File photo: CR.
Press release from College of the Redwoods:
In the November election, College of the Redwoods successfully secured voter approval for Measure I, authorizing up to $120 million in general obligation bonds to support local educational infrastructure improvements. Measure I was passed under the guidelines of Prop 39, which requires financial accountability and the formation of an Independent Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.
In compliance with these requirements, CR’s Board of Trustees has officially established the oversight committee, tasked with ensuring transparency and proper use of bond funds to enhance district facilities. The committee was approved by the CR Board of Trustees at a public meeting on January 7th, 2025.
The Committee will play a key role in ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of bond revenues. According to Administrative Procedure (AP) 6740, the committee’s primary purpose is to:
- Inform the public about the expenditure of bond revenues;
- Review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction; and
- Advise the public as to the District’s compliance with the Proposition 39 requirements as contained in the California Constitution
Members of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee may engage in the following activities:
- Receive and review copies of the annual, independent financial audit;
- Inspect school facilities and grounds to ensure that bond revenues were properly expended;
- Receive and review copies of any deferred maintenance proposals or plans developed by the District; and
- Review efforts by the District to maximize bond revenues by implementing cost-saving measures.
The committee will have at least seven members, each serving two-year terms, with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Members won’t be paid but can be reimbursed for reasonable travel costs following CR’s travel policies. To be on the committee, members must meet certain criteria:
- One member must be involved in a local business organization.
- One member must be part of a senior citizen group.
- One member must belong to a recognized taxpayer organization.
- One member must be a current CR student who is active in a campus group. The student can continue serving for up to six months after graduation.
- One member must be engaged in supporting or organizing activities for the college.
Interested individuals can visit the CR website at this link to submit an application or learn more about the committee’s responsibilities.
Applications will be reviewed starting January 31st, 2025.