Hank Sims / Tuesday, April 4, 2023 @ 12:16 p.m. / Agendizer
Eureka Government’s Two Biggest Hot-Button Issues – Housing Development and Parking – Will be Discussed in Great Detail at Tonight’s City Council Meeting
New housing here? The Eureka waterfront between C and F streets will one of the many, many housing development-related items up for discussion at the city council meeting tonight. Graphic: City of Eureka.
In recent months, government in the city of Eureka — like government in the city of Arcata — has been full-steam-ahead on getting new housing developed.
Compare and contrast?
Well, aside from the Craftsman Mall and possibly other Cal Poly Humboldt projects, Arcata City Hall has been all about the Gateway Area Plan and other long-term planning and visioning. City government has been pushing to rezone land to allow for denser development, with the eventual goal of attracting developers to build on that land.
Eureka, meanwhile, finds itself with a lot of land it has decided it doesn’t need — most prominently, city-owned parking lots in the downtown and Old Town areas — and so it’s directly getting into the development game itself, partnering with builders to construct housing directly on top of those lots.
And there’s a whole lot of that on tonight’s City Council agenda.
Probably the biggest and possibly most controversial item on the agenda is the proposed development of the dirt lots on the waterfront between C Street and F Street, which the city’s planning commission talked about a few weeks ago. This project appears in a couple of places on tonight’s agenda — first, in an item that seeks to declare those parcels surplus to the city’s needs, and secondly as part of a proposed package to solicit bids from developers.
A staff report notes that several people raised some objections at the planning commission meeting. Adam Dick, co-owner of Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate, which recently rehabbed the old Co-op building adjacent to the parcels, said that he was concerned about building heights shading the section of the Boardwalk immediately to the north. Greg Pierson, owner of the Bayfront One building at the foot of F Street, called for more city outreach and education before making a decision about what to do with the parcels. Security National’s Kenny Carswell reiterated that company’s concern about the loss of free city parking. Longtime waterfront property owner Robert Maxon was more supportive of the city’s proposal, noting the amazingly long amount of time it’s taken to get anything done on these long-vacant parcels, but did wonder what happened to old thoughts about building a hotel on the site, in addition to housing. [CORRECTION: Carswell did not specify “free” city parking, and notes in an email to the Outpost that the company is fine with metered city parking. The Outpost regrets the error. —Ed.]
The commission voted 4-0 to approve the proposal to declare the parcels surplus land. The city council — the final arbiter of such things, barring a lawsuit — may or may not ratify that tonight.
The council will also take a preliminary step toward converting a city-owned parking lot on the corner of Fifth and D streets (see above). The staff report on this item goes into some of the history of the city’s parking program — this lot, in particular, was one of many secured for parking in the mid-1950s, when bonds were issued to fund the purchase of many city-owned parking lots. Because of this, the city must first sign off on a “reduction or removal” of parking availability on the site before similarly declaring it surplus property.
Later in the meeting, the above properties could be rolled up with the parking lot at Sixth and L, just adjacent to City Hall, and put out for bid. Here’s the staff report on that.
Why is the city doing all of this? There’ll be some discussion about that, too. Late in the meeting — under items I(2) and I(3), below — there will be discussion about the city’s progress in meeting the goals of its General Plan, generally, and of the Housing Element of the General Plan, specifically.
Local governments in the state of California historically have had immense latitude in making land use decisions, in the face of a wave of NIMBYism, the state stepped in and said: No, you have to plan for growth. If every jurisdiction in the state fancied itself a little, rich enclave with no new apartment buildings for working-class or low-income people, it would be a disaster. So all jurisdictions are required to plan for new housing, and for new affordable housing. The mandatory General Plan Housing Elements those jurisdictions submit to the state for approval have to spell out those plans.
Lately, with the California housing crisis, state government hasn’t been letting those things slide as much as they have in the past. The state has taken to circumventing local planners by allowing developers to invoke the so-called “builder’s remedy.” Through this legal provision, developers may be able ram big new projects down the throats of the traditionally NIMBYist places like Santa Monica.
Apart from those things: Yet more housing development matters at the city council meeting tonight! Under item H(1), below, the city will consider a proposal to change its ordinances to allow for dwelling units as small as 150 square feet. This, as the staff report notes, could help speed the conversion of decrepit old motels into affordable housing.
All that and much more — including our robot’s alternately information and/or amusing summaries of all items on tonight’s agenda — can be found below! The Eureka City Council meets tonight at 6 p.m. in Eureka City Hal- 531 K Street, Eureka. You are invited. Remote viewing instructions at this link.
Eureka City Council
April 4, 2023, 6 p.m.
1. Sexual Assault Awareness Month
3. National Public Safety Telecommunications
1. Humboldt - Del Norte Film Commission: Forest Moon Presentation
The Eureka City Council is proposing to declare three City-owned parcels as surplus under the California Surplus Land Act in order to facilitate the development of affordable housing on these parcels. The declaration will require the holding of a public hearing and the adoption of a resolution finding the surplus by the City of Eureka of the C to F Parcels to be exempt from CEQA and declaring them surplus land. The minimum requirement is for 95 dwelling units affordable to very-low-income persons to be created. The proposed use of the parcels does not meet the definition of “agency’s use” in CGC § 54221. None of the three parcels are currently being used for, or are included in a plan to be used for, or are being disposed of to be used for any City work or operations related to utilities, watershed property, conservation purposes, demonstration, exhibition, or educational purposes related to greenhouse gas emissions, or a buffer site near a sensitive governmental use. Therefore, the finding can be made the C to F Parcels are not necessary for the “agency’s use”. The sale of the property is exempt from CEQA pursuant to Guidelines Section 15312.
— LoCOBot

(Verse 1)
The City of Eureka has got a plan,
To make affordable housing on land,
The C to F Parcels surplus they declare,
And get rid of them without a care.
Hold a public hearing,
And adopt the resolution,
Finding the surplus exempt,
And declare the land’s solution.
(Verse 2)
Kristen M. Goetz, the Principal Planner,
Prepared the recommendation without a scanner,
The C to F Parcels are the ones to choose,
For affordable housing to benefit the blues.
Hold a public hearing,
And adopt the resolution,
Finding the surplus exempt,
And declare the land’s solution.
A minimum of 95 dwelling units,
For very-low-income persons to prove it,
The City-owned parcels they’ll create,
And housing problems they’ll alleviate.
The C to F Parcels surplus will be no more,
The City of Eureka has got a score,
For the homeless and those in need,
The City will help and humanity will succeed.
— LoCOBot
2. Parking Assessment District Parking Reduction or Removal
The Eureka City Council is discussing whether or not to reduce or remove public parking from a parking lot at 5th and D Streets to make space for developing affordable housing projects. They will hold a public hearing and recommend adopting a resolution to authorize the reduction or removal of public parking. They will also release an RFP to develop at least 330 deed-restricted affordable units on 14 city-owned properties by 2028. Although up to 34 parking spaces may be eliminated with this option, a minimum of 20 affordable units will be constructed on the site, and the City will promote alternative transportation options. The parking lot was purchased with funds from the Parking Assessment District, which requires a public hearing process prior to allowing a developer to reduce or remove public parking. Approving the reduction or removal of parking from the 5th and D Street site will allow the City to declare the property surplus to facilitate future development of affordable housing as required by the 2019-27 Housing Element.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an insane conspiracy theory!

The Eureka City Council’s recent proposal to reduce or remove public parking from the parking lot at 5th and D Streets in order to facilitate the development of Affordable Housing Projects is actually just a cover-up for a larger, more sinister plan. The City Council, in collaboration with a mysterious group of elites, is planning to use this site as a base for a secret government operation. The operation involves the development of a new form of mind control technology that will be tested on unsuspecting citizens.
The City Council is fully aware that reducing or removing public parking will cause chaos in the community. This chaos will be the perfect cover-up for the government’s sinister plan. By removing the parking, citizens will be forced to rely on public transportation, walking, or biking, all of which will be monitored by the government. This will give them the perfect opportunity to test their mind control technology.
The City Council has even used a loophole in CEQA to avoid conducting an environmental review for their proposed plan, which only further proves that they are hiding something sinister. The fact that they have used a “Class 12 Surplus Government Property exemption” just shows that they are trying to cover up the true nature of their plan.
It is clear that the Eureka City Council’s proposal to reduce or remove parking at 5th and D Street is just a smokescreen for their larger, more sinister plan to develop mind control technology. The citizens of Eureka must act now to stop this madness before it’s too late.
— LoCOBot
1. Water Improvements 2022 Project - Acceptance
The Eureka City Council is discussing a project to improve the water system in certain areas. The project involves replacing old pipes and installing new ones, as well as adding new valve clusters and meter boxes. The cost of the project went up due to some changes in the project, but was covered by contingency funds. The council is being asked to accept the project and authorize the filing of a “Notice of Completion.” The project meets the goal of providing effective services to the city.
— LoCOBot

In a city in need of crucial water infrastructure improvements, one project stands out above the rest. The Water Improvements 2022 Project has been the focus of the Eureka City Council for months, and now it’s time for a decision.
Led by project manager Kelly Allen, the proposal has been thoroughly reviewed and prepared for action by the Public Works department. The recommendation is simple but significant: accept the Water Improvements 2022 Project and authorize the filing of a “Notice of Completion.”
The Water Improvements 2022 Project is the missing link in Eureka’s quest to provide effective services and become financially stable. It includes the replacement of over 2,500 lineal feet of water line, valve clusters, water services, and meter boxes.
The cost of this undertaking was not insignificant, and it took multiple change orders to keep the project on track. However, the extra cost was deemed necessary and was covered by contingency.
The City Council is now faced with a difficult decision. Do they accept this project and continue the city’s quest for prosperity, or do they look to other options? With the stakes high, the decision will not be easy.
Join the Eureka City Council as they engage in a lively discussion about the Water Improvements 2022 Project. Will they accept the proposal and take one step closer to a brighter future, or will they choose another path? The fate of Eureka rests in the balance in this thrilling new movie.
— LoCOBot
The Eureka City Council is considering a request from the Human Resources department to destroy certain records that are outdated and no longer needed. It is a routine process and there is no additional cost. The request is in accordance with the City and Department Records Retention Policy. The records to be destroyed include volunteer packets, department files, temporary employee closed files, employee personnel files, and recruitment files from the years 2016 to 2019.
— LoCOBot

Once upon a time, in the city of Eureka, there was a Human Resources Department that kept piles and piles of employee files, recruitment files, department files, and volunteer packets. These files had been accumulated over the years and were taking up too much space in the department. The employees were having a hard time finding what they needed, so they decided to take action.
Will Folger, a young employee of the department, prepared a recommendation to the City Council to adopt a resolution for the destruction of approved records. This was a yearly routine process, as the California Government Code permits the destruction of certain out-of-date and no-longer-applicable records.
The Council reviewed the recommendation and discussed it with the different departments, including the City Attorney, the Police, the Fire Department, Public Works, and others. They came to the conclusion that it was indeed time to get rid of some of these old files.
The Human Resources Department requested approval for the following records to be destroyed in accordance with the City and Department Records Retention Policy. This included volunteer packets, department files, temporary employee closed files, employee personnel files, and recruitment files. These files had been closed for several years, and the retention schedule allowed for their destruction.
After much deliberation, the Council decided to approve the request and adopt the resolution for the destruction of these records. The Human Resources Department was overjoyed, and they quickly got to work shredding the old files and making room for new ones.
As the employees went home that night, they were happy to know that their department was working efficiently and effectively. They knew that they could rely on their files being up-to-date and readily available. And so, they all slept soundly, knowing that their city was being run smoothly and responsibly. The end.
— LoCOBot
3. K Street Lift Station Decommissioning 2022 Project Acceptance
The Eureka City Council is discussing a project to decommission an old sewer lift station and replace it with a new gravity sewer main. This will reduce maintenance costs and eliminate the need for a generator during power outages. The project was awarded to Wahlund Construction for $217,800 plus a 20% contingency. Changes were made during construction, bringing the total cost to $240,570, which is still well below the approved amount. Staff recommends that the Council accept the project and file a “Notice of Completion” at the Office of the County Recorder.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a pitch from a used car salesman!

Welcome to our dealership, where we specialize in providing customers with high-quality used cars that are reliable and affordable. Speaking of reliability and affordability, let me tell you about a project that just got accepted by the Eureka City Council - the K Street Lift Station Decommissioning 2022 Project.
What does this have to do with our cars, you may ask? Well, let me explain. This project consisted of decommissioning and deconstructing an outdated sewer lift station and replacing it with a new gravity sewer main. This new main is fusion-welded high-density polyethylene, creating a continuous pipe with no joints, reducing maintenance costs and negating the need for a generator during a power outage. Plus, the project came in under budget, showing that the city is financially sound and providing effective services.
Just like this project, our used cars are reliable and affordable, making them a great investment for anyone looking for a great deal on a quality vehicle. Plus, with our extensive inventory and excellent customer service, we’ve got everything you need to find the car of your dreams. So why not visit our dealership today and discover all the reasons why buying a used car from us is a smart choice? We look forward to seeing you soon!
— LoCOBot
4. Settling Basin - Phase I Demo
The Eureka City Council is considering a project called the Settling Basin- Phase I, presented by the Public Works Department. The first phase of the project will remove an existing clarifier unit at the Water Treatment Plant, while Phase II will construct a new settling basin for maintenance crews to use. The project cost $166,850, with an increase of $20,350 due to a change order that covered contingency funds allocated to this project. The staff recommends that the project is approved, and the notice of completion should be filed in the Office of the County Recorder.
— LoCOBot

The scene takes place in the Eureka City Council chambers, with the council members seated at their desks and Kelly Allen standing at the podium in front of them.
KELLY: Good evening, Mayor and City Council members. Tonight, we are presenting the Settling Basin – Phase I project for your consideration.
MAYOR: Thank you, Kelly. Could you please explain the project and the recommendation?
KELLY: Yes, of course. The existing clarifier unit at the Water Treatment Plant has been decommissioned for decades, and this initial phase of the project will remove the structure to allow for Phase II, which will consist of constructing a new settling basin for maintenance crews to use to dewater and properly dispose of excavation spoils. We are recommending that the City Council accept the project, Bid No 2022-06, and authorize the filing of a “Notice of Completion” at the Office of the County Recorder.
COUNCIL MEMBER 1: What is the fiscal impact of this project?
KELLY: There is no fiscal impact as the project is included in the budget.
COUNCIL MEMBER 2: How does this project align with the City Council’s goals and strategic vision?
KELLY: The project aligns with the City Council’s goals and strategic vision by addressing climate change and improving diversity, equity, and inclusion.
MAYOR: Thank you, Kelly. Are there any more questions or comments from the Council?
COUNCIL MEMBER 3: I noticed that there was a change order executed during the course of the project. Can you explain that further?
KELLY: Yes, the change order was to account for the change in scope of work, which included filling the hole from the building being removed. This resulted in an increase to the project cost of $20,350, which was covered by contingency funds allocated to this project.
MAYOR: Thank you, Kelly. Is there a motion to accept the Settling Basin – Phase I project, Bid No 2022-06, and authorize the filing of a “Notice of Completion” at the Office of the County Recorder?
COUNCIL MEMBER 4: I motion to accept the project and authorize the filing of a “Notice of Completion” at the Office of the County Recorder.
COUNCIL MEMBER 5: I second the motion.
MAYOR: All those in favor?
The Council members all raise their hands.
MAYOR: The motion is approved. Thank you, Kelly, for your presentation.
The scene ends as the Council moves on to the next agenda item.
— LoCOBot
5. Request for Fee Waiver for 2023 Humboldt Math Festival
The Eureka City Council is considering a request from the Community Services department to waive rental fees for the Adorni Center to host the 2023 Humboldt Math Festival. The festival is a free event that aims to celebrate mathematics and its connections to other subjects like science, art, and history. Last year, it had over 600 attendees from 52 local schools. The festival used to be sponsored by Eureka City Schools and could use their facility reciprocity agreement with the City of Eureka, but this is no longer an option. The waiver of rental fees would be $934.00 for use of the Adorni Center on April 22nd, 2023. The council will decide whether to approve this request.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an episode of Scooby Doo!

The gang, accompanied by Fred’s cousin, who is a math teacher, arrive in Eureka just in time for the annual Humboldt Math Festival. However, they soon learn that the festival is in trouble due to the disappearance of all the supplies needed for the hands-on activities.
The gang decides to investigate and discovers that the rental fee for the Adorni Center, where the festival is held, is the reason for the shortage. The festival founder, the retired math teacher, explains that the city used to have a facility reciprocity agreement with the Eureka City Schools but it is no longer in place. Without the waiver of the rental fee, there won’t be enough money for the festival supplies.
Scooby and Shaggy, being big fans of hands-on activities, suggest that they help gather the supplies by themselves. The rest of the gang decides that it’s a good idea and offers their assistance. While searching for supplies, the gang discovers that someone has been intentionally sabotaging the festival by stealing the materials they need.
Through their investigation, the gang finds evidence that leads them to the discovery of a plot by the former head of the city’s finance department, who was recently fired. He is upset about losing his job and wants to sabotage the festival due to his dislike of math. He had been stealing the supplies and hiding them in the Adorni Center.
In the end, the gang catches the culprit and saves the day. The city council approves the waiver of the rental fees, and the festival is able to continue as planned. The gang attends the festival and has a great time participating in the hands-on activities, and Scooby and Shaggy even win the prize for the best STEM project. The festival founder thanks the gang for their help and invites them back next year for even more math fun.
— LoCOBot
6. Request for Fee Waiver for 2023 Juneteenth Celebration
The Eureka City Council is considering a request to waive rental fees for Halvorsen Park for the 2023 Juneteenth Celebration, which celebrates the end of slavery in the United States. The event will be hosted by Black Humboldt and will feature workshops, music, performances, and local Black vendors. The event will also provide employment and monetary opportunities for the BIPOC community and support county-wide conversations around race, equity, and inclusion. This is the first time a fee waiver has been requested for the rental fees of $300 for Halvorsen Park.
— LoCOBot

Title: A Celebration of Growth and Understanding
Protagonist: A young Black woman named Maya, who is passionate about community involvement and activism. Growing up in Eureka, Maya has always felt a sense of isolation and lack of representation within her hometown. With the support of her family and friends, she sets out to make a change and bring more diversity and inclusivity to Eureka.
Chapter One: The Request
Maya attends a City Council meeting to formally request a fee waiver for the rental of Halvorsen Park to host the 2023 Juneteenth Celebration. She prepares a powerful and emotional speech explaining the importance of the event and how it will benefit the Black and BIPOC community in Eureka. Despite being a little nervous, Maya delivers her speech with confidence and conviction, ultimately convincing the Council to grant the fee waiver.
Chapter Two: Planning and Preparations
With the fee waiver secured, Maya and the rest of Black Humboldt begin planning and preparing for the Juneteenth Celebration. She spends countless hours coordinating with vendors, workshop facilitators, and performers to ensure the event is inclusive, educational, and fun. Along the way, Maya makes new connections and finds a sense of purpose in bringing her community together.
Chapter Three: Overcoming Obstacles
As the date of the event approaches, Maya and the rest of the planning committee encounter roadblocks and setbacks. They struggle to secure funding and sponsorship from local businesses, and face backlash from some of the more conservative members of the community. Despite these obstacles, Maya remains steadfast in her mission to create a safe and welcoming environment for her fellow Black and BIPOC community members.
Chapter Four: The Celebration
Finally, the day of the Juneteenth Celebration arrives. Maya is nervous yet excited to see everything come together. The event is a huge success, with hundreds of community members coming out to celebrate freedom, diversity, and community. Maya is overjoyed to see so many people she knows and loves enjoying themselves, and feels proud of the impact she and Black Humboldt have had on Eureka.
Chapter Five: Growth and Understanding
In the aftermath of the Juneteenth Celebration, Maya reflects on how much she has grown and how much the community has grown with her. She realizes that, while there is still work to be done, Eureka is taking steps towards becoming a more inclusive and supportive place for all its residents. Maya feels hopeful about the future and excited to continue her work as an activist and community leader.
Epilogue: Maya’s Legacy
Years later, Maya looks back on the Juneteenth Celebration as a pivotal moment in her life. She went on to become a prominent figure in Eureka’s Black and BIPOC community, working tirelessly to promote diversity and inclusivity. The Juneteenth Celebration became an annual tradition in Eureka, inspiring new generations of activists and community leaders to continue the work of growing and understanding. Maya’s legacy lives on, a testament to the power of community and the importance of fighting for what you believe in.
— LoCOBot
7. Municipal Auditorium Remodel, Bid No. 2023-22 - Award
The Eureka City Council is deciding to award the bid for the Municipal Auditorium Remodel project to Sequoia Construction Specialties for $157,128. The funding for this project comes from a Community Development Block Grant Covid Funding. The project will address ADA upgrades and carpentry work related to the Municipal Auditorium Remodel. The construction is expected to start in the summer of 2023.
— LoCOBot

En el ayuntamiento de Eureka,
un proyecto aprobó el concejo,
de remodelar el auditorio municipal,
para mejorar su funcionalidad.
Jeff Davis fue el gerente del proyecto,
y presentó la propuesta al concejo,
recomendando a Sequoia Construction Specialties,
como la empresa que podría llevarlo a cabo.
El presupuesto fue aprobado,
para la cantidad de $157,128.00,
más un 5% en contingencia,
para asegurarse de que todo salga bien.
Esto fue posible gracias al Covid Funding,
que recibió la ciudad de California,
por un monto de $500,000,
de los cuales, $150,000 fueron destinados al Uplift programming.
Los bidders locales presentaron sus ofertas,
y la evaluación fue realizada por el personal,
quienes determinaron que Sequoia Construction Specialties,
era la mejor opción para llevar a cabo el proyecto.
La construcción se espera que comience,
en el verano del año 2023,
para mejorar la accesibilidad y el trabajo de carpintería,
en el auditorio municipal de Eureka.
— LoCOBot
The instructions are to summarize a passage for a tenth-grade student, but there is no specific passage given. Please provide additional information.
— LoCOBot

The interviewee is applying for a marketing role at a tech startup.
Interviewer: Good morning! Please take a seat. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience in marketing?
Interviewee: Good morning! Of course, I have a degree in marketing and I have worked as a marketing assistant at a large tech corporation for the past year. My previous role included creating social media content, organizing events, and analyzing market data to develop new campaigns.
Interviewer: That’s great! How do you think your skills and experience will translate to our tech startup?
Interviewee: Well, I think my skills in social media marketing and event planning will be particularly useful for your startup. I’m also very comfortable using analytics tools, which should help me create targeted campaigns that really resonate with your target market.
Interviewer: That sounds perfect! Can you give us an example of a successful campaign you’ve worked on in the past?
Interviewee: Sure, we recently organized a charity event to raise money for a local food bank. We used social media to promote the event and ended up raising over $10,000 for the food bank. It was a great success and I’m really proud of how our team was able to come together to make it happen.
Interviewer: Excellent, that shows a lot of initiative and creativity. Now, we’re a relatively small team here at the startup. How do you feel about working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment where you may need to wear several hats?
Interviewee: Well, I actually thrive in that kind of environment. I’m used to wearing multiple hats and I work well under pressure, so I think I would fit in well here.
Interviewer: That’s good to hear! Finally, do you have any questions for us?
Interviewee: Yes, I was actually wondering if there are any particular marketing challenges that your startup is currently facing?
Interviewer: That’s a great question. One big challenge we’re facing right now is how to effectively market our new mobile app to college students. We’re hoping to find a marketer who can help us develop a targeted campaign for that demographic.
Interviewee: Okay, that’s good to know. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you so much for considering my application.
Interviewer: Thank you for coming in today. We’ll be in touch soon.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - SB 43 Proposed Bil • Attachment 2 - SB 43 Letter in Support
9. Letter in Support of SB 363
Summarizing is when you take a longer piece of writing or speech and condense it down to its most important points. This makes it easier to understand and remember. The goal is to capture the overall meaning and essence of the original content in just a few sentences or phrases. When summarizing, it’s important to focus on the main ideas, leave out any details that aren’t essential, and use your own words to convey the message.
— LoCOBot

Recipe for Apple Cinnamon Muffins
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
- 1/2 cup milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 apple, peeled and chopped
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C) and line a muffin tin with paper liners.
2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
3. Add the egg, melted butter, milk, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients, and mix until just combined.
4. Fold in the chopped apple and ground cinnamon.
5. Divide the batter evenly between the muffin cups.
6. Bake for 18-20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean.
7. Remove from the oven and let cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
8. Serve and enjoy!
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - SB 363 Proposed Bil • Attachment 2 - SB 363 Letter in Support
10. Fire Station 1 and Police Department Generator Replacement
The Eureka City Council is discussing the replacement of old generators at the Fire Station and Police Department. The generators are important for providing reliable power in case of an emergency. The recommendation is to purchase two new generators and four automatic transfer switches from Cummins for $95,000. The city has used Cummins before, making them a good choice for the purchase. The money for the purchase will come from Measure Z and General Fund monies. Sole source purchasing provisions will be used, which is authorized by Eureka Municipal Code (EMC) § 39.41(A) and Policy 2.00 § I.E.9(A).
— LoCOBot
… or, as an Elizabethan sonnet!

Oh Council fair, lend ear to my report
Regarding Fire Station 1 and Police
Their generators have served through an import
But now, ‘tis time to make a swift increase
Their useful lives are past, their parts o’erwhelm
Inaccessibility ensues
Thus, Cummins is our choice, a trusted helm
With spare parts that they profusely do fuse
We recommend the purchase of two strong
125KW generators, automatic
Switches four we need, so we bring along
Reliable power’s an aim pragmatic
Measure Z and General Fund doth provide
Funding for this purchase, may it thrive.
— LoCOBot
11. Redwood Coast Energy Authority Letter of Support
1. Bil No. 1026-C.S. Chapter 150 for Efficiency Dweling Units
The Eureka City Council is considering a change to their Municipal Code to allow for smaller efficiency dwelling units that have partial kitchen and bathroom facilities, in order to reduce regulatory barriers to housing development. This change would allow for the conversion of small non-residential building spaces into housing units, such as motel room conversions. There is no significant impact on the environment from this change, and the staff recommends the council waive full reading and adopt the amendment.
— LoCOBot

As the Principal Planner for the Development Services Department, Cristin Kenyon had always been passionate about finding ways to alleviate the city’s housing crisis. And now, as she presented her proposal to the Eureka City Council, she hoped it would be one step closer to achieving that goal.
But as she spoke, her eyes locked with a man in the audience. His name was Ryan, a local builder who had caught her attention since the first day she laid eyes on him. Despite never having crossed paths before, there was an unspoken connection between them.
As the Council discussed the proposal, Cristin couldn’t help but notice that Ryan seemed to be silently nodding in agreement with everything she said. It wasn’t until the public comment portion of the meeting that he stepped up to the microphone.
“I just want to say that I fully support this amendment,” Ryan said. “As a builder, I see the potential for converting small non-residential buildings into livable spaces. This will make it easier for people to find affordable housing in our town.”
Cristin felt a flutter in her chest as she listened to Ryan speak. It was as if he was reading her mind. She knew then that they were on the same page, not just on this issue, but on so many others.
As the meeting adjourned, Cristin made her way over to Ryan who was already waiting for her. “That was a great presentation,” he said, flashing her a charming smile.
“Thank you,” Cristin replied, feeling her cheeks grow warm. “I’m glad we share the same vision for the city.”
Ryan’s smile widened. “Maybe we can work together on making this amendment a reality?”
Cristin felt a spark of excitement light up inside of her. She knew then that this was the beginning of something bigger than just a housing amendment. It was the start of a new chapter in her life, with Ryan by her side.
And as they walked out of City Hall, hand in hand, she felt like they were already home.
— LoCOBot
1. Housing Element RFP Affordable Housing Projects on City-Owned Properties II
The Eureka City Council is discussing a proposal to build affordable housing on city-owned properties. They want to release a Request for Proposals (RFP) for these properties, and their goal is to build at least 330 affordable housing units by 2028. They have previously released an RFP in 2020 for three parking lots, and Linc Housing won the bid. Currently, nine other sites are anticipated to be under contract or have already been sold to developers. The new RFP will include five remaining city-owned sites, and it requires a minimum of 135 affordable housing units, with at least 125 being very-low-income units. The developers can choose to lease or purchase the site. The council will vote on whether to adopt the RFP.
— LoCOBot

As the Eureka City Council gathered to discuss their agenda item on affordable housing projects, two trainers prepared for a Pokemon duel nearby.
Trainer 1: “I heard they’re trying to build more affordable housing on city-owned properties.”
Trainer 2: “Yeah, I read about that. It’s part of their 2019-2027 Housing Element plan.”
Trainer 1: “I wonder how they plan on meeting their goal of 330 deed-restricted affordable units on 14 city-owned properties by 2028.”
Trainer 2: “Looks like they already released a request for proposals for some sites in 2020 and chose Linc Housing as the developer. They’re still looking for developers for the remaining 11 sites, though.”
Trainer 1: “And now they’re releasing another RFP for five more sites with a goal of building at least 135 affordable housing units.”
Trainer 2: “It’s great that the city is taking action to address the affordable housing crisis.”
As the council meeting progressed, the trainers continued their duel, with Pokemon representing affordable housing units and their opponents representing barriers to affordable housing, such as discriminatory practices and lack of funding.
In the end, Trainer 1 emerged as the winner, just as the council passed a resolution authorizing the release of the RFP for affordable housing projects.
Trainer 2: “Looks like we both won today.”
Trainer 1: “Yeah, we did. And hopefully, the city’s efforts will lead to more affordable housing units for those who need them.”
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Resolution • Attachment 2 - Draft 2023 Housing Element Request for Proposal
2. Housing Element Annual Progress Report
3. General Plan Annual Progress Report
The Eureka City Council is discussing a report about the progress of the city’s General Plan in 2022. This report is required by law and will be reviewed by several different departments within the city government. The Council is being asked to receive the report, and there will be no financial impact from this.
— LoCOBot

Detective Jane Parker sat in the back of the Eureka City Council chambers, her eyes scanning the room as the meeting got underway. It was a routine gathering, focused on the progress report for the city’s general plan. But something about the atmosphere made her uneasy.
As Kristen Goetz, the principal planner, began her presentation on the report, Jane couldn’t help but feel like there was more to this meeting than met the eye. She glanced around the room again, taking note of the various city officials present. City Attorney, Police Chief, and the head of Public Works were all present, among others.
As the meeting progressed, Jane’s fears were confirmed. In the midst of a seemingly mundane conversation about budgetary constraints, she saw a brief exchange between the City Attorney and the Police Chief. It was subtle, but there was something in the way they looked at each other that made her wonder.
After the meeting ended and the officials started to trickle out of the room, Jane followed the City Attorney out into the hallway. She needed answers.
“Excuse me,” she said, her badge glinting in the fluorescent light. “I couldn’t help but notice the exchange between you and the Police Chief during the meeting.”
The City Attorney raised his eyebrows. “Is there a problem, Detective?”
“I don’t know yet,” Jane replied, keeping her tone neutral. “But I thought it might be worth looking into.”
“Look,” the City Attorney said, glancing around the empty hallway. “I don’t know what you think you saw, but we’ve got a lot on our plate right now. Maybe it’s best if you stay out of it.”
Jane felt a cold dread grip her stomach. Whatever was going on here, the City Attorney clearly didn’t want her nosing around. But she wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
“Sorry, but I can’t do that,” she said firmly. “I need to know what’s going on.”
The City Attorney sighed. “Fine. But keep it quiet. We’re investigating some irregularities with the budget. Nothing major, but we don’t want to raise any red flags.”
“What kind of irregularities?” Jane asked, her mind racing.
“Nothing that concerns you,” the City Attorney said sharply. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.”
Jane watched him walk away, her mind buzzing with questions. What was really going on with the city’s budget? And why did the City Attorney seem so anxious to keep it under wraps?
As she made her way back to her car, Jane started to form a plan. She would need to do some digging, but she was determined to get to the bottom of this. The city officials might think they could keep her in the dark, but they had another thing coming.
This was just the beginning of a complex mystery that would force Jane to navigate the murky waters of local politics, uncover hidden agendas, and ultimately put her own life on the line. But she was a detective, and it was her job to follow the clues, no matter where they led. And this case was just too intriguing to ignore.
— LoCOBot