
5 felonies, 17 misdemeanors, 0 infractions

This page notes the names of those processed by the Humboldt County Jail, or into a supervised release program, at the date and time indicated. As always, please remember that people should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Name Agency Type Charges Time
RICHARD PATRICK BENNETT EPD Arrest or Detention PC1203.2(a), Resisting Arrest, Public Intoxication Yesterday, 6:03 a.m.
GREGORY LEONARD GONZALEZ EPD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication, PC290.018(b), PC3000.08(c), HS11364(a), Resisting Arrest Yesterday, 7:03 a.m.
ALEX KADOSHNIKOV APD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 9:07 a.m.
PABLO IVAN VASQUEZ-SANCHEZ HCSO Court Remand VC23152(b) Yesterday, 9:55 a.m.
RYAN HOWARD HILL HCSO Arrest or Detention PC3455(a), HS11357(a), PC1203.2(a)(2), Possession of Controlled Substance Yesterday, 10:50 a.m.
AMI LEE MOUR APD Bench Warrant PC1203.2(a), PC240, Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Controlled Substance Yesterday, 11:20 a.m.
JAMES ROBERT STRONG HCSO Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 11:51 a.m.
DANE HAROLD LAWRENCE EPD Arrest or Detention PC1203.2(a), Possession of Controlled Substance, Public Intoxication Yesterday, 12:20 p.m.
BRENDON MORGAN JONES APD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 12:40 p.m.
ALEXANDRIA MICHELLE WHITE EPD Arrest or Detention EM130.14(C)(1) Yesterday, 1:45 p.m.
FORREST SMITH EPD Arrest or Detention EM130.14(C)(1) Yesterday, 1:45 p.m.
JEFFREY ROSS FUSON APD Arrest or Detention Resisting Arrest, Public Intoxication Yesterday, 2 p.m.
CURTIS DANIEL SMITH EPD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication, PC69 Yesterday, 4:51 p.m.
CECIL ELSWORTH ELIOTT APD Bench Warrant HS11364(a), Possession of Controlled Substance, HS11350(a), Petty Theft Yesterday, 7:46 p.m.
AMBER LYNN FRIEND EPD Bench Warrant PC273A(B), PC136.1(b)(1), PC1203.2(A) Yesterday, 8:16 p.m.
PAIGE MARIE STAHL CHP Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Yesterday, 8:41 p.m.
CHANDLER RAIN MROTZEK OTHER Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 9:40 p.m.
CRAIG ANTHONY FUNK CHP Arrest or Detention PC1203.2(a), PC245(a)(1) Yesterday, 10:11 p.m.
MICHAEL GLEN MOSS EPD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 10:14 p.m.
NICHOLAS IVAN MARMOLEJO HCSO Arrest or Detention PC594(a)(2)(A) Today, 2:11 a.m.
CHRISTOPHER GUTIERREZ APD Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Today, 2:58 a.m.
DAVID AHUMADA APD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Today, 2:58 a.m.
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