Graphic courtesy Dolly.
Press release from the Bridgeville Community Center:
The Bridgeville Community Center is pleased to announce that we now have 1,000 young readers who are signed up for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Humboldt County. It is a program that mails books each month to children from ages 0-5 (they graduate when they turn 5). There is no cost to the family. If somebody is interested in signing their child up, please go to
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a great gift to the community. Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write, Dolly started the Imagination Library in 1995 to serve the children of her hometown in Sevier County, Tennessee. Today, her program gifts over 2.4 million free, high-quality, age-appropriate books each month to children around the world. There is never a charge to families who participate in the program, and it is open to all children under the age of five in geographic areas with operating programs. The funding is shared by Dolly Parton and thousands of local community partners in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Republic of Ireland.
The Bridgeville Community Center partnered with the Dolly Program in April 2023 to bring books to children in Humboldt County (plus Mad River and Ruth, in Trinity County). Now we have the first 1,000 children enrolled. Our expectation is that the number of children enrolled will increase each year. Our yearly cost per child is $13, which comes to $1.10 a book delivered to their home. Our goal is to enroll every eligible child who wishes to get Imagination Library books. And your donations will help make this dream possible.
This program is valuable to our county. There is now a fundraising committee to help cover the costs. Please contact us if you are interested in joining. All donations collected go directly to cover Imagination Library costs. And if you are interested in donating to help cover the cost of books to a child, you can either mail us a check, or make a donation via paypal -
We thank you for your support. Your donation helps a child enroll in this remarkable program. Your donation is a gift to the child, as well as the community.