Press release from the Arcata Police Department:

Between July 21, 2022, and June 2, 2023, the Arcata Police Department responded to multiple incidents of vandalism at a community garden, located at 11th and F Streets, which is organized by Centro Del Pueblo, a community organization that advocates for Latin, Indigenous, and Migrant communities.

The incidents included destruction of crops, locks placed on gates to keep users out, and security cameras being stolen. On numerous occasions a sign containing Spanish and Indigenous languages designating the garden as a sanctuary for Immigrants and Native Peoples, was defaced with a spray-painted countervailing message likely directed against nationality, race, and ethnicity. These incidents have been classified by APD as hate crimes, under California Penal Code section 422.6, and remain active, ongoing investigations.

Images from the camera theft, which took place on June 1, 2023, are posted on APD’s Facebook and Instagram pages. APD requests anyone with information about the theft and series of hate crimes to contact their Investigations Unit, at 707-822-2428, or, their anonymous tip-line, at 707-825-2588.