us at sunset to say goodbye to a dear friend.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Albert Giddis’ loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email