UPDATE, 1:35 p.m.: The march has arrived at the Plaza, where more chants and speeches will presumably ensue. 

All day, there has been no sign of any police interest in the demonstration, according to the Outpost’s Dezmond Remington.  


UPDATE, 1:07 p.m.: On the move toward the Arcata Plaza now.


UPDATE, 1 p.m.: The march has paused at the corner of LK Wood and Library Circle, says Outpost reporter Desmond Remington. Cars passing are giving friendly honks of the horn. Among the chants being employed:

  • “Judaism yes, Zionism no!”
  • “Liberation is here!”
  • “Biden did genocide!”
  • “Kamala, Kamala, pick a side!”

Cal Poly Humboldt signage is picking up a little light, chalk-based graffiti:


Cal Poly Humboldt student Rick Toledo gets the march started.

UPDATE, 12:40 p.m. The march is underway. About 100 people are now participating, says Remington.


UPDATE, 12:30 p.m.:

Protesters at the D Street Community Center are milling about, getting ready to march. The plan is to march up LK Wood Boulevard and down to the Plaza, according to Outpost Remington, who’s at the scene.

“Humanity is very precious to me,” local nurse Pat Kamzler told Remington. “I’m very much for the vulnerable in society. They’re the ones getting hit. The 1% don’t care. I don’t think you need to be a nurse to care, you just need empathy… we’re marching so no one can ignore this anymore.”

“People are getting carpet bombed! We need to wake people up.”


Photos: Dezmond Remington.

ORIGINAL POST: Lost Coast Outpost reporter Dezmond Remington is in Arcata, where students and community members have gathered to protest for Palestine.

Around 40 people have gathered at the D Street Community Center bearing signs and preparing to march. Many people are wearing masks.

At the D Street Community Center around noon.

The demonstration was announced on the “Humboldt for Palestine” Instagram account on Sept. 25. The announcement read:

Cal Poly Humboldt students are calling for a walkout and March for Palestine off-campus on 10/7. We’ve been asked to share this to spread the word! Students, faculty and staff are being asked to leave campus at 12pm and gather at the Josiah Lawson mural on 1301 D St. The students at Cal Poly Humboldt continue to stand with Palestinian Resistance!

The demonstrations, of course, follow on the weeklong occupation of Siemens Hall at the end of last semester, which was finally broken up by police action.

Remington tells us that people have also gathered on the Cal Poly Humboldt quad. It was pretty small and calm just before noon. We’ll be updating this post.

At campus.