LoCOBot / @ 9:30 a.m. / Agendizer

Arcata Planning Commission
April 9, 2024, 5:30 p.m.


A. Land Acknowledgment

B. Roll Call

C. Roll Call



A. Minutes of Mar 26, 2024 5:30 PM




A. 4395 : Discuss Options for Security Gates and Fences in Commercial Districts

The Planning Commission is discussing options for security gates and fences in commercial areas, specifically scissor gates. Some businesses have been using scissor gates for security, but there are concerns about how they affect the aesthetics of the area. The city currently does not have specific rules against scissor gates, but there are standards for gates in the Land Use Code. The Commission will be shown examples of different commercial designs to help decide on potential standards for security fencing. Staff expects the Commission to give direction for further discussion at a future meeting.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a corrido!

En una reunión del Comisión de Planificación,
se discuten rejas de seguridad en la ciudad,
David Loya, Director de Desarrollo Comunitario,
presenta recomendación para la autoridad.

Se aprueba instalación de rejas en la Plaza,
pero hay reservas por parte de los Comisionados,
buscan equilibrar la seguridad con la estética,
ante impactos negativos y problemas encontrados.

Muchos negocios han optado por las rejas,
en ventanas y entradas para evitar desgracias,
se busca establecer estándares objetivos,
para la seguridad en zonas comerciales efectivos.

La Ciudad no prohíbe explícitamente las rejas,
pero se deben cumplir los estándares y leyes,
se presentarán ejemplos de usos comerciales,
para discutir posibles normas generales.

Se espera que la Comisión dé dirección,
para mejorar las discusiones en futuras sesiones,
en busca de equilibrio y protección,
para la seguridad en nuestras comunidades en acción.

— LoCOBot


Staff Report

B. 4396 : Adopt Planning Commission Discussion Protocols

The staff report is recommending that the Planning Commission receive a report, open deliberations, accept public comments, and adopt ground rules and protocols as needed. The Commission is discussing whether to make a framework for their meetings permanent, based on a successful framework used in the past. They will be reviewing the Brown Act, parliamentary procedure, and planning law as it relates to their duties. The staff will provide updates and help facilitate discussions on creating ground rules and guidelines for discussion. The Commission may provide direction at the end of the item.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a bedtime story!

Once upon a time in a small town called Willow Creek, there was a Planning Commission meeting that was scheduled for April 9, 2024. The Director of Community Development, Mr. David Loya, had prepared a staff report for the meeting, recommending that the Commission adopt Planning Commission Discussion Protocols.

The recommendation was for the Commission to receive a staff report, open deliberations, accept public comment, and adopt ground rules and protocols as necessary. This was to ensure that their discussions were productive, followed adopted protocols, and worked best for the public process.

The Commission had recently adopted a meeting framework to assist in their deliberations on a large body of work while reviewing the General Plan. This framework had been very effective in setting limits on discussions and creating a process to work through hundreds of pages of documents and comments.

As the night of the meeting approached, the moon rose high in the sky and the stars twinkled brightly. The members of the Planning Commission gathered in the town hall, ready to discuss the adoption of the new protocols.

Mr. Loya presented the staff report, outlining the importance of having ground rules, guidelines for discussion, and a system of building consensus that all the Commissioners agreed to. The Commission discussed the framework that had been attached to the report and brainstormed ways to make it more general purpose.

The members of the Commission were in agreement that having a set of ground rules and guidelines would facilitate a better public process and ensure that their discussions were productive and efficient.

After much deliberation and discussion, the Commission unanimously agreed to adopt the Planning Commission Discussion Protocols. They shook hands, feeling proud of the work they had accomplished together.

As the meeting came to a close, the members of the Commission left the town hall feeling satisfied with the progress they had made. The town of Willow Creek would now have a more structured and effective way of conducting their planning discussions, thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Planning Commission.

And so, as the town fell into a peaceful slumber, the Planning Commission’s new protocols would guide them towards a brighter and more organized future. The End.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportA. Framework v4.2B. Rosenberg's-Rules-of-Order-Simple-ParliamentaryC. 2006_-_an_ounce_of_prevention



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