LoCOBot / @ 12:05 p.m. / Agendizer

Arcata City Council
Oct. 16, 2024, 6 p.m.




A. Roll Call


A. Certificate of Appreciation for George Williamson for His 11 Years of Service on the City of Arcata's Energy Committee.



A. Receive an Introduction and Overview of the OpenGov Transparency Portal from Tabatha Miller, Finance Director.

B. Receive an Update from Tabatha Miller, Finance Director, on Measure H.

C. Other Council and Staff Reports.


8. N/A


A. Minutes of Oct 2, 2024 6:00 PM

B. 4533 : Bi-Weekly Report on Disbursements.

The Finance Director is recommending that the City Council approve a list of payments made from September 21 to October 4, 2024. These payments were made in accordance with the city’s budget and do not need to be audited by the City Council before being paid. The attached document provides a detailed list of the payments made during this period.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a corrido!

En la ciudad, en la sala del Consejo,
Tabatha Miller nos trae un informe nuevo.
Con la recomendación de aprobar lo dispuesto,
en desembolsos del mes de Octubre.

Matthew Morgan, en su oficina labora,
preparó el reporte con gran labora.
Los cheques y pagos, bien certificados,
con el presupuesto bien alineados.

La Directora Financiera, con su firma,
certifica que todo está en norma.
El dinero gastado, dentro del límite,
sin derroches ni gastos ilícitos.

El Consejo Municipal, en reunión se sienta,
a revisar la información presentada.
Los cheques y pagos, todos en orden,
con el presupuesto bien acordonado.

Que la ciudad prospere, que todo marche bien,
con transparencia en cada papel.
El dinero del pueblo, bien administrado,
con la gestión adecuada, todo ha quedado.

Que viva la ciudad, que siga adelante,
con finanzas sanas y gobernantes.
Aprobamos los desembolsos con orgullo,
en Octubre del 2024, todo lo resuelvo.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Disbursements 9-21-2024 to 10-04-2024

C. 4527 : Adopt Resolution No. 245-11 Authorizing the Destruction of Certain City Records Maintained by the City Relating to the Departments of City Manager (City Manager, Contracts and Special Projects, Human Resources, City Clerk), Environmental Services (Recreation), and Finance as Permitted under Section 34090 of the California Government Code and the Secretary of State's Local Government Records Program.

The City Council is being asked to approve the destruction of city records from various departments such as City Manager, Human Resources, and Finance. This is allowed under California Government Code and the Secretary of State’s Records Management Program. There is no financial impact with this action.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of Scooby Doo!

Episode Title: Mystery of the Missing City Records

The Mystery Inc. gang, consisting of Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne, and Fred, arrive in the city of Oakwood to attend a City Council meeting after receiving a mysterious letter asking for their help. They quickly learn that the city is in chaos as important records relating to the departments of City Manager, Environmental Services, and Finance have gone missing.

As they attend the meeting, they overhear the discussion about Resolution No. 245-11 authorizing the destruction of certain city records. Velma immediately senses that something is not right and decides they need to investigate further. The gang splits up to look for clues, with Velma heading to the City Clerk’s office to review the attachments mentioned in the resolution.

As Velma examines the attachments, she notices discrepancies and missing information. She realizes that someone has tampered with the records to cover up a larger scheme. Just then, the lights go out, and when they come back on, the attachments are missing. Velma quickly alerts the rest of the gang, and they begin to search for the missing records.

While searching, they encounter strange noises and shadows lurking in the hallways. Scooby and Shaggy come face to face with a ghostly figure that seems to be guarding the records. With bravery fueled by hunger, Scooby and Shaggy distract the ghost long enough for Fred, Daphne, and Velma to find the missing attachments.

As they piece together the clues, they discover that the City Clerk, Rhea Varley, was behind the scheme to destroy the records and cover up corruption within the departments. With the evidence in hand, they confront Rhea and expose her wrongdoing to the Mayor and City Council.

With Rhea’s confession, the City Council can now revoke Resolution No. 245-11 and prevent the destruction of vital records. The Mystery Inc. gang receives a commendation from the Mayor for their detective work and saving the city from corruption.

As they drive away in the Mystery Machine, Scooby and Shaggy celebrate with a feast of their favorite snacks, knowing that once again, they have solved the mystery and done some good in the world.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Exhibit AB. Exhibit BC. Exhibit CD. Exhibit DE. Exhibit EF. Res. No. 245-11 Destruction of Records 2024 Rec-Fin-Clerk-Contracts-HR-CMO

D. 4532 : Adopt Resolution No. 245-13, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending Regulations Governing Commercial Cannabis Activity Permits.

The City Council of Arcata is proposing to amend regulations for Commercial Cannabis Activity Permits, which will simplify the renewal process and clarify fees for small businesses. The changes will allow businesses to apply for multiple activities under one application fee and eliminate the early deadline requirement. The amendment will have minimal negative impact on the budget and does not have a significant impact on the environment.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a detective story!

As Director of Community Development for the city of Arcata, David Loya was used to addressing the City Council on a regular basis. However, the meeting on October 16, 2024, would be one he would never forget.

As he presented the recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 245-13, a seemingly routine amendment to the regulations governing commercial cannabis activity permits, David couldn’t help but notice the tension in the room. The discussion that followed revealed a tangled web of confusion and inefficiencies in the current regulations that seemed to benefit some businesses while causing unnecessary hardship for others.

One council member, in particular, seemed determined to challenge David on every point, questioning the motives behind the proposed changes and demanding more information on the financial impact.

As the meeting dragged on, David couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he couldn’t ignore the nagging suspicion that there was more to this seemingly innocuous resolution than met the eye.

After the meeting finally adjourned, David decided to do some investigating of his own. He started by looking into the businesses that seemed to be benefiting from the current regulations, focusing on those that had multiple activities but were only being charged for one permit fee.

What he uncovered shocked him. It appeared that certain businesses were exploiting a loophole in the regulations to avoid paying their fair share, while others were being unfairly penalized for simply trying to operate within the rules.

As David delved deeper into the issue, he realized that there was a much larger scheme at play. Someone was manipulating the regulations for their own benefit, using their influence to secure favorable treatment for certain businesses while punishing others who dared to speak up.

Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery, David enlisted the help of a private investigator to uncover the truth behind the shady dealings within the city government. Together, they embarked on a dangerous journey that would lead them to uncover corruption, betrayal, and ultimately, a shocking revelation that would shake the city to its core.

In the end, the resolution to amend the regulations governing commercial cannabis activity permits would prove to be just the tip of the iceberg in a much larger conspiracy that would rock the city of Arcata to its very foundation. And it would take all of David Loya’s detective skills to unravel the truth and bring the perpetrators to justice.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Resolution No. 245-13

E. 4534 : Approve an Annual Proclamation Designating September 15–October 15 as Latinx Heritage Month in the City of Arcata; and Add the Proclamation to the Council-Approved List.

The City Council is recommending that September 15-October 15 be designated as Latinx Heritage Month in the City of Arcata. This recommendation came after a proclamation was made on October 2, 2024, honoring the rich histories and contributions of Latinx Americans in Arcata. The Community Development Coordinator from Cal Poly Humboldt requested this proclamation to be added to the City’s annual list. There are no policy or fiscal implications for this recommendation.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Robert Burns poem!

O, Honorable Mayor and City Council Members braw,
Listen tae this report frae Rhea Varley, yer City Clerk sae fair,
She brings a recommendation tae approve wi’ glee,
Latinx Heritage Month in Arcata, frae September fifteen tae October fifteen, you’ll see.

On October twa, twae thoosand twa hunner an’ fower,
The City o’ Arcata proclaimed Latinx Heritage Month wi’ power,
Fernando Paz frae Cal Poly Humboldt, he did reach oot an’ say,
Add this proclamation tae yer Council-approved list this day.

Latinx Americans, frae Mexico tae Spain,
Their histories an’ cultures are worthy o’ gain,
Let’s honor their contributions an’ stories sae grand,
By approving this proclamation in Arcata’s fair land.

Nae policy implications, nane to be found,
Just a celebration o’ culture that makes a joyful sound,
Nae fiscal impact, sae dinnae ye fret,
Just a simple approval, a task easily met.

So let’s add Latinx Heritage Month tae our list,
An annual proclamation, a tradition not tae be missed,
Approved by the Council, sae kind an’ fair,
Latinx Heritage Month in Arcata, a time tae declare.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Latinx Heritage Month Proclamation for Annual Approval

F. 4541 : Approve the Quote Amendment for an Additional $36,308.26 to Purchase Three (3) Cla-Val Pressure Reducing Valve/Vault Systems for a Total Amount of $218,050.16 (including sales tax); Authorize the City Engineer to Increase the Purchasing Amount by up to $21,805.02 (10%, for a Total of $239,855.18) to Allow for Any Unforeseen Contingencies and Additional Equipment as Necessary; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Applicable Agreements and Documents.

The City Engineer is recommending that the City Council approve the purchase of three pressure reducing valve/vault systems for a waterline replacement project. The cost of the purchase is $218,050.16, with an additional $36,308.26 needed to meet special contract requirements. The City Manager will be authorized to execute all necessary agreements and documents. The purchase is part of a larger project funded by a low-interest loan from the SWRCB Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program. The City is standardizing its waterline infrastructure by purchasing one brand of equipment, which has been reliable in other areas of the system. The project is within budget and will be funded by a combination of loans and grants.

— LoCOBot

… or, as Schoolhouse Rock!

(Verse 1)
Here we are at the city council meeting, discussing plans for the Waterline Replacement Project
We need to purchase some Cla-Val valves, to keep our water system in check

Approve the Quote Amendment, for $36,308.26
Authorizing the City Engineer, to increase the budget up to ten percent
Let’s make sure we have everything we need, to keep our water flowing smooth and clean
Authorize the City Manager, to sign the agreements and make it all official

(Verse 2)
These valves are key components, for the project ahead
They’ll help us standardize our system, and keep our water flowing without dread

Approve the Quote Amendment, for $36,308.26
Authorizing the City Engineer, to increase the budget up to ten percent
Let’s make sure we have everything we need, to keep our water flowing smooth and clean
Authorize the City Manager, to sign the agreements and make it all official

With the support of Cla-Val, we’ll have reliable equipment on hand
Our SCADA system will operate smoothly, with valves that we understand

Approve the Quote Amendment, for $36,308.26
Authorizing the City Engineer, to increase the budget up to ten percent
Let’s make sure we have everything we need, to keep our water flowing smooth and clean
Authorize the City Manager, to sign the agreements and make it all official

So let’s all come together, and approve this motion today
To keep our water system strong, in a reliable and efficient way!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Revised Quote




A. Appoint One New Member to the Planning Commission for a Term Expiring March 31, 2028.

B. 4529 : Introduce Ordinance No. 1572, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arcata, Amending Article 1 in Chapter 2, Title II of the Arcata Municipal Code to Include the City Manager's Authority to Sign Documents; Waive Reading of the Text and Consent to Read by Title Only.

This report is about a proposed ordinance in the city of Arcata that would give the City Manager the authority to sign documents related to grants and contracts. This change is necessary to comply with requirements from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. The ordinance would also allow the City Manager to sign contracts on behalf of the city without prior approval from the City Council. There are no policy implications or fiscal impact associated with this ordinance.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a stage play!

(Scene from an Arthur Miller play)

(Inside the City Council Chamber, Mayor Atkins sits at the head of the table with council members, including Councilman Johnson and Councilwoman Ramirez. City Clerk Varley stands to address the council.)

Mayor Atkins: (adjusting his glasses) Thank you, Ms. Varley. It seems we have an important amendment to the municipal code in front of us today. Councilman Johnson, what are your thoughts on this proposed ordinance?

Councilman Johnson: (leaning back in his chair) Well, Mayor, I believe it is crucial for the City Manager to have the authority to sign these documents. We all have other obligations outside of council meetings, and it wouldn’t be practical to rely solely on the mayor for these time-sensitive matters.

Councilwoman Ramirez: (nodding in agreement) I agree with Councilman Johnson. It only makes sense to delegate this responsibility to the City Manager. We need to ensure that our grant applications and contracts can be processed efficiently.

Mayor Atkins: (rubbing his chin thoughtfully) Indeed, efficiency is key in running our city smoothly. Ms. Varley, are there any further details we need to consider before we move forward with this ordinance?

City Clerk Varley: (flipping through her notes) No, Mayor. The proposed revisions align with the requirements set forth by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. It’s a necessary step to ensure our City Manager can handle these important documents.

Mayor Atkins: (straightening in his seat) Very well. Council members, I motion to introduce Ordinance No. 1572, as outlined by Ms. Varley. Do I have a second?

Councilman Johnson: (raising his hand) I second the motion, Mayor.

Mayor Atkins: (smiling) Wonderful. Let’s proceed with the vote. All in favor of introducing Ordinance No. 1572, say aye.

(Council members unanimously say “aye” in agreement. The Mayor nods approvingly.)

Mayor Atkins: (pounding his gavel) The motion carries. Ordinance No. 1572 is officially introduced. Thank you, Council members, for your diligence in this matter. This meeting is adjourned.

(The council members rise and begin to file out of the chamber as the scene fades to black.)

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Proposed Ordinance No. 1572B. California Department of Housing and Community Development 2024

C. 4531 : Introduce Ordinance No. 1573, An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Arcata Amending Arcata Municipal Code Regulations Regarding Short-Stay Vacation Rentals and Boards, Commissions, Committees and Task Forces; Waive Reading of the Text and Consent to Read by Title Only.

City Council is considering making changes to the Arcata Municipal Code regarding short-stay vacation rentals and committees. They are introducing an ordinance to amend the code, including changing the deadline for rental permit renewals and the meeting schedule for a committee. The ordinance also eliminates the Economic Development Committee. The Council is encouraged to consider public comments and introduce the ordinance at this meeting for adoption at the next. The changes are administrative and not expected to have a significant impact on the environment or the budget.

— LoCOBot

… or, as an episode of 'The Moe Hogan Experience'!

Moe Hogan: Alright, folks, welcome back to “The Moe Hogan Experience”! Today, we’ve got a very special guest on the show, the author of this document from the City Council meeting in Arcata, David Loya. David, welcome to the show.

David Loya: Thanks for having me, Moe.

Moe Hogan: Now, let’s get right into it. Can you break down for us what this ordinance is all about and why it’s important for the City of Arcata?

David Loya: Sure thing, Moe. This ordinance is all about making some administrative changes to the Arcata Municipal Code. It’s about things like changing deadlines for short-stay vacation rental permit renewals, adjusting meeting times for committees, and encouraging participation in the Economic Development Strategic Plan.

Moe Hogan: Wow, that’s some heavy stuff, David. But I gotta ask, is there something more going on behind the scenes here? Any secret agendas or hidden motives that the City Council might be trying to push through?

David Loya: No, no, Moe. This is all just standard administrative stuff to keep things running smoothly in the city. No hidden agendas here.

Moe Hogan: Alright, alright. But you know me, I always like to dig deeper and uncover the truth. Now, I heard a rumor that this ordinance is just a cover-up for something bigger happening in Arcata. Any truth to that?

David Loya: (laughs) I can assure you, Moe, there’s no conspiracy here. It’s just about streamlining processes and making sure things are running efficiently.

Moe Hogan: Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree on that, David. But hey, speaking of efficiency, let’s take a quick break for a word from our sponsor.

(sponsored segment)

Moe Hogan: And we’re back! Now, before we continue our conversation, I need to fact-check something real quick. Producer, can you look up if Arcata has ever had any major conspiracy theories circulating around it?

Producer: Actually, Moe, there’s no record of any significant conspiracy theories related to Arcata.

Moe Hogan: Really? Huh, well, you learn something new every day. Alright, David, let’s get back to it. Thanks for setting the record straight on that. And remember, folks, always question the official narrative!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Ord 1573 Admin Amends

D. 4530 : Public Hearing on Updates to the Master Fee Schedule; and Adopt Resolution No. 245-12, A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Arcata Adopting Changes to the City's Master Fee Schedule.

The city council is holding a meeting to discuss updating the Master Fee Schedule, which includes changes to fees for city services. The recommendation is to open the public hearing to receive feedback and to adopt the proposed changes. The purpose of updating fees is to cover the costs of providing services to the public. The changes mainly focus on fees related to Commercial Cannabis Activity Permits and will result in a decrease in revenue for the next fiscal year. The proposed changes will take effect on January 1, 2025.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a town crier's speech!

Hear ye, hear ye! The city of Arcata will be holding a public hearing on updates to the Master Fee Schedule for the fiscal year 2024-25. Finance Director, Tabatha Miller, has recommended that the Council open the public hearing to receive feedback on the proposed changes to various fees and service charges. Additionally, the Council is urged to adopt Resolution No. 245-12, which outlines the updates to the Master Fee Schedule.

It is important to note that fees for City services are carefully reviewed to ensure they cover the cost of providing those services. The Master Fee Schedule consolidates all City fees and charges into one schedule, with any new or increased fees requiring a public hearing in accordance with state regulations.

The proposed changes primarily focus on fees associated with Commercial Cannabis Activity Permits (CCAP). While there are both increases and decreases in fees, the overall impact is estimated to be a 40% decrease in revenue for the upcoming fiscal year.
Please be advised that the changes to CCAP fees will come into effect on January 1, 2025, for new applications or renewals.

This Resolution is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act and has been reviewed to determine its fiscal impact. The City anticipates a decrease in revenue for FY 2024-25 but projects a recovery in subsequent years.

We urge all citizens to attend the public hearing and provide feedback on the proposed updates to the Master Fee Schedule. Let your voice be heard and contribute to the decision-making process for the benefit of our community. Thank you for your attention, and may the City of Arcata continue to thrive with the support of its residents.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Resolution No. 245-12 Fee Update 10.16.24B. Attachment A to Resolution No. 245-12

E. 4515 : Authorize the City Manager to Provide the California Transit Indemnity Pool (CalTIP) Notice of the City’s Intent to Terminate Participation in Transit Vehicle Coverage Programs, Effective May 1, 2025; and Work with Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) on an Agreement for Transfer of City-owned Transit Vehicles to HTA.

The City Engineer is recommending that the City Council authorize the City Manager to terminate participation in a transit vehicle coverage program and work with another transit authority to transfer ownership of the city’s transit vehicles. This will increase efficiency and save money for the city. The Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) will take over ownership of the vehicles and operations, providing better services for residents and students. There will be no immediate impact on the budget, but in the future, insurance costs will not be included in the transit activity budget.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Bruce Springsteen song!

Driving Down the Highway

Verse 1:
City council meets, with a heavy heart
Talking ‘bout the buses and where to start
Transferring ownership, to HTA
Trying to make it all work out, in a brand new way

Driving down the highway, looking for a new way
To keep the buses running, for all the people every day
City Engineer, she’s got a plan
To make sure the transit system is in good hands

Verse 2:
Contracts and agreements, they’re all in place
Making sure the buses keep on the race
HTA, they’re ready to take the wheel
Keeping the wheels turning, making sure it’s all real

Driving down the highway, looking for a new way
To keep the buses running, for all the people every day
City Engineer, she’s got a plan
To make sure the transit system is in good hands

From Arcata to Eureka, and all around
HTA’s got the drivers and they’re covering new ground
Making sure the buses run on time
Keeping the people moving, it’s all gonna be fine

Driving down the highway, looking for a new way
To keep the buses running, for all the people every day
City Engineer, she’s got a plan
To make sure the transit system is in good hands

So let’s keep on rolling, down the road
With HTA in charge, the future will unfold
Transit system thriving, for all to see
Thanks to City Council, the buses will run free

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

F. 4528 : Approve an Additional Budget Appropriation in Fiscal Year 2024/25 of $60,000 from the Reserved Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Fund Balance; Approve a Contract Amendment in the Amount of $60,000 to GHD, Inc., for Additional Construction Management and Inspection Services for the Old Arcata Road Improvements Project; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute all Applicable Documents.

The City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer are recommending that the City Council approve an additional budget of $60,000 for construction management and inspection services for the Old Arcata Road Improvements Project. This project is important for the community and requires more support than originally anticipated. The money will come from a designated transportation fund and the City Manager will be authorized to handle all necessary paperwork.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Funkadelic song!

Verse 1:
We’re here at the City Council meeting
Talking ‘bout Old Arcata Road
Need some extra funds for construction
To make sure this project gets told

Gotta approve that budget appropriation
From the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act Fund
Get GHD on board for more inspection services
Make sure this road is second to none

Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna fix you up
Smooth out those bumps and cracks
Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna spruce you up
Make sure you’re on the right track

Verse 2:
This road is a vital artery
For the folks in Arcata town
Speeding cars and limited pathways
It’s time to turn this situation around

We’ve been planning this project for years
With community input and designs
Now it’s time to make it a reality
And leave those old problems behind

Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna fix you up
Smooth out those bumps and cracks
Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna spruce you up
Make sure you’re on the right track

Environmental review, budget allocation
CEQA approval, and state clearance
It’s all part of the process
To ensure this road’s appearance

Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna fix you up
Smooth out those bumps and cracks
Old Arcata Road, we’re gonna spruce you up
Make sure you’re on the right track

So let’s approve that budget
And get GHD on board
Old Arcata Road, we’re coming for you
Time to make you the best road in the world!

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. GHD Scope of Services - OAR CON 9.17.24



A. Study Session with the Planning Commission on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber.




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