Happy Valentine’s Day, Humboldt! We hope you’re feeling the love. 

As for us, your Lost Coast Outpost found ourselves aimlessly wandering Old Town this afternoon — we must flee the fluorescent lights from time to time to make the voices stop. Suddenly and without warning, we were dragged into Lynnoleum, Eureka’s finest vintage block print magic shop, where we found ourselves confronted by a group of finely dressed teen musicians. What was this trap?

Turns out, they were members of the ArMack Orchestra on break from Valentunes duties. You see, each year young tunesmiths from Arcata and McKinleyville high schools gallivant around the county singing love songs for a small fee in the hopes of raising funds for instruments, uniforms and festival trips, etc.

Well, that sounded great to us. So we asked for a song to give to you, the romantically desperate LoCO reader. Collect your Valentune above and consider donating to the kids at this link here.