Stephanie McGeary / Tuesday, July 11, 2023 @ 12:56 p.m. / Agendizer
Big Gateway Area Plan Meeting Tonight! Arcata Planning Commission Slated to Vote on its Recommendations to the City Council
Rendering showing example of potential building design in the Gateway Area | Screenshot from Building and Massing Presentation video on City of Arcata’s YouTube channel.
This is it! Tonight is the big Arcata Planning Commission meeting that we’ve all been waiting for — the meeting where the commission will finally vote on its recommendation to the City Council on the Gateway Area Plan, which will rezone 138 acres in and around Arcata’s Creamery District to allow for the development of high-density housing.
The Planning Commission will also be making its recommendations on the City’s General Plan and the Gateway Code (formerly known as the Form-based Code), which will establish all of the building requirements for the Gateway Area. Though the Arcata City Council requested that the Planning Commission make its recommendation at the July 11 meeting, it looks like the commission is still expected to continue reviewing the documents and refining its recommendations throughout the rest of the year. This is the motion city staff is recommending for tonight’s meeting, from the city staff report:
The Planning Commission may adopt the following motion or as amended:
• The Planning Commission recommends the policy in the Draft General Plan 2045 dated June 27, 2023, including the Gateway Area Plan, and the Gateway Code dated July 11, 2023, as amended. This is the Commission’s working version for City Council review and consideration.
• The Commission has determined that these versions incorporate policy guidance and implementation that will thoughtfully guide the City’s development while balancing resource preservation, public safety, racial equity, and health.
• The Commission will continue to undertake more specific and detailed review of the Gateway Code, and is able at this time to provide policy guidance on key focus areas as noted in the July 11 adopted Discussion Guide and “Other Considerations” table.
• The Commission will provide a formal recommendation on the final draft versions of the General Plan 2045 and the Gateway Code, along with the Program Environmental Impact Report, that incorporates all further revision and editorial and organizational refinement in early 2024.
The Gateway Area Plan — which Arcata city staff developed some years ago as a way to accommodate Arcata’s growing housing needs, while fulfilling state housing requirements — has been the topic of discussion at Planning Commission meetings for months. Because the plan is designed to bring a lot more housing to Arcata through infill development, it requires a lot of changes to the city’s existing codes. The idea with adopting the Gateway Code is that it will establish a set list of requirements and permitting processes for new developments in the Gateway Area, helping to fast track future development.
Some of the proposed changes included in the plan have been pretty controversial, particularly allowing for much taller buildings (up to seven stories in parts of the Gateway Area). Many members of the community have voiced concerns over the taller buildings, saying that they will obstruct some of the town’s picturesque views, cause problems with shading and compromise Arcata’s small-town charm. Another aspect of the plan that some community members are against is the proposed K-L Couplet, which would extend L Street from Alliance Road to Samoa Boulevard and convert L and K Streets to one-way traffic. Some of those opposed to the couplet, have been pushing instead for the L-Street Linear Park.
If you share some of these concerns, or have others of your own, you’ll probably want to attend this meeting. But, to be clear, this will not be your last opportunity to voice your concerns. Following tonight’s recommendation, the Planning Commission and the City Council will hold a series of joint study sessions during the summer and fall to go over the documents together.
David Loya, Arcata’s community development director, told the Outpost in a recent interview that the Environmental Impact Report should be ready for review by late fall or early winter and, if everything goes as planned, the city council should be ready to adopt the General Plan and Gateway Area Plan by the spring of 2024. If you aren’t able to attend any meetings, you can also provide feedback or by emailing
The Arcata Planning Commission meets tonight (Tuesday, July 11) at 5:30 p.m. at Arcata City Hall – 736 F Street, and will also be electing a new chair and vice chair, before moving onto the Gateway stuff. You can view the full agenda and directions on how to participate here. Or scroll down for a summary prepared by our own AgendaBot, Gennie.
Arcata Planning Commission
July 11, 2023, 5:30 p.m.
A. Land Acknowledgment
B. Roll Call
C. Roll Call
A. Minutes of Jun 27, 2023 5:30 PM
B. Approve Planning Commission Corrected Minutes — Regular Meeting — March 14, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
1. 4215 : Consider Administrative Actions Including Electing Chair, Vice-chair, and Considering Special Meeting Times
At a Planning Commission meeting, they will be appointing a Chair and Vice Chair. They will also discuss canceling some upcoming meetings and scheduling special study sessions with the City Council. They need to make these decisions by majority vote.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an episode of Seinfeld!

Jerry and Elaine are sitting on the couch, flipping through a newspaper. George bursts in, waving a piece of paper.
GEORGE: (excitedly) Guys! I just found out about the Planning Commission meeting! They’re appointing a new chair and vice-chair!
JERRY: (disinterested) Planning Commission? What’s that?
GEORGE: It’s a government thing, Jerry! It’s important!
ELAINE: (sarcastically) Oh, really, George? Planning Commission? That’s exciting.
GEORGE: (defensively) Well, it is! They have to elect new officers and consider canceling meetings!
JERRY: (mocking) Wow, canceling meetings, what a thrill.
GEORGE: (annoyed) You guys just don’t get it! This is a big deal! I could be the new chair!
ELAINE: (chuckles) You? Chair of the Planning Commission? I’d like to see that.
GEORGE: (determined) Well, I’m going to the meeting and I’m going to make my case. They need someone with vision and ambition!
JERRY: (smirking) Yeah, and they’re really going to see that in you, George.
GEORGE: (grumbles) Whatever, Jerry. Just you wait, I’ll show you all!
George is sitting among the commissioners, nervously fidgeting in his chair. The meeting comes to order, and the Director of Community Development, David Loya, begins the proceedings.
DAVID LOYA: Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to elect a new Chair and Vice-Chair for the Planning Commission. Do we have any nominations?
George raises his hand eagerly.
GEORGE: I nominate myself, George Costanza, for the position of Chair!
There is a pause as everyone looks at George in surprise.
COMMISSIONER #1: (whispering to another commissioner) Can he do that?
COMMISSIONER #2: (whispering back) I don’t think there’s a rule against it…
The commissioners start whispering amongst themselves, unsure of how to proceed.
DAVID LOYA: (clears throat) Well, uh, thank you for your nomination, Mr. Costanza. We will consider all candidates and vote accordingly. Moving on to the next item on the agenda…
George slumps back in his chair, frustrated that his bold move didn’t receive the reception he had hoped for.
Jerry, Elaine, and George are sitting at the table, eating dinner.
ELAINE: So, George, how did the Planning Commission meeting go? Did you become the Chair?
GEORGE: (dejected) No. They didn’t even vote on it. Apparently, there’s some unwritten rule against nominating yourself.
JERRY: (laughing) I told you, George. You’re not exactly the poster boy for vision and ambition.
GEORGE: (shouting) Well, maybe I am! Maybe they just couldn’t handle all my visionary ideas!
ELAINE: (smirking) Oh, I’m sure, George.
George sulks, unable to accept the reality of his failed attempt at becoming the Chair of the Planning Commission. Another one of his ambitious dreams shattered.
— LoCOBot
2. 4216 : Consider a Recommendation to the City Council on the General Plan Updates
This staff report summarizes a Planning Commission meeting that took place on July 11, 2023. The report discusses the recommendation for the Commission to review and provide direction on updates to the General Plan, Gateway Area Plan, and Gateway Code. The Commission is asked to consider various topics related to the Gateway Code, including permitting, land use, building height and setbacks, and inclusionary zoning requirements. The report also mentions the review of the General Plan Elements and provides a table of other considerations that have been discussed but not yet incorporated into the drafts. The report indicates that the Commission may discuss additional topics if time allows. A summary of the attachments included with the report is provided at the end.
— LoCOBot

En una reunión de la Comisión de Planificación,
el 11 de julio del 2023,
se presentó un informe,
de parte del Director de Desarrollo Comunitario,
donde se recomienda a la Comisión
revisar el Plan General, el Plan del Área de Gateway,
y el Código de Gateway,
y brindar orientación al personal
y una recomendación al Concejo Municipal.
El personal recomienda a la Comisión de Planificación
recomendar la política en el Borrador del Plan General 2045,
fechado el 27 de junio del 2023,
incluyendo el Plan del Área de Gateway,
y el Código de Gateway,
fechado el 11 de julio del 2023,
con enmiendas.
Esta es la versión de trabajo de la Comisión
para su revisión y consideración por parte del Concejo Municipal.
La Comisión ha determinado que estas versiones
incorporan orientación política y medidas de implementación
que guiarán de manera reflexiva el desarrollo de la ciudad,
equilibrando la preservación de recursos, la seguridad pública,
la equidad racial y la salud.
La Comisión continuará revisando más detalladamente
el Código de Gateway,
y en este momento puede brindar orientación política
sobre las áreas clave mencionadas en la Guía de Discusión
adoptada el 11 de julio,
y la tabla de “Otras consideraciones”.
La Comisión brindará una recomendación formal
sobre las versiones finales del Plan General 2045
y el Código de Gateway,
junto con el Informe de Impacto Ambiental del Programa,
que incorpora todas las revisiones posteriores
y mejoras editoriales y organizativas,
a principios del 2024.
El Plan del Área de Gateway,
será un Nuevo Elemento en el Plan General,
que aborda políticas específicas
para aproximadamente 138 acres en el área del plan.
El Código de Gateway,
utiliza un enfoque basado en el diseño
para el crecimiento y desarrollo en el área del plan.
Este Código enfatiza el diseño y la masa de los edificios,
su interacción con la comunidad,
y minimiza el énfasis en los usos del terreno.
El Código propuesto implementa la visión
del Plan del Área de Gateway.
La Comisión considerará el Código de Gateway
y hará una recomendación al Concejo Municipal
sobre su enmienda y adopción.
Entre los temas a considerar en el código,
se encuentran los permisos ministeriales,
los usos permitidos en el área del plan,
y los beneficios comunitarios necesarios para los proyectos.
Se discutieron varios temas,
incluyendo los permisos ministeriales,
en los que se decidió limitar las audiencias
para proyectos de hasta tres pisos,
para minimizar la necesidad de un proceso de revisión discrecional.
El plan también establece los usos permitidos
en el área del plan,
buscando crear vecindarios inclusivos,
de alta densidad y mixtos.
Sin embargo, también se prohíben ciertos usos
que no se ajustan a la visión del plan.
La presentación también mencionó
la importancia de los permisos de zonificación,
y la manera en que los proyectos se pueden apelar,
para garantizar un proceso justo y transparente.
Finalmente, se discutió la actualización del Plan General,
donde la Comisión decidió seguir adelante
con una recomendación sobre los Elementos del Plan General,
sin utilizar el tiempo que tenían para discutirlos.
Se reconocerá la oportunidad de revisar
y proporcionar recomendaciones adicionales
al Concejo Municipal después del 11 de julio.
Se presentó una tabla que rastrea los comentarios públicos
y las recomendaciones de los Comités
que no se han incorporado en los borradores actuales.
La Comisión aún puede revisar estos elementos
y decidir si incluirlos o modificar otras políticas
en los borradores actuales.
Además, se mencionó la posibilidad de retomar
los temas que quedaron pendientes,
si el tiempo lo permite.
Así concluyó la reunión de la Comisión de Planificación,
donde se discutieron importantes asuntos
sobre el Plan General y el Código de Gateway,
con el objetivo de guiar el desarrollo de la ciudad
de manera equilibrada y sostenible.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • A. Gateway FBC 6.5.23 • B. Site Testing • C. Public Comment on Draft Gateway Code • D. 2023-07-11 Discussion Guide • E. Other Considerations Gateway and GP Draft 6-22-23