The Humboldt County Correctional Facility. | Photo by Andrew Goff.
Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
The Custody Services Division is the largest division in the Sheriff’s Office with 109 correctional staff. The Custody Services Bureau’s primary function is the care and custody of sentenced and non-sentenced inmates incarcerated in the Humboldt County Correctional Facility (HCCF). Located at 901 5th Street, Eureka, adjacent to the county courthouse, the HCCF spans approximately 155,000 square feet on 6 floors and has a board rated capacity of 417 beds. The facility’s kitchen serves over 300,000 meals per year and the commercial size laundry operates 24 hours per day. The county contracts with Wellpath Healthcare for 24-hour onsite medical, dental care, and a Jail Based Competency Treatment program. The facility contains a short-term care medical housing unit. Mental health and substance abuse treatment services are provided through the Humboldt County Department of Health and Human Services.
Morning Briefing
The Sheriff’s Office mission is to protect and serve our community and to earn the public trust through compassion and accountability. The HCCF adheres to this mission by providing a safe and productive place for those incarcerated to serve their sentences and rehabilitate while in custody. The information in this release contains data and statistics but doesn’t capture all the operations that occur in the HCCF. There are things our personnel do every day that make a difference and often go unnoticed. We take pride in the job our dedicated deputies do every day to keep our community members safe.
“Developing Literacy” class presented by College of the Redwoods Adult Education
Current programs offered at the Humboldt County Correctional Facility:
- College of the Redwood Credit Courses
- High School Equivalency Exams (HISET)
- Anger Management
- Substance Abuse Counseling
- Religious Counseling
- Holiday and Art Programs
- Yoga and Meditation
- Fundamental English as a Second Language
- Developing Literacy
- Getting Started with Computers
- Sheriff Work Alternative Program (A program where individuals can serve their sentence out of custody by working one day per week at various locations such as Fortuna Farm, Hoopa Food Distribution Center, Eureka Woodlot, County Motor Pool, Botanical Gardens, and McKinleyville Community District)
2023 Statistics for the Humboldt County Correctional Facility:
- Total Number of People Booked: 6189
- Average Daily Population: 276
- Average Number of People Booked Daily: 17
- Average Number of People Released Daily: 16
- Number of inmates Sent to State Prison: 144
- Amount of Food Donated locally from the SWAP Program: 2220 pounds
- Number of Cords of Wood Donated to Low Income Seniors: 225
- Number of Training Hours for Correctional Staff: 8442
- Meals Served: 315,713
- Average Population on Mental Health Medication: 43%
- Number of Inmate Deaths: 1
- Number of Suspected Overdose: 13
- Number of Deaths from Suspected Overdose: 0
- Number of People Placed in Jail Based Competency Program: 26
- Number in Jail Based Competency Program Restored to Competency: 19
Ready to make a difference and be part of the team? We are hiring at the Sheriff’s Office for Correctional Deputy I. No experience necessary. We provide on-the-job training, and opportunities are available for career advancement. We are also currently hiring Lateral Correctional Deputy II, Work Crew Leaders, and Emergency Communications Dispatchers. For more information, please visit our website: or call (707) 441-5103.
Correctional Deputy working in Processing
SWAP Deputy at the Fortuna Farm