LoCOBot / @ 3:25 p.m. / Agendizer

Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
May 15, 2023, 1 p.m.




1. Informational County Department Reports for Fiscal Year 2023-24

The County of Humboldt will be holding informational meetings with various county departments to discuss core services and budget requests for the upcoming fiscal year. These meetings were not held during the COVID-19 pandemic but were reinstated last year. This year, departments will report on core services, innovative approaches to service delivery, department challenges, goals and accomplishments, and any anticipated additional appropriations requests. These meetings will allow for public participation and discussion before the budget hearings in early June. These meetings do not have a major financial or staffing impact and are supported by the County’s strategic framework.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Twitter thread!

(Thread) #HumboldtCounty’s Board of Supervisors will be holding an informational meeting on May 15, 2023 at 1:00 pm to receive staff reports from various county departments for the Fiscal Year 2023-24. This will be an opportunity for the departments to present their core services, innovative approaches to service delivery, challenges, goals, accomplishments, and any anticipated additional appropriation requests. #HumboldtCountyBoardOfSupervisors #FY2023-24

The departments that will be presenting on May 15th are Assessor, Aviation, Child Support Services, District Attorney, Probation, Clerk, Recorder and Elections, Planning & Building, Human Resources, Agricultural Commissioner, and Public Defender. These meetings were reinstated last year after they were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. #COVID19 #Meeting #Postponed

As with last year, staff and the Board are working hard to close another General Fund budget deficit. Many non-General Fund departments are facing similar challenges in closing the gap between anticipated revenues and expenditures. The FY 2023-24 projected preliminary General Fund deficit of $12.9 million is primarily due to one-time American Rescue Plan Act dollars for ongoing salary & benefit expenditures in FY 2022-23, county-wide salary increases, and projected reductions in sales tax revenues. #BudgetDeficit #ARPA #Revenues

Departments have been instructed to limit additional General Fund appropriation requests to those which prevent layoffs. This action supports areas of the Board’s Strategic Framework to manage resources to ensure sustainability of services and provide community-appropriate levels of service. #BoardFramework #CommunityService

The County of Humboldt’s Board of Supervisors has recommended that the meeting be continued to May 22, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. The departments presenting on that day are County Counsel, UC Cooperative Extension, Treasurer-Tax Collector, Auditor-Controller, County Administrative Office, Library, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Works, and Sheriff’s Office. #ContinuedMeeting #CountyDepartments

There is limited financial and staffing impact associated with receiving informational reports from county departments, as the staff costs are incorporated into the FY 2022-23 budget, and staff and department heads plan to be available for these meetings. #FinancialImpact #StaffingImpact

We hope this thread provides a better understanding of the upcoming informational meeting of Humboldt County’s Board of Supervisors. Stay tuned for more updates. #HumboldtCountyUpdates #InformativeMeeting

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportAdditional General Fund Appropriation Requests Form 23-24 Dept Presentations

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