Press release from the City of Eureka:
With construction of the grant-funded safety improvements on H and I Streets nearly complete, it is important for motorists to understand how to safely and legally drive with the new configuration of the streets. The safety improvements were developed and implemented with the goal of increasing bike and pedestrian safety but, in reality, improve the situation for all users of the roadway. This week, contractors will be painting the final markings along H, I and Harris Streets, including crosswalks and green paint that denotes potential conflict points between bikes and motorized vehicles.
How to turn right.
The green paint will be present at the ends of each block, where cars may cross paths with bikes as the cars are turning from or onto side streets. According to California Vehicle Code (CVC) 21717, a right-turning car is supposed to move into the bike lane before the intersection — anywhere from 200 to 50 feet before — first signaling the lane merge, then merging right to the curb lane, and finally making the actual turn once it’s deemed safe.
Stop at bike boxes.
At some intersections along the H and I corridor, green paint will also be provided in bike boxes. These allow cyclists to safely move from the bike lane to the appropriate position necessary to make a left turn. Motorists must stop behind the green paint so as not to endanger cyclists that may enter the bike box.
As with any new configuration, the lane changes on H and I Streets will require some getting used to for all users of the roadway. Please be attentive, considerate, and patient while driving, walking, or biking along the routes.
More information can be found at the links below: