Those were the days. Photo: BLM.
Press release from the Bureau of Land Management:
Saturday, March 15, at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds in Ferndale. The BLM will offer four halter-trained fillies and four burros that have not been trained.
Anyone interested can preview the horses and burros when they arrive at the fairgrounds at about 4 p.m., Friday, March 14. Adoptions on a first-come, first-served basis begin at 8 a.m. Saturday and continue until 4 p.m. The adoption fee is $125 per animal.
The animals are certified to be healthy and vaccinated against all common equine diseases. Adopters must be at least 18 years old and have facilities that meet the BLM’s requirements. The adoption event is being held as part of the Back Country Horsemen of California Redwood Unit’s Trail Obstacle Challenge event.
The BLM is responsible under the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act for protecting and managing wild horses and burros on public lands. The agency periodically removes animals from the range when populations exceed levels established to allow wild horse and burro herds to thrive in balance with other range users, including wildlife and permitted livestock. These animals are then available for adoption at events throughout the country. Visit the BLM’s wild horse and burro program online for more information.