By Griffin Mancuso.


Another pro-Zionist billboard has been erected along Highway 101 south of Arcata only 16 days after the last one was torn down. 

This one reads “Israel, the Eternal Jewish Nation. Fighting Terrorism. Seeking Peace” with the same background of a woman standing in front of the flags of the United States and Israel.

Like the previous sign, it was paid for by Code Blue and White, a pro-Israel advocacy group.

The last pro-Zionism billboard, located in the same spot, generated huge amounts of controversy. Almost immediately there were dozens of people online who advocated for its destruction. 

Tamar Krigel, an Israel-born Arcata resident who helped design the last one, claimed in a statement sent to the Outpost that the online comments were reported to the California Civil Rights Division, the FBI, and the U.S. Department of Justice, and also claimed they were investigating the incident. 

Krigel said several weeks ago there were plans to set up another billboard.

As of publication, the Arcata Police Department has not yet responded to a request for comment. Code Blue and White declined to comment for this article.