Leaving a couch like this behind? Not cool. | Photo by Chris on Flickr. Creative Commons license.
As we near the end of Cal Poly Humboldt’s school year and many students prepare to return home for the summer or bid a final farewell to their temporary Arcata homes, the City of Arcata would like to remind all those who are moving away that dumping your sh*t on the street is totally not cool, bro.
Though illegal dumping is an ongoing issue in many parts of Humboldt, those who have live in Arcata for a long time know that in the month of May free boxes and piles take over nearly every neighborhood, the curbs are lined with college house couches and the dumpsters overflow with deserted furniture and housewares. Locals even dubbed the time of year “Hippie Christmas” (does anyone still say that?) — for the fact that one can “shop” the local dumpsters and free piles for all sorts of reusable goods.
But even though it can be a fun time for Arcata residents to refurnish their homes, a lot of unwanted stuff gets left on the street and the City ends up having to clean up the mess. So, if you are moving this month, please help Arcata by getting rid of your stuff in a responsible way, like selling it online (might we suggest posting it to LoCO Classyfieds?), donating it to one of our local thrift stores, or taking it to the dump.
So, congratulations to Humboldt’s graduating class! Thank you for staying with us for the time you did, and remember: you are an adult now and should be able to take care of properly disposing of your own crap! (But if you do have any good stuff, feel free to let us know, cuz this reporter needs some new dining room chairs. Thanks!)
There is more information on how to properly dispose of your unwanted items in this City of Arcata press release:
The City of Arcata needs the community’s help to eliminate illegal dumping and unsightly littering in our streets, alleys and other public right-of-ways. As school is coming to an end, now is the perfect time to properly dispose of unwanted items from a dorm, apartment or house.
Around this time of year, a lot of unwanted furniture, dishes, books, clothes and other items are left on street corners and sidewalks. The City of Arcata is required to keep streets and sidewalks clean and safe, and City crews must often stop other work to pick up the unwanted mattresses, sofas and clothes for transport to the landfill.
When no longer in want or need of something, the best thing to do is donate it. This ensures that your unwanted item does not end up in the landfill and that the person on the receiving end will save money and resources by not buying it new. There are various local thrift stores that will accept gently used items that are in good condition. A list of local thrift stores and non-profits can be found at cityofarcata.org/275/Zero-Waste and on the City’s “Don’t Dump and Run” brochure, available at City Hall or online at tinyurl.com/DDR-Brochure. Please make sure that all items are clean, dry and in good working condition. Please call before donating to confirm items accepted and hours!
If thrift stores and non-profits do not or cannot take items, make sure to take it to the appropriate disposal site. Check the Materials Management Guide at tinyurl.com/Materials-Management to learn how to properly dispose of everything from a light bulb to appliances and furniture.
Have furniture or appliances that need transportation to the dump? Residential Recology account holders are entitled to two bulky item pick-ups a year at no extra cost. Call Recology Arcata at (707) 683-4853 to schedule a pick-up.
To report illegal dumping, please call Arcata Police Dispatch at (707) 822-2424. For more information on zero waste practices visit cityofarcata.org or call the Environmental Services Department at (707) 822-8184.