LoCOBot / Thursday, Jan. 30 @ 5:50 p.m. / Agendizer
Humboldt County Planning Commission
Feb. 6, 2025, 6 p.m.
1. Review and approval of the December 05, 2024, Action Summary
2. Review and approval of the December 19, 2024, Action Summary
3. VB BTS II, LLC Conditional Use Permit Record No.
4. Laurel Tree Charter School Coastal Development Permit Extension Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 511-401-039-000 Record No.
5. 4050 Hwy 101 Coastal Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering converting some rental units into apartments in the Eureka area. The units are located on the second floor of an existing building, and the project does not involve ground disturbing activities or encroaching into wetland areas. The project has been deemed exempt from further environmental review. The conversion of the units will provide additional housing in the area and will not significantly impact visitor-serving areas. The project has received approval from various agencies and is recommended for approval by the Planning Commission. If you have any questions, contact Chris Lohoefener at clohoefener@co.humboldt.ca.us or (707)267-9390.
— LoCOBot
… or, as an insane conspiracy theory!

Conspiracy Theory: The Redwood Coast Cabins and RV Resort in Eureka is not actually a resort at all, but a front for a secret government facility conducting experiments on unsuspecting guests. The conversion of previously permitted transient habitation rental units to long-term apartments is just a cover-up for the real operation happening on the second floor of the existing office/store building. The project site is conveniently located near a wetland being used as a storage area for logs, creating the perfect camouflage for any suspicious activities taking place. The government is using the guise of a resort to monitor and manipulate individuals for their own nefarious purposes, all under the guise of a harmless vacation destination. Stay woke and beware of the real truth behind the Redwood Coast Cabins and RV Resort.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution 19058 • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval 19058 • Attachment 1B - Project Plans 19058 • Attachment 2 - Location Map 19058 • Attachment 3 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings - 19058 • Attachment 4 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations - 19058
6. Lock Box Storage LLC Conditional Use Permit for Self-Storage Facility Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 516-111-064 Record No.
There is a proposal for a new mini-storage facility in Humboldt County, which includes the construction of two buildings on a 1.75-acre lot in the Glendale area. The project has been reviewed and involves meeting various conditions before being approved by the Planning Commission. The project involves considerations for drainage, traffic impact, and environmental concerns. The proposal aims to provide a safe and functional storage facility for the community.
— LoCOBot

(Verse 1)
Come gather round, me hearty crew
To hear a tale of something new
Lock Box Storage, in Glendale town
A self-storage facility renowned
Hoist the sails and raise the mast
Lock Box Storage, built to last
In Humboldt County, by the bay
We’ll store our treasures night and day
(Verse 2)
Two buildings tall, two stories high
For all our goods, they’ll be nearby
With office space and restroom too
Lock Box Storage, we welcome you
Hoist the sails and raise the mast
Lock Box Storage, built to last
In Humboldt County, by the bay
We’ll store our treasures night and day
(Verse 3)
The Planner’s Commission, they have said
The project moves ahead, not dead
With conditions met and plans in place
Lock Box Storage, we embrace
Hoist the sails and raise the mast
Lock Box Storage, built to last
In Humboldt County, by the bay
We’ll store our treasures night and day
So here’s to Lock Box Storage grand
A place to store with steady hand
In Glendale town, we’ll find our way
Lock Box Storage, forever stay.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Site Plans • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 3A - 13319 13328 13339 13346 ISMND • Attachment 4 - Evidence Summary • Attachment 4A - Groundwater Level Test • Attachment 4B - Glendale Drive DTSC Letter re No Contamination on 06.13.19_06.27.2019 • Attachment 5 - Referral Comments • Attachment 5A - ref_PW Response 10.29.2024 • Attachment 5B - CalFIRE Exception Request Approval • Attachment 6 - Public Comment Combined 19084
1. Humboldt Heritage Farm Management, LLC, Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Number: 220-091-022-000 Record Number
The Planning Commission is considering approving a Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit for Humboldt Heritage Farm Management, LLC to cultivate cannabis on their property in the Ettersburg area. The project includes outdoor cultivation, water storage, power sources, employee limit, and development within a Streamside Management Area. They need to meet certain conditions for approval. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and consulted with tribal groups. The project is also within the limits set by the county for permits and acres of cultivation in the area.
— LoCOBot
… or, as Star Trek fan fiction!

As the USS Enterprise entered the Humboldt sector of space, Captain Kathryn Janeway reviewed the latest briefing from Starfleet Command. The crew had been tasked with exploring a newly discovered planet in the Ettersburg area of the County of Humboldt. The planet was known for its unique ecological systems and the presence of a local civilization known as the Humboldt Heritage Farm Management, LLC.
Upon arriving in orbit around the planet, the crew of the Enterprise began scanning the surface for signs of life. They detected a series of agricultural structures, specifically greenhouses and water storage facilities. Curious about this civilization’s methods of cultivation, Captain Janeway decided to beam down to the surface with a small away team.
As they materialized near the main cultivation site, they were greeted by Nocona Mendes, the manager of the Humboldt Heritage Farm Management. Nocona explained to Captain Janeway and her team the importance of their work in growing and harvesting various plants for medicinal purposes.
During their conversation, Nocona mentioned the challenges they faced with water usage and energy sources. Captain Janeway, impressed by their dedication to sustainable practices, offered the assistance of the Enterprise’s engineers to help transition to renewable energy sources.
As they continued their tour of the farm, Captain Janeway and her team learned about the tribal consultation process that Nocona had initiated with the local indigenous tribes. The crew of the Enterprise was able to offer their expertise in cultural heritage preservation and support the farm’s efforts to protect the environment.
Before leaving the planet, Captain Janeway presented Nocona Mendes with a small token of appreciation on behalf of Starfleet, a plaque commemorating their partnership in sustainable agriculture and resource management.
As the Enterprise set course for its next mission, Captain Janeway couldn’t help but feel a sense of fulfillment in knowing that they had made a positive impact in the County of Humboldt, even if it was just a small gesture in the vastness of space. The crew of the Enterprise would always remember their encounter with the Humboldt Heritage Farm Management, LLC, and the lessons they had learned about harmony between nature and civilization.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval 12076 • Attachment 1B - Culivation and Operations Plan and Addendums • Attachment 1C - Site Plan • Attachment 2 - Location Maps • Attachment 3 - CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4 - Applicant's Evidence • Attachment 4A - Right to Divert and Use Water • Attachment 4B - Site Management Plan • Attachment 4C - Streambed Alteration Agreement • Attachment 4D - Less than 3 Acre Conversion Exemption • Attachment 4E - Road Evaluation Form • Attachment 5 - Referral Agency Comments • Attachment 5A - 12076_ref_Building Inspection • Attachment 5B - 12076_ref_DEH • Attachment 5C - 12076_ref_PublicWorks • Attachment 5D - 12076_ref_CalFire • Attachment 5E - 10276 ref CDFW12.05.2024 • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
1. HumSun 3, LLC Conditional Use Permit and Special Permit Assessor Parcel Numbers: Portion of 217-051-001, portion of 217-052-001, portion of 217-053-002, portion of 217-055-002, portion of 217-056-001, 217-061-001, 217-062-003, 217-213-003, 217-214-001, and 217-253-001 (one separate legal parcel) Record Number
The County of Humboldt is having a meeting to discuss granting a permit for a new commercial cannabis cultivation project. The project involves building greenhouses and other structures for cultivation activities on a 3.1-acre parcel of land in the Blocksburg area. The project also includes plans for water storage tanks, employee hiring, energy use, and environmental impact assessments. The meeting will determine whether the project can go ahead based on compliance with regulations and recommendations. The project has been reviewed for environmental impact and consultation with local tribes regarding cultural resources. The meeting will also address concerns about wetland impacts, riparian areas, and drainage. If approved, the project will have to follow certain conditions and mitigations.
— LoCOBot

In the County of Humboldt, on 2/6/2025,
A meeting was called for a special permit to thrive.
HumSun 3, LLC sought to cultivate cannabis so fine,
On 3.1 acres of land, under the sunshine.
The Planning Commission gathered to discuss,
The proposal for greenhouses and processing thus.
With wells and tanks to store water for the plants,
And solar energy to power the whole expanse.
A nursery for drying, curing, and propagation too,
Eight full-time employees and more when in full view.
Conditions were approved, the project was set to start,
Bringing jobs and growth to the Blocksburg heart.
With wetland impacts and cultural resources in mind,
The project moved forward with approval to find.
A resolution was adopted, the future was bright,
For HumSun 3, LLC, under the Humboldt County light.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval • Attachment 1B - Mitigation Measures, Monitoring, and Reporting Program • Attachment 1C - Cultivation and Operations Manual • Attachment 1D - Site Plans • Attachment 2 - Location Map • Attachment 3 - Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration and Appendices • Attachment 4 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings • Attachment 5 - CEQA Circulation Comments • Attachment 6 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations • Attachment 7 - Williamson Act Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2018 • Attachment 8 - Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS-HUM-47015-R1 • Attachment 9 - Watershed Map
2. Humboldt Exotics, LLC: Zone Reclassification for an Indoor Cultivation Q-Qualified Combining Zone and Text Amendment to the Commercial Cannabis Land Use Ordinance for Business Park (MB) Zones. Assessor Parcel Numbers: 223-311-010, 223-311-011, 223-311-012, 223-311-043, 223-311-035, 223-311-030, and 223-311-029 Record No.
The County of Humboldt is considering a proposal from Humboldt Exotics, LLC to change the zoning laws to allow indoor cannabis cultivation in a specific area known as the Redway Business Park. The proposal includes performance standards for water usage, energy, and odor control. The Planning Commission is recommending the reclassification of seven parcels to allow for this change. The proposal has been reviewed environmentally and has received support from the Redway Community Services District. The goal is to create opportunities for indoor cannabis cultivation without negative environmental effects.
— LoCOBot

(Verse 1)
In the County of Humboldt, where the grass grows green
There’s a plan for cultivation, like you’ve never seen
Indoor cultivation, in the Redway Business Park
Bringing joy and prosperity, lighting up the dark
Humboldt Exotics, LLC, changing the game
Zone reclassification, bringing fortune and fame
Indoor Cultivation Q, a dream come true
In the heart of Redway, where the sky is blue
(Verse 2)
From Barnett Road to Evergreen, the growth will rise
Seven parcels, a new beginning, reaching for the skies
Performance standards set, for water and power
Odor control in place, every minute, every hour
Humboldt Exotics, LLC, changing the game
Zone reclassification, bringing fortune and fame
Indoor Cultivation Q, a dream come true
In the heart of Redway, where the sky is blue
The Board of Supervisors, giving their nod
To the resolution, for the land to be trod
Evergreen Exotics, LLC leading the way
In the County of Humboldt, where dreams stay
Humboldt Exotics, LLC, changing the game
Zone reclassification, bringing fortune and fame
Indoor Cultivation Q, a dream come true
In the heart of Redway, where the sky is blue
So let’s raise a toast, to Humboldt’s new song
Where cannabis cultivation, in Redway belongs
A bright future ahead, in the County of Humboldt
Indoor Cultivation Q, a story to be told!
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - DRAFT Resolution • Attachment 1A - DRAFT 18206 Q Zone Ordinance • Attachment 1B - DRAFT 18206 CCLUO Text Amendment Ordinance • Attachment 2 - 18206 Location Map • Attachment 3 - 18206 CEQA Addendum • Attachment 4A - 18206 Letter of Support from RCSD • Attachment 4B - 18206 Landowner Consent for Activities • Attachment 5 - 18206 Referral Agency Comments • Attachment 5A - 18206 PGE Response No Impact • Attachment 6 - Watershed Map
3. Mazzanti Special Permit for Short-Term Rental Record No.
The Planning and Building Department in Humboldt County is considering a Special Permit for a Short-Term Rental in the Trinidad area. The permit is needed because the concentration of Short-Term Rentals on Alder Lane would exceed the allowed limit without it. The property is currently a single-family residence with on-site water and power. The owners plan to live in the residence full-time in the future. The permit is also needed because the road width does not meet the required standards. The staff recommends approval of the permit, as it is not expected to have negative effects on the neighborhood or the area.
— LoCOBot

On the land o’ Humboldt County fair,
Where the Mazzanti’s seek a permit rare,
For a Short-Term Rental in Trinidad town,
Seekin’ approval from the Commission’s crown.
The neighborhood concentration they exceed,
Tae bring their plans tae seventy-five percent indeed,
The road’s narrow, but the plan’s in place,
Wi’ a caretaker tae oversee the space.
A single-family home, a garage near,
Wi’ water, power, and septic clear,
No private parties, no gatherings loud,
Just a peaceful retreat, the Commission’s proud.
The staff recommends approval, ye see,
For the Mazzanti’s, a place tae be,
In Trinidad area, where they plan tae retire,
In five years’ time, by the warming fire.
The road’s width may not meet the rule,
But the permit can grant an exception cool,
For safety’s sake, and traffic light,
Wi’ plenty space for vehicles in sight.
In land o’ Humboldt, by the sea,
The Mazzanti’s find a place tae be,
A Short-Term Rental, a home away,
Approved by the Commission this day.
So let us toast, in Scottish cheer,
Tae the Mazzanti’s, may they find joy here,
In Humboldt County, where dreams come true,
Wi’ the Planning Commission’s approval due.
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution 19112 • Attachment 1A - Conditions of Approval 19112 • Attachment 1B - Project Information 19112 • Attachment 1C - Site Plan 19112 • Attachment 2 - Location Map 19112 • Attachment 3 - Applicant’s Evidence in Support of the Required Findings 19112 • Attachment 4 - Referral Agency Comments and Recommendations 19112 • Attachment 4A - PW Response 19112
4. Amendment to Short Term Rental Ordinance Assessor Parcel Numbers (APN) 000-000-000 Record No.
The county of Humboldt is proposing changes to the Short Term Rental Ordinance to clarify regulations regarding certain types of rental properties in different zones. The changes are minor and aim to align the ordinance with the county’s original objectives. The Planning Commission is recommended to adopt the proposed amendments. The changes include clarifications on road standards, allowances for rentals in agricultural zones, and limitations on the concentration of rental properties in neighborhoods. The proposed amendments have been reviewed for environmental impact and are not subject to further review. The Coastal Zone version of the ordinance is not yet certified but can incorporate these changes in the future. The project has been reviewed by County Counsel and Public Works. The Planning Commission has the option to modify the proposed amendments based on public input and discussion.
— LoCOBot
… or, as a Rodney Dangerfield joke!

“I tell ya, I went to a meeting in Humboldt County once. They were talking about changing the Short Term Rental Ordinance. I asked if they could change it to allow me to rent a place for longer than a weekend - I need more time to annoy the neighbors!”
— LoCOBot
Staff Report • Attachment 1 - Draft Resolution (Inland & Coastal) 2025 Modification • Attachment 1A - Proposed Modifications to the Inland Short term Rental Ordinance • Attachment 1B - Proposed Modifications to the Coastal Short-term rental ordinance • Attachment 2 - Existing Short Term Rental Ordinance - Humboldt County Code Section 314-60