Mikal (Mike) Eugene Anderson was born to Gene and Kathy Anderson in Sacramento on December 1, 1972. Sadly he passed away from a broken heart and Fentanyl overdose on July 6, 2023.

In 1983 the family moved to McKinleyville where his father was raised and attended high school. His elementary years were spent at Humboldt Bay Adventist School in Bayside where he was a member of Humboldt Bay Trackers Pathfinder youth club. He was on the McKinleyville High School football team and played baseball where he was chosen for the All Stars team as an excellent catcher. Many lifetime friends were made during this time. Mikal was blessed with vibrant energy and good health and a need to excel in all he did. He expected this from not only himself but from everyone else as well. The death of his father in 1986 deeply impacted his life in many ways.

Mikal had 2 children, Jarid and Toria that he loved with all his heart. Jarid’s death at age 20 from Fentanyl poisoning compounded unresolved grief from his father’s death when he was 12 yrs old.

Mikal loved the outdoors. He hiked, biked, surfed and skateboarded many parts of Washington, Oregon and California. Friends and family delighted in the sight of him flying down 14th street or Buhne on his skateboard at 50 years old. In keeping with his love of nature he made his way in the world doing yard work and landscaping. All of his clients were impressed with his attention to detail and ready smile when addressing his more elderly friends. As his mother I always appreciated that he was kind to strangers and would bring me flowers and little gifts of chocolates when he visited me. I miss his smile so much.

We, his family and close friends invite all who knew and loved Mikal to join us in celebration of his life on Sunday September 10, 2023 at Moonstone Beach. Services will begin at 4 p.m. A beach style potluck dinner will be served around 5 p.m. We will provide meat and vegetarian burgers. Bring a side dish, chair or blanket, an instrument, pictures and stories to share. A “paddle out” will happen around sunset, so bring your suit and board. For non surfers we will send flowers out to sea.

Mikal is survived by his mother Kathy, sister Krista and husband Will, brother Joshua, sister Molly and husband Aaron, daughter Toria, nieces Ashley and husband Dillon (with grandnephew Spencer) and Cambria, nephews Isaiah, Elijah and Kobe, many cousins, uncle Bob, aunt Viola, aunt Julie and children that he helped to raise; Daniel with his mother Cindi (Jarid and Toria’s mother), and Kirsten, Jesika, Amanda and Dylan with their mother Lynette.

We ask that all who read this will seek ways to stop the flow of Fentanyl into our communities. We are losing too many precious souls to this horrible epidemic. And support Suicide Prevention programs in your area, never lose hope.

Trust in the Lord always. Psalms 3:5.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Mikal Anderson’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email news@lostcoastoutpost.com.