Laughing Sal shall laugh no more! Sal’s preëminent patron, fan of fun, Carol Lynn (née Ayers) Wilson of Eureka, has passed. Carol loved Laughing Sal, that iconic robotic greeter at Playland at the Beach. As a child she eagerly looked forward to visiting Playland with her family on yearly vacations to San Francisco. All are but a memory.

Carol, the daughter of Laila and Morris Ayers of Eureka, arrived on this good earth in 1942. She passed away in the manner she came in, quietly in a room with a view of rhododendrons, and of coastal redwoods reaching for the heavens.

Carol was an adventurer from the beginning. At age three she cut off her long blond braids to the horror of her mother, Laila Ayers, and kept her hair short for the rest of her days. She was independent. Her realms of adventure included gourmet French cuisine (and teaching her seven year old nephew how to prepare escargot).

Carol and her husband, Curtis F. Wilson, were global travelers. Their adventures included traveling the the world from Bora Bora to Moscow, Japan to Panama, rafting down the Colorado River, and driving from Eureka to Georgia with Carol’s father, Morris Ayers to visit the Ayers family homestead.

Carol met Curt when they were both students at Humboldt State College, and Curt was fresh from service in the Marine Corps. They were married when Carol was only 19. That commenced their lifelong love, until Curt’s death in 2014.

After their marriage, hiking throughout the Trinity Alps together became one of her new adventures. Over many decades they explored it all. Carol’s brother Robert Ayers, and Curt’s brother John Wilson, plus various nephews, and many friends, enjoyed her gourmet meals on these backpacking trips. She was the life of the party.

Carol and Curt both became avid runners, enjoying Bay to Breakers over the years and completing at least one marathon and many half-marathons.

Carol worked at many different jobs beginning in her college years, however for most of her career Carol served her patriotic duty catching tax evaders as an auditor for the IRS. Many good stories there (don’t ask)! She was a modest public servant in the role, drove a simple Honda with license plate BARUNER (draw your own conclusions to what that may mean).

Carol died on October 3, 2024, hence released from nine plus years of dementia. Her surviving family includes sister, Sylvia Crawford (Bill); her brother, Robert Ayers (Karen); plus nephews, Schuyler Crawford (Amy); Gabriel Holbrow (Hilary); niece Chelsea Ayers; nephew Dillon Ayers; and many Wilson in-laws including Linda, Judy, Vicki, and John.

May the angels of mercy guide Carol to peaceful rest.

Our thanks to Humboldt Hospice and Redwood RnR Nursing Home.

Donations are welcome at Humboldt Hospice, and to the Curtis F. and Carol L. Wilson Scholarship Fund at Humboldt Area Foundation.


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Carol Wilson’s loved onesThe Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email