Maureen Kay Freeman passed away peacefully on September 27, 2024, surrounded by her loving husband of almost 42 years and her daughter.

Maureen was born August 11, 1952 in Oakland to Wayne and Ethel Fanning, but spent the majority of her childhood in Anaheim. There she grew up with her older brother, Teri, and her younger brother, Hugh. They enjoyed many days going to the beach as a family.

In high school, Maureen was athletic and played every sport she could all four years and was good at them all. In her senior year she was voted “Most Athletic” – her favorite being basketball and volleyball — and would go onto college to play basketball.

Maureen worked various jobs throughout her career, but most jobs involved a hospital setting and patient accounts —  from Mercy Hospital in Sacramento, to Redwood Memorial in Fortuna and retiring from St. Joseph’s in Eureka in 2015.

Maureen met the love of her life and partner in every adventure, Steve, in Sacramento while playing co-ed softball together in 1979. They were ones for chasing snowstorms in the Sierras and up into Oregon to go cross-country skiing. After marrying in 1982, their honeymoon was cross-country skiing in Hope Valley and snow camping. Maureen followed Steve up and down California for various jobs but settled in Humboldt County.

In 1986, Steve and Maureen welcomed their one and only daughter, Erin. Maureen and Erin had a strong mother-daughter bond, whether they were going on shopping trips to their favorite places, trying out a new bakery or in the kitchen together making food from scratch together.

Maureen had a passion for cooking and baking from scratch and sharing those foods with her family. Each birthday or holiday she took pride in making something special that was usually a specific request from her family. Baking and cooking was her love language. Steve and Maureen enjoyed BBQ’ing, trying new techniques, new recipes and going to “real” BBQ places to see what technique they could come home and do better.

Family was always important to Maureen. Following the death of her father, she moved her mother in with her and her family and took care of her for over 20 years before she passed away. Her grandkids meant the world to her and she enjoyed watching each of them grow up. From watching Isobel excel in basketball – she loved watching her play in person and online once she got to college, to cheering on Gabby as a cross country runner, and watching Grady play baseball all over California, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona. She was proud of all of them and loved to brag about their accolades.

Maureen is preceded in death by her parents, Wayne and Ethel Fanning, and older brother Teri Fanning. She is survived by her husband, Steve Freeman; daughter Erin Crosswhite and husband Jesse Crosswhite; granddaughters Isobel Crosswhite, Gabriella Crosswhite; grandson Grady Crosswhite,; brother Hugh Fanning and wife Maureen Fanning.

To celebrate and honor Maureen, her family asks that you take the time to make your favorite meal for your family, spend time with your loved ones, share memories and laughs. Maureen is greatly missed and there will be a forever hole in our hearts.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Maureen Freeman’s loved onesThe Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email