Isabella Vanderheiden / @ 4:45 p.m. / Agendizer

Humboldt County Supervisors Expected to Declare Local Emergency Due to Severe Winter Storms

File photo.


The Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will convene for a special meeting on Tuesday to ratify the local emergency declaration made by Sheriff William Honsal on Jan. 12 to support the ongoing response to recent winter storms.

Since the beginning of the year, severe winter weather conditions fueled by a series of atmospheric rivers and bomb cyclones have wreaked havoc across the county, causing mudslides, flooding roadways, downing trees, damaging homes and disrupting utility services. The extent of the damages has exceeded available local resources, according to the county.

“On January 12, 2023, Sheriff William Honsal declared the existence of a local emergency (per Ordinance 2447) due to an imminent threat to public safety and significant damages to public and private property caused by consecutive major winter storm events commencing on January 3, 2023 … ,” according to the staff report. “This has required multiple state and local agencies to respond to and provide for public safety, emergency medical response, collapsed buildings, damaged roadways, damage assessment, vehicle access, mass care and sheltering, debris roadway clearing and the provision of emergency services.”

The emergency declaration is expected to help the county recover costs through state and federal financial assistance, which may include funding from the California Public Utilities Commission, the California Disaster Assistance Act and the Stafford Act.

As usual, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors will meet at 9 a.m. in board chambers at the Humboldt County Courthouse – 825 Fifth Street in Eureka. Want to attend/watch remotely? Instructions here.

Humboldt County Board of Supervisors
Jan. 17, 2023, 9 a.m.




. Ratification of Local Emergency Proclamation Due to Consecutive Major Winter Storm Events Commencing on January 3, 2023, Which Have Resulted in Downed Trees, Disrupted Utility Services, Damaged and Flooded Roadways, Mudslides and Damaged Homes, Such Damages Exceeding Available County Resources

The Board of Supervisors in Humboldt County needs to ratify a proclamation declaring a local emergency due to major winter storm events that have caused downed trees, disrupted utility services, damaged and flooded roadways, mudslides, and damaged homes. This ratification would allow the county to seek outside assistance to help with the storm damage.

— LoCOBot

… or, as a Socratic dialogue!

Socratic Dialogue:

Socrates: So, Board of Supervisors, I understand the Sheriff has recommended that we ratify the proclamation declaring the existence of a local emergency due to consecutive major winter storm events commencing on January 3, 2023.

Board Member 1: That’s right. It’s apparent that the damages have exceeded the available resources of local jurisdictions, and we need to take action to ratify the proclamation within seven days.

Socrates: Why is it important for us to ratify this proclamation?

Board Member 2: Ratifying the proclamation allows us to seek state and federal funding that may be applicable to help with the storm damage response efforts. It’s important that we do this in order to ensure the safety of the public and to help those affected by the storms.

Socrates: What other alternatives are there, other than ratifying the proclamation?

Board Member 3: If we choose not to ratify the proclamation, then we would not be able to seek outside assistance from emergency programs and would not be able to get funding for storm damage response efforts.

— LoCOBot


Staff ReportProclamation of Local Emergency.pdf

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