UPDATE, 12:50 p.m. 

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UPDATE, 11:15 a.m.: Grant Elementary School in Eureka is also now on lockdown, under similar circumstances. 

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UPDATE, 10:50 a.m.: Since our initial post, multiple readers have reached out to alert us to additional threats made to local schools. The parent of a child at Trinidad Union School tells us they received a message from the school stating “Trinidad School has been placed on a “shelter-in-place” lockdown. DO NOT RESPOND TO THE CAMPUS. We will not be able to let you on campus.” A few minutes later they received the following update from the school:

There is a person who has been making threats to multiple schools this week.  They called our school and threatened to come. 

No one is on campus and the sheriffs are on their way to check the campus. 

We are taking this threat seriously.

In addition to Sunny Brae and Trinidad School, Arcata Elementary School was also temporarily placed on lockdown precautions. Just after 10 a.m., Arcata School District had this to say about that incident:

Attention A.E.S. Families,

Arcata Elementary was placed on lockdown a few minutes ago due to an anonymous phone call threat. Police responded and have determined we can end the lockdown. Students are returning to class. We understand that some families may want to pick up their child. Please come to the front office in an orderly fashion. Otherwise, we are resuming school as normal.

More information will follow.

We will continue to track the school lockdowns as we become aware of them. 

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Original Post: On Wednesday morning, Sunny Brae Middle School was placed on lockdown for a short period. Arcata School District just posted the following alert:

Attention S.B.M.S. Families,

Sunny Brae was placed on lockdown this morning just prior to the start of school due to an anonymous phone call threat. Police responded and have determined we can end the lockdown. Students are returning to class. We understand that some families may want to pick up their child. Please come to the front office in an orderly fashion.

More information will follow.

The Outpost will update if and when more information does become available.