Ground zero.
Press release from the City of Eureka:
The City of Eureka will be performing sewer evaluation work on Myrtle Avenue, starting Wednesday, July 26th through Friday, July 28th, WEATHER PERMITTING.
On Wednesday, eastbound Myrtle Avenue will have one lane closed at West Avenue, southbound West Avenue will have one left-hand turn lane closed at Myrtle Avenue and all southbound traffic onto West Avenue will be closed. Detours will be in effect, and lane closures may impact traffic.
Evaluations in Myrtle between West and Harrison Avenues are expected to last the remainder of the week, with lane shifts but no detours. There will be controlled traffic and detours at these locations, and motorists should expect short delays.
The patience and cooperation of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians in the vicinity of the work zone is greatly appreciated. The City of Eureka realizes that this disruption is an inconvenience, but repairing and maintaining our sewer collection systems is vital to the health and safety of our residents.