Everything is expensive now. You might feel like you’re being slowly crushed by the ballooning costs of the things you need to live, like housing and groceries. Perhaps you feel like no matter what you do, there’s no way to keep on surviving in a world that’s pricing you out and aging you a little every day. But chill out! It’s not all doom and gloom. Turns out, whenever you bring your own reusable tupperware to an Arcata restaurant, you get 25 cents off of your order.

The little-known law was adopted in 2020, but we here at the Outpost got a press release on Friday from Arcata’s government encouraging all of you too lazy to cook your own food or too shy to eat out in public to bring your own containers whenever you order takeout. As long as your tupperware isn’t damaged, the wrong size, or simply disgusting, the food vendor will likely dish you up.

But beware…if you decide to use the restaurant’s fiber-based compostable takeout containers, you will be charged an EXTRA 25 cents, thus plunging you a little further into the muck of financial instability. Be warned, foodies.