Video: Daniel Braden

In a world that seems increasingly divided, it’s good to be reminded that, in times of great strain, our community can band together to defeat common enemies conspiring to oppress us all. 

Today in Eureka, that enemy was a flaming garbage truck.

Friend of the LoCO Daniel Braden files an uplifting report from Eureka’s Westside, where, earlier today, a smoking Recology truck prompted a swift response from neighbors, who, through their efforts, ensured that less garbage would burn. The following is Braden’s firsthand account: 

“I was out walking the dogs when I saw smoke coming from the Recology truck. The driver pulled over at B & Trinity in Eureka. Across the street lives a state police officer (fish and game?) and they came out to assist and assess. Soon other neighbors came out and brought garden hoses. One citizen climbed onto the truck and was handed a hose to spray from the top while the driver operated the hydraulic compactor to smother the flames. Fire truck arrived after the truck was extinguished.”

Wonderful. The moral of the story here, friends, (if you want one), is together we can still do great things. As we forge ahead into an uncertain future, let us remember the lesson learned the day a flaming garbage truck brought out the best in Eureka. Namaste.