Cindee Ann Grace appeared in this dimension on June 8, 1954. She
lived in many places in California and had a challenging childhood
with her parents divorcing when she was a teenager. She also had a
debilitating illness around this time which spurred her to listen to
her body/mind/spirit and this helped her healing.
With that experience, she became interested in holistic medicine and ultimately moved to Boulder, Colorado in 1978 and pursued a Doctor of Naturopathy degree. She set up practice there and saw hundreds of patients as well as taught natural healing classes to both the public and medical professionals. Cindee became interested in Nature-based spirituality and got a massage therapy license which all contributed to her holistic healing practice. She added to her offerings Solstice and Equinox ceremonies as well.
A woman of many talents, Cindee was an accomplished singer, musician and songwriter, using her talents to spread the word of peace and connection to nature. She produced several CDs of her original songs with she and her friends providing the music. She was seen often at progressive, women’s, LGBTQ and anti-racism rallys, offering her music to provide hope and joy to the crowds.
Cindee developed other physical conditions that started to affect her ability to work and do many things that she loved. But that didn’t stop her! She ended up moving to Eureka in the early 2000s, at this point disabled and living in a little efficiency apartment. She then wrote her opus which is a handbook of holistic healing for people with PTSD and Dissociative Identity, which she self-published. It is an accumulation of all of her healing wisdom gleaned over the years working with patients and herself. She made the book available to all regardless of ability to pay, which she did for all of her offerings.
Around this time, Cindee took classes in Buddhist mindfulness practice and ultimately offered community meditation classes as well as private music and singing lessons.
Political activism was of utmost importance for her. It wouldn’t be unusual to see her at the Eureka courthouse demonstrating for peace or Black Lives Matter. In her later years she was unable to go out so she continued to do what she could from home.
In the face of so many barriers, Cindee was able to blossom as an artist, professional health practitioner, and activist and still had a biting sense of humor. All of her creative endeavors were sprinkled with her wit. She was a real warrior for peace and equality. She could be feisty, for sure, and was always willing to look at her part in anything that might come up.
Cindee spent the last three years in long -term care, the last two in Fortuna. She was well cared for and in the best of situations, living in that environment is at the least, challenging. Yet with her honed spirituality, advocacy skills, sense of humor and a few good friends, she was able to ride that experience with incredible equanimity.
Cindee died peacefully on Tuesday, March 4. She is survived by her two beloved friends, Kym Hansen and Lynn Kerman. We feel so fortunate to have known Cindee and we fully trust she is continuing with “Peace and Shenanigans” wherever she is now. Happy trails, beloved friend.
The obituary above was submitted on behalf of Cindee Grace’s loved ones. The Lost Coast Outpost runs obituaries of Humboldt County residents at no charge. See guidelines here. Email