Robert John Kamberg
October 27, 1958- September 5, 2024

Robert John Kamberg was the only living survivor of John and Soraida Kamberg of Grizzly Flats, California.

As I sit here watching you take your final breaths I have been thinking about our 44 years of marriage. From high school sweethearts to grandparents. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend it any other way or with anyone else. We have three amazing children Robert “Bobby” Kamberg (Elicia) of Camden, South Carolina, Steven Kamberg (Samantha) of Eureka and Stephanie Kamberg of Eureka, and along with them comes our beautiful grandchildren Hayden Kamberg, Hallie Jean Skillings, Killian and Koah Kamberg and Russell Hann. They were his pride and joy.

Robert lived mostly in Humboldt County with a short time in the Santa Rosa area and when he enlisted in the Marine Corp. He was really proud of that, “Once a Marine Always a Marine” was his saying. One of the things he was most proud of was working for the railroad. He referred to that as his dream job. He was good at what he did and always provided for his family, even when it took him out of the area to work.

Buddy, as his extended family called him, was always there if they needed someone to talk to. He would soon have them laughing with a stupid joke he had told. He will be missed by his best friend Mike Wright, who he considered a brother to him.

As the youngest child of his family he was the last to pass. Both parents, brother Rodney and Lenore Kamberg, have since left this earth. He also is now with his mother-in-law who passed away a year ago, Jean Vanderklis. Robert leaves behind his wife, Debra, father-in-law Piet Vanderklis, nephews PJ and Matt Vanderklis and other family members. He was worried most of all about his beautiful dog, Midnight. I think they could read each other’s minds. She will continue to live in the family.

As for me, my love. There is a hole in my heart that will never be filled until we meet again. Always and forever, Bob and Deb!


The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Robert Kamberg’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here.