Tuesday, Feb. 11:
7 felonies, 10 misdemeanors, 0 infractions
This page notes the names of those processed by the Humboldt County Jail, or into a supervised release program, at the date and time indicated. As always, please remember that people should be considered innocent until proven guilty.
Name | Agency | Type | Charges | Time |
ROBERT WILLIAM MILLER | APD | Arrest or Detention | PC290.011(a), PC290.011(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 7:06 a.m. |
PC290.011(a)Police case #: CRCR2301894 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 9. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON INVOLVING SEXUAL ASSAULT, AND CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY AND GOOD MORALS [261. - 368.5.]( Heading of Title 9 amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1111, Sec. 2. )CHAPTER 5.5. Sex Offenders [290. - 294.]( Chapter 5.5 heading added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 337, Sec. 10. )
290.011.Every person who is required to register pursuant to the act who is living as a transient shall be required to register for the rest of his or her life as follows:(a) He or she shall register, or reregister if the person has previously registered, within five working days from release from incarceration, placement or commitment, or release on probation, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 290, except that if the person previously registered as a transient less than 30 days from the date of his or her release from incarceration, he or she does not need to reregister as a transient until his or her next required 30-day update of registration. If a transient convicted in another jurisdiction enters the state, he or she shall register within five working days of coming into California with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is present or the sheriff of the county if he or she is present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department. If a transient is not physically present in any one jurisdiction for five consecutive working days, he or she shall register in the jurisdiction in which he or she is physically present on the fifth working day following release, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 290. Beginning on or before the 30th day following initial registration upon release, a transient shall reregister no less than once every 30 days thereafter. A transient shall register with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is physically present within that 30-day period, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is physically present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, and additionally, with the chief of police of a campus of the University of California, the California State University, or community college if he or she is physically present upon the campus or in any of its facilities. A transient shall reregister no less than once every 30 days regardless of the length of time he or she has been physically present in the particular jurisdiction in which he or she reregisters. If a transient fails to reregister within any 30-day period, he or she may be prosecuted in any jurisdiction in which he or she is physically present. (b) A transient who moves to a residence shall have five working days within which to register at that address, in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 290. A person registered at a residence address in accordance with that provision who becomes transient shall have five working days within which to reregister as a transient in accordance with subdivision (a). (c) Beginning on his or her first birthday following registration, a transient shall register annually, within five working days of his or her birthday, to update his or her registration with the entities described in subdivision (a). A transient shall register in whichever jurisdiction he or she is physically present on that date. At the 30-day updates and the annual update, a transient shall provide current information as required on the Department of Justice annual update form, including the information described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 290.015, and the information specified in subdivision (d). (d) A transient shall, upon registration and reregistration, provide current information as required on the Department of Justice registration forms, and shall also list the places where he or she sleeps, eats, works, frequents, and engages in leisure activities. If a transient changes or adds to the places listed on the form during the 30-day period, he or she does not need to report the new place or places until the next required reregistration. (e) Failure to comply with the requirement of reregistering every 30 days following initial registration pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be punished in accordance with subdivision (g) of Section 290.018. Failure to comply with any other requirement of this section shall be punished in accordance with either subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 290.018. (f) A transient who moves out of state shall inform, in person, the chief of police in the city in which he or she is physically present, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is physically present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, within five working days, of his or her move out of state. The transient shall inform that registering agency of his or her planned destination, residence or transient location out of state, and any plans he or she has to return to California, if known. The law enforcement agency shall, within three days after receipt of this information, forward a copy of the change of location information to the Department of Justice. The department shall forward appropriate registration data to the law enforcement agency having local jurisdiction of the new place of residence or location. (g) For purposes of the act, “transient” means a person who has no residence. “Residence” means one or more addresses at which a person regularly resides, regardless of the number of days or nights spent there, such as a shelter or structure that can be located by a street address, including, but not limited to, houses, apartment buildings, motels, hotels, homeless shelters, and recreational and other vehicles. (h) The transient registrant’s duty to update his or her registration no less than every 30 days shall begin with his or her second transient update following the date this section became effective. (Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 328, Sec. 153. Effective January 1, 2011.) |
PC290.011(a)Police case #: 25-0341 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 9. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON INVOLVING SEXUAL ASSAULT, AND CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY AND GOOD MORALS [261. - 368.5.]( Heading of Title 9 amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1111, Sec. 2. )CHAPTER 5.5. Sex Offenders [290. - 294.]( Chapter 5.5 heading added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 337, Sec. 10. )
290.011.Every person who is required to register pursuant to the act who is living as a transient shall be required to register for the rest of his or her life as follows:(a) He or she shall register, or reregister if the person has previously registered, within five working days from release from incarceration, placement or commitment, or release on probation, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 290, except that if the person previously registered as a transient less than 30 days from the date of his or her release from incarceration, he or she does not need to reregister as a transient until his or her next required 30-day update of registration. If a transient convicted in another jurisdiction enters the state, he or she shall register within five working days of coming into California with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is present or the sheriff of the county if he or she is present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department. If a transient is not physically present in any one jurisdiction for five consecutive working days, he or she shall register in the jurisdiction in which he or she is physically present on the fifth working day following release, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 290. Beginning on or before the 30th day following initial registration upon release, a transient shall reregister no less than once every 30 days thereafter. A transient shall register with the chief of police of the city in which he or she is physically present within that 30-day period, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is physically present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, and additionally, with the chief of police of a campus of the University of California, the California State University, or community college if he or she is physically present upon the campus or in any of its facilities. A transient shall reregister no less than once every 30 days regardless of the length of time he or she has been physically present in the particular jurisdiction in which he or she reregisters. If a transient fails to reregister within any 30-day period, he or she may be prosecuted in any jurisdiction in which he or she is physically present. (b) A transient who moves to a residence shall have five working days within which to register at that address, in accordance with subdivision (b) of Section 290. A person registered at a residence address in accordance with that provision who becomes transient shall have five working days within which to reregister as a transient in accordance with subdivision (a). (c) Beginning on his or her first birthday following registration, a transient shall register annually, within five working days of his or her birthday, to update his or her registration with the entities described in subdivision (a). A transient shall register in whichever jurisdiction he or she is physically present on that date. At the 30-day updates and the annual update, a transient shall provide current information as required on the Department of Justice annual update form, including the information described in paragraphs (1) to (3), inclusive, of subdivision (a) of Section 290.015, and the information specified in subdivision (d). (d) A transient shall, upon registration and reregistration, provide current information as required on the Department of Justice registration forms, and shall also list the places where he or she sleeps, eats, works, frequents, and engages in leisure activities. If a transient changes or adds to the places listed on the form during the 30-day period, he or she does not need to report the new place or places until the next required reregistration. (e) Failure to comply with the requirement of reregistering every 30 days following initial registration pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be punished in accordance with subdivision (g) of Section 290.018. Failure to comply with any other requirement of this section shall be punished in accordance with either subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 290.018. (f) A transient who moves out of state shall inform, in person, the chief of police in the city in which he or she is physically present, or the sheriff of the county if he or she is physically present in an unincorporated area or city that has no police department, within five working days, of his or her move out of state. The transient shall inform that registering agency of his or her planned destination, residence or transient location out of state, and any plans he or she has to return to California, if known. The law enforcement agency shall, within three days after receipt of this information, forward a copy of the change of location information to the Department of Justice. The department shall forward appropriate registration data to the law enforcement agency having local jurisdiction of the new place of residence or location. (g) For purposes of the act, “transient” means a person who has no residence. “Residence” means one or more addresses at which a person regularly resides, regardless of the number of days or nights spent there, such as a shelter or structure that can be located by a street address, including, but not limited to, houses, apartment buildings, motels, hotels, homeless shelters, and recreational and other vehicles. (h) The transient registrant’s duty to update his or her registration no less than every 30 days shall begin with his or her second transient update following the date this section became effective. (Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 328, Sec. 153. Effective January 1, 2011.) |
TYLER WILLIAM ABBOTT | EPD | Bench Warrant | Possession of Controlled Substance | Monday, Feb. 10, 8 a.m. |
HS11377(a)Police case #: 25-000574 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 5. Offenses Involving Controlled Substances Formerly Classified as Restricted Dangerous Drugs [11377. - 11382.5.]( Heading of Article 5 amended by Stats. 1973, Ch. 1078. )
11377.(a) Except as authorized by law and as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) or Section 11375, or in Article 7 (commencing with Section 4211) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, every person who possesses any controlled substance which is (1) classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, and which is not a narcotic drug, (2) specified in subdivision (d) of Section 11054, except paragraphs (13), (14), (15), and (20) of subdivision (d), (3) specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (c) of Section 11056, (4) specified in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, or (5) specified in subdivision (d), (e), or (f) of Section 11055, unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian, licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code.(b) (1) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, and who has not previously been convicted of a violation involving a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (2) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (g) of Section 11056 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (3) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (7) or (8) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (4) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (8) of subdivision (f) of Section 11057 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (c) In addition to any fine assessed under subdivision (b), the judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against any person who violates subdivision (a), with the proceeds of this fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23 of the Penal Code. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant’s ability to pay, and no defendant shall be denied probation because of his or her inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 15, Sec. 171. Effective April 4, 2011. Operative October 1, 2011, by Sec. 636 of Ch. 15, as amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 39, Sec. 68.) |
WESLEY LAVERN EVANS | HCSO | Arrest or Detention | PC187(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 11:22 a.m. |
PC187(a)Police case #: 25RW00042 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 8. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON [187. - 248.]( Title 8 enacted 1872. )CHAPTER 1. Homicide [187. - 199.]( Chapter 1 enacted 1872. )
187.(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.(b) This section shall not apply to any person who commits an act that results in the death of a fetus if any of the following apply: (1) The act complied with the Therapeutic Abortion Act, Article 2 (commencing with Section 123400) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code. (2) The act was committed by a holder of a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate, as defined in the Business and Professions Code, in a case where, to a medical certainty, the result of childbirth would be death of the mother of the fetus or where her death from childbirth, although not medically certain, would be substantially certain or more likely than not. (3) The act was solicited, aided, abetted, or consented to by the mother of the fetus. (c) Subdivision (b) shall not be construed to prohibit the prosecution of any person under any other provision of law. (Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 1023, Sec. 385. Effective September 29, 1996.) |
JESSICA LEA THERRES | HCSO | Arrest or Detention | HS11364, Possession of Controlled Substance, HS11366 | Monday, Feb. 10, 11:22 a.m. |
HS11364Police case #: 202500594 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 4. Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions [11364. - 11376.]( Article 4 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )
11364.(a) It is unlawful to possess an opium pipe or any device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia used for unlawfully injecting or smoking (1) a controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in paragraph (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055, or (2) a controlled substance which is a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V.(b) This section shall not apply to hypodermic needles or syringes that have been containerized for safe disposal in a container that meets state and federal standards for disposal of sharps waste. (c) Pursuant to authorization by a county, with respect to all of the territory within the county, or a city, with respect to the territory within in the city, for the period commencing January 1, 2005, and ending December 31, 2018, subdivision (a) shall not apply to the possession solely for personal use of 10 or fewer hypodermic needles or syringes if acquired from an authorized source. (d) This section shall be inoperative until January 1, 2015. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 738, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 2012. Amendment makes this section inoperative from January 1, 2012, until January 1, 2015. During inoperation of this section, see related provisions in Section 11364.1 and Section 4149.5.) |
HS11377(a)Police case #: 202500594 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 5. Offenses Involving Controlled Substances Formerly Classified as Restricted Dangerous Drugs [11377. - 11382.5.]( Heading of Article 5 amended by Stats. 1973, Ch. 1078. )
11377.(a) Except as authorized by law and as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) or Section 11375, or in Article 7 (commencing with Section 4211) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, every person who possesses any controlled substance which is (1) classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, and which is not a narcotic drug, (2) specified in subdivision (d) of Section 11054, except paragraphs (13), (14), (15), and (20) of subdivision (d), (3) specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (c) of Section 11056, (4) specified in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, or (5) specified in subdivision (d), (e), or (f) of Section 11055, unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian, licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code.(b) (1) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, and who has not previously been convicted of a violation involving a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (2) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (g) of Section 11056 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (3) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (7) or (8) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (4) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (8) of subdivision (f) of Section 11057 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (c) In addition to any fine assessed under subdivision (b), the judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against any person who violates subdivision (a), with the proceeds of this fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23 of the Penal Code. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant’s ability to pay, and no defendant shall be denied probation because of his or her inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 15, Sec. 171. Effective April 4, 2011. Operative October 1, 2011, by Sec. 636 of Ch. 15, as amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 39, Sec. 68.) |
HS11366Police case #: 202500594 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 4. Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions [11364. - 11376.]( Article 4 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )
11366.Every person who opens or maintains any place for the purpose of unlawfully selling, giving away, or using any controlled substance which is (1) specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in paragraph (13), (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, or specified in subdivision (b), (c), paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (d), or paragraph (3) of subdivision (e) of Section 11055, or (2) which is a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than one year or the state prison. (Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 492, Sec. 1.) |
NATHANAEL PAUL YOUNG | APD | Arrest or Detention | PC21310, Resisting Arrest, VC21200(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 11:29 a.m. |
PC21310Police case #: 25-0343 Penal Code - PENPART 6. CONTROL OF DEADLY WEAPONS [16000. - 34370.]( Part 6 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. )TITLE 3. WEAPONS AND DEVICES OTHER THAN FIREARMS [19910. - 23025.]( Title 3 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. )DIVISION 5. KNIVES AND SIMILAR WEAPONS [20200. - 21590.]( Division 5 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. )CHAPTER 4. Dirk or Dagger [21310. - 21390.]( Chapter 4 added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 711, Sec. 6. )
21310.Except as provided in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 17700) of Division 2 of Title 2, any person in this state who carries concealed upon the person any dirk or dagger is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year or imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. (Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 43, Sec. 94. Effective June 27, 2012.) |
PC148(a)(1)Police case #: 25-0343 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 7. OF CRIMES AGAINST PUBLIC JUSTICE [92. - 186.33.]( Title 7 enacted 1872. )CHAPTER 7. Other Offenses Against Public Justice [142. - 181.]( Chapter 7 enacted 1872. )
148.(a) (1) Every person who willfully resists, delays, or obstructs any public officer, peace officer, or an emergency medical technician, as defined in Division 2.5 (commencing with Section 1797) of the Health and Safety Code, in the discharge or attempt to discharge any duty of his or her office or employment, when no other punishment is prescribed, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment.(2) Except as provided by subdivision (d) of Section 653t, every person who knowingly and maliciously interrupts, disrupts, impedes, or otherwise interferes with the transmission of a communication over a public safety radio frequency shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both that fine and imprisonment. (b) Every person who, during the commission of any offense described in subdivision (a), removes or takes any weapon, other than a firearm, from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. (c) Every person who, during the commission of any offense described in subdivision (a), removes or takes a firearm from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer shall be punished by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. (d) Except as provided in subdivision (c) and notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 489, every person who removes or takes without intent to permanently deprive, or who attempts to remove or take a firearm from the person of, or immediate presence of, a public officer or peace officer, while the officer is engaged in the performance of his or her lawful duties, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail not to exceed one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170. In order to prove a violation of this subdivision, the prosecution shall establish that the defendant had the specific intent to remove or take the firearm by demonstrating that any of the following direct, but ineffectual, acts occurred: (1) The officer’s holster strap was unfastened by the defendant. (2) The firearm was partially removed from the officer’s holster by the defendant. (3) The firearm safety was released by the defendant. (4) An independent witness corroborates that the defendant stated that he or she intended to remove the firearm and the defendant actually touched the firearm. (5) An independent witness corroborates that the defendant actually had his or her hand on the firearm and tried to take the firearm away from the officer who was holding it. (6) The defendant’s fingerprint was found on the firearm or holster. (7) Physical evidence authenticated by a scientifically verifiable procedure established that the defendant touched the firearm. (8) In the course of any struggle, the officer’s firearm fell and the defendant attempted to pick it up. (e) A person shall not be convicted of a violation of subdivision (a) in addition to a conviction of a violation of subdivision (b), (c), or (d) when the resistance, delay, or obstruction, and the removal or taking of the weapon or firearm or attempt thereof, was committed against the same public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician. A person may be convicted of multiple violations of this section if more than one public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician are victims. (f) This section shall not apply if the public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician is disarmed while engaged in a criminal act. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 15, Sec. 258. Effective April 4, 2011. Operative October 1, 2011, by Sec. 636 of Ch. 15, as amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 39, Sec. 68.) |
VC21200(a)Police case #: 25-0343 No information. |
KATELYNN MEADOW BIENIEK | HCSO | Bench Warrant | VC23152(b), VC23578 | Monday, Feb. 10, 12:29 p.m. |
VC23152(b)Police case #: CRCR2400469 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |
VC23578Police case #: CRCR2400469 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11.5. SENTENCING FOR DRIVING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE [23500. - 23702.]( Division 11.5 added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 118, Sec. 84. )CHAPTER 2. Court Penalties [23530. - 23598.]( Chapter 2 added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 118, Sec. 84. )ARTICLE 5. Additional Penalties and Sanctions [23575. - 23582.]( Article 5 added by Stats. 1998, Ch. 118, Sec. 84. )
23578.In addition to any other provision of this code, if a person is convicted of a violation of Section 23152 or 23153, the court shall consider a concentration of alcohol in the person’s blood of 0.15 percent or more, by weight, or the refusal of the person to take a chemical test, as a special factor that may justify enhancing the penalties in sentencing, in determining whether to grant probation, and, if probation is granted, in determining additional or enhanced terms and conditions of probation. (Amended by Stats. 2005, Ch. 89, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2006.) |
SAMUEL TERRY ASHLEY | HCSO | Ramey Warrant | PC187(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 2:21 p.m. |
PC187(a)Police case #: 25RW00041 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 8. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PERSON [187. - 248.]( Title 8 enacted 1872. )CHAPTER 1. Homicide [187. - 199.]( Chapter 1 enacted 1872. )
187.(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.(b) This section shall not apply to any person who commits an act that results in the death of a fetus if any of the following apply: (1) The act complied with the Therapeutic Abortion Act, Article 2 (commencing with Section 123400) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 106 of the Health and Safety Code. (2) The act was committed by a holder of a physician’s and surgeon’s certificate, as defined in the Business and Professions Code, in a case where, to a medical certainty, the result of childbirth would be death of the mother of the fetus or where her death from childbirth, although not medically certain, would be substantially certain or more likely than not. (3) The act was solicited, aided, abetted, or consented to by the mother of the fetus. (c) Subdivision (b) shall not be construed to prohibit the prosecution of any person under any other provision of law. (Amended by Stats. 1996, Ch. 1023, Sec. 385. Effective September 29, 1996.) |
DELISSE LALEE BEMIS | EPD | Arrest or Detention | HS11364(a), Possession of Controlled Substance, HS11395, PC602(o)(1) | Monday, Feb. 10, 2:35 p.m. |
HS11364(a)Police case #: 25-000578 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 4. Miscellaneous Offenses and Provisions [11364. - 11376.]( Article 4 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )
11364.(a) It is unlawful to possess an opium pipe or any device, contrivance, instrument, or paraphernalia used for unlawfully injecting or smoking (1) a controlled substance specified in subdivision (b), (c), or (e), or paragraph (1) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, specified in paragraph (14), (15), or (20) of subdivision (d) of Section 11054, specified in subdivision (b) or (c) of Section 11055, or specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055, or (2) a controlled substance which is a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V.(b) This section shall not apply to hypodermic needles or syringes that have been containerized for safe disposal in a container that meets state and federal standards for disposal of sharps waste. (c) Pursuant to authorization by a county, with respect to all of the territory within the county, or a city, with respect to the territory within in the city, for the period commencing January 1, 2005, and ending December 31, 2018, subdivision (a) shall not apply to the possession solely for personal use of 10 or fewer hypodermic needles or syringes if acquired from an authorized source. (d) This section shall be inoperative until January 1, 2015. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 738, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 2012. Amendment makes this section inoperative from January 1, 2012, until January 1, 2015. During inoperation of this section, see related provisions in Section 11364.1 and Section 4149.5.) |
HS11377(a)Police case #: 25-000578 Health and Safety Code - HSCDIVISION 10. UNIFORM CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT [11000. - 11651.]( Division 10 repealed and added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )CHAPTER 6. Offenses and Penalties [11350. - 11392.]( Chapter 6 added by Stats. 1972, Ch. 1407. )ARTICLE 5. Offenses Involving Controlled Substances Formerly Classified as Restricted Dangerous Drugs [11377. - 11382.5.]( Heading of Article 5 amended by Stats. 1973, Ch. 1078. )
11377.(a) Except as authorized by law and as otherwise provided in subdivision (b) or Section 11375, or in Article 7 (commencing with Section 4211) of Chapter 9 of Division 2 of the Business and Professions Code, every person who possesses any controlled substance which is (1) classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, and which is not a narcotic drug, (2) specified in subdivision (d) of Section 11054, except paragraphs (13), (14), (15), and (20) of subdivision (d), (3) specified in paragraph (11) of subdivision (c) of Section 11056, (4) specified in paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (f) of Section 11054, or (5) specified in subdivision (d), (e), or (f) of Section 11055, unless upon the prescription of a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or veterinarian, licensed to practice in this state, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year or pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code.(b) (1) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, and who has not previously been convicted of a violation involving a controlled substance specified in subdivision (f) of Section 11056, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (2) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in subdivision (g) of Section 11056 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (3) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (7) or (8) of subdivision (d) of Section 11055 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (4) Any person who violates subdivision (a) by unlawfully possessing a controlled substance specified in paragraph (8) of subdivision (f) of Section 11057 is guilty of a misdemeanor. (c) In addition to any fine assessed under subdivision (b), the judge may assess a fine not to exceed seventy dollars ($70) against any person who violates subdivision (a), with the proceeds of this fine to be used in accordance with Section 1463.23 of the Penal Code. The court shall, however, take into consideration the defendant’s ability to pay, and no defendant shall be denied probation because of his or her inability to pay the fine permitted under this subdivision. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 15, Sec. 171. Effective April 4, 2011. Operative October 1, 2011, by Sec. 636 of Ch. 15, as amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 39, Sec. 68.) |
HS11395Police case #: 25-000578 No information. |
PC602(o)(1)Police case #: 25-000578 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25 - 680]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 14. MALICIOUS MISCHIEF [594 - 625c]( Title 14 enacted 1872. )602.Except as provided in subdivision (u), subdivision (v), subdivision (x), and Section 602.8, every person who willfully commits a trespass by any of the following acts is guilty of a misdemeanor: (a) Cutting down, destroying, or injuring any kind of wood or timber standing or growing upon the lands of another. (b) Carrying away any kind of wood or timber lying on those lands. (c) Maliciously injuring or severing from the freehold of another anything attached to it, or its produce. (d) Digging, taking, or carrying away from any lot situated within the limits of any incorporated city, without the license of the owner or legal occupant, any earth, soil, or stone. (e) Digging, taking, or carrying away from land in any city or town laid down on the map or plan of the city, or otherwise recognized or established as a street, alley, avenue, or park, without the license of the proper authorities, any earth, soil, or stone. (f) Maliciously tearing down, damaging, mutilating, or destroying any sign, signboard, or notice placed upon, or affixed to, any property belonging to the state, or to any city, county, city and county, town or village, or upon any property of any person, by the state or by an automobile association, which sign, signboard, or notice is intended to indicate or designate a road or a highway, or is intended to direct travelers from one point to another, or relates to fires, fire control, or any other matter involving the protection of the property, or putting up, affixing, fastening, printing, or painting upon any property belonging to the state, or to any city, county, town, or village, or dedicated to the public, or upon any property of any person, without license from the owner, any notice, advertisement, or designation of, or any name for any commodity, whether for sale or otherwise, or any picture, sign, or device intended to call attention to it. (g) Entering upon any lands owned by any other person whereon oysters or other shellfish are planted or growing; or injuring, gathering, or carrying away any oysters or other shellfish planted, growing, or on any of those lands, whether covered by water or not, without the license of the owner or legal occupant; or damaging, destroying, or removing, or causing to be removed, damaged, or destroyed, any stakes, marks, fences, or signs intended to designate the boundaries and limits of any of those lands. (h) (1) Entering upon lands or buildings owned by any other person without the license of the owner or legal occupant, where signs forbidding trespass are displayed, and whereon cattle, goats, pigs, sheep, fowl, or any other animal is being raised, bred, fed, or held for the purpose of food for human consumption; or injuring, gathering, or carrying away any animal being housed on any of those lands, without the license of the owner or legal occupant; or damaging, destroying, or removing, or causing to be removed, damaged, or destroyed, any stakes, marks, fences, or signs intended to designate the boundaries and limits of any of those lands. (2) In order for there to be a violation of this subdivision, the trespass signs under paragraph (1) must be displayed at intervals not less than three per mile along all exterior boundaries and at all roads and trails entering the land. (3) This subdivision shall not be construed to preclude prosecution or punishment under any other provision of law, including, but not limited to, grand theft or any provision that provides for a greater penalty or longer term of imprisonment. (i) Willfully opening, tearing down, or otherwise destroying any fence on the enclosed land of another, or opening any gate, bar, or fence of another and willfully leaving it open without the written permission of the owner, or maliciously tearing down, mutilating, or destroying any sign, signboard, or other notice forbidding shooting on private property. (j) Building fires upon any lands owned by another where signs forbidding trespass are displayed at intervals not greater than one mile along the exterior boundaries and at all roads and trails entering the lands, without first having obtained written permission from the owner of the lands or the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession. (k) Entering any lands, whether unenclosed or enclosed by fence, for the purpose of injuring any property or property rights or with the intention of interfering with, obstructing, or injuring any lawful business or occupation carried on by the owner of the land, the owner’s agent, or by the person in lawful possession. (l) Entering any lands under cultivation or enclosed by fence, belonging to, or occupied by, another, or entering upon uncultivated or unenclosed lands where signs forbidding trespass are displayed at intervals not less than three to the mile along all exterior boundaries and at all roads and trails entering the lands without the written permission of the owner of the land, the owner’s agent, or of the person in lawful possession, and (1) Refusing or failing to leave the lands immediately upon being requested by the owner of the land, the owner’s agent or by the person in lawful possession to leave the lands, or (2) Tearing down, mutilating, or destroying any sign, signboard, or notice forbidding trespass or hunting on the lands, or (3) Removing, injuring, unlocking, or tampering with any lock on any gate on or leading into the lands, or (4) Discharging any firearm. (m) Entering and occupying real property or structures of any kind without the consent of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession. (n) Driving any vehicle, as defined in Section 670 of the Vehicle Code, upon real property belonging to, or lawfully occupied by, another and known not to be open to the general public, without the consent of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession. This subdivision shall not apply to any person described in Section 22350 of the Business and Professions Code who is making a lawful service of process, provided that upon exiting the vehicle, the person proceeds immediately to attempt the service of process, and leaves immediately upon completing the service of process or upon the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession. (o) Refusing or failing to leave land, real property, or structures belonging to or lawfully occupied by another and not open to the general public, upon being requested to leave by (1) a peace officer at the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession, and upon being informed by the peace officer that he or she is acting at the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession, or (2) the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession. The owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession shall make a separate request to the peace officer on each occasion when the peace officer’s assistance in dealing with a trespass is requested. However, a single request for a peace officer’s assistance may be made to cover a limited period of time not to exceed 30 days and identified by specific dates, during which there is a fire hazard or the owner, owner’s agent, or person in lawful possession is absent from the premises or property. In addition, a single request for a peace officer’s assistance may be made for a period not to exceed six months when the premises or property is closed to the public and posted as being closed. However, this subdivision shall not be applicable to persons engaged in lawful labor union activities which are permitted to be carried out on the property by the Alatorre-Zenovich-Dunlap-Berman Agricultural Labor Relations Act of 1975 (Part 3.5 (commencing with Section 1140) of Division 2 of the Labor Code) or by the National Labor Relations Act. For purposes of this section, land, real property, or structures owned or operated by any housing authority for tenants as defined under Section 34213.5 of the Health and Safety Code constitutes property not open to the general public; however, this subdivision shall not apply to persons on the premises who are engaging in activities protected by the California or United States Constitution, or to persons who are on the premises at the request of a resident or management and who are not loitering or otherwise suspected of violating or actually violating any law or ordinance. (p) Entering upon any lands declared closed to entry as provided in Section 4256 of the Public Resources Code, if the closed areas shall have been posted with notices declaring the closure, at intervals not greater than one mile along the exterior boundaries or along roads and trails passing through the lands. (q) Refusing or failing to leave a public building of a public agency during those hours of the day or night when the building is regularly closed to the public upon being requested to do so by a regularly employed guard, watchperson, or custodian of the public agency owning or maintaining the building or property, if the surrounding circumstances would indicate to a reasonable person that the person has no apparent lawful business to pursue. (r) Knowingly skiing in an area or on a ski trail which is closed to the public and which has signs posted indicating the closure. (s) Refusing or failing to leave a hotel or motel, where he or she has obtained accommodations and has refused to pay for those accommodations, upon request of the proprietor or manager, and the occupancy is exempt, pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1940 of the Civil Code, from Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 1940) of Title 5 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code. For purposes of this subdivision, occupancy at a hotel or motel for a continuous period of 30 days or less shall, in the absence of a written agreement to the contrary, or other written evidence of a periodic tenancy of indefinite duration, be exempt from Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 1940) of Title 5 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code. (t) (1) Entering upon private property, including contiguous land, real property, or structures thereon belonging to the same owner, whether or not generally open to the public, after having been informed by a peace officer at the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession, and upon being informed by the peace officer that he or she is acting at the request of the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession, that the property is not open to the particular person; or refusing or failing to leave the property upon being asked to leave the property in the manner provided in this subdivision. (2) This subdivision shall apply only to a person who has been convicted of a crime committed upon the particular private property. (3) A single notification or request to the person as set forth above shall be valid and enforceable under this subdivision unless and until rescinded by the owner, the owner’s agent, or the person in lawful possession of the property. (4) Where the person has been convicted of a violent felony, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 667.5, this subdivision shall apply without time limitation. Where the person has been convicted of any other felony, this subdivision shall apply for no more than five years from the date of conviction. Where the person has been convicted of a misdemeanor, this subdivision shall apply for no more than two years from the date of conviction. Where the person was convicted for an infraction pursuant to Section 490.1, this subdivision shall apply for no more than one year from the date of conviction. This subdivision shall not apply to convictions for any other infraction. (u) (1) Knowingly entering, by an unauthorized person, upon any airport operations area, passenger vessel terminal, or public transit facility if the area has been posted with notices restricting access to authorized personnel only and the postings occur not greater than every 150 feet along the exterior boundary, to the extent, in the case of a passenger vessel terminal, as defined in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3), that the exterior boundary extends shoreside. To the extent that the exterior boundary of a passenger vessel terminal operations area extends waterside, this prohibition shall apply if notices have been posted in a manner consistent with the requirements for the shoreside exterior boundary, or in any other manner approved by the captain of the port. (2) Any person convicted of a violation of paragraph (1) shall be punished as follows: (A) By a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100). (B) By imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, if the person refuses to leave the airport or passenger vessel terminal after being requested to leave by a peace officer or authorized personnel. (C) By imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, for a second or subsequent offense. (3) As used in this subdivision, the following definitions shall control: (A) “Airport operations area” means that part of the airport used by aircraft for landing, taking off, surface maneuvering, loading and unloading, refueling, parking, or maintenance, where aircraft support vehicles and facilities exist, and which is not for public use or public vehicular traffic. (B) “Passenger vessel terminal” means only that portion of a harbor or port facility, as described in Section 105.105(a)(2) of Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations, with a secured area that regularly serves scheduled commuter or passenger operations. For the purposes of this section, “passenger vessel terminal” does not include any area designated a public access area pursuant to Section 105.106 of Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations. (C) “Public transit facility” has the same meaning as specified in Section 171.7. (D) “Authorized personnel” means any person who has a valid airport identification card issued by the airport operator or has a valid airline identification card recognized by the airport operator, or any person not in possession of an airport or airline identification card who is being escorted for legitimate purposes by a person with an airport or airline identification card. “Authorized personnel” also means any person who has a valid port identification card issued by the harbor operator, or who has a valid company identification card issued by a commercial maritime enterprise recognized by the harbor operator, or any other person who is being escorted for legitimate purposes by a person with a valid port or qualifying company identification card. “Authorized personnel” also means any person who has a valid public transit employee identification. (E) “Airport” means any facility whose function is to support commercial aviation. (v) (1) Except as permitted by federal law, intentionally avoiding submission to the screening and inspection of one’s person and accessible property in accordance with the procedures being applied to control access when entering or reentering a sterile area of an airport, passenger vessel terminal, as defined in Section 171.5, or public transit facility, as defined in subdivision (u), if the sterile area is posted with a statement providing reasonable notice that prosecution may result from a trespass described in this subdivision, is a violation of this subdivision, punishable by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for the first offense. A second and subsequent violation is a misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for a period of not more than one year, or by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if a first violation of this subdivision is responsible for the evacuation of an airport terminal, passenger vessel terminal, or public transit facility and is responsible in any part for delays or cancellations of scheduled flights or departures, it is punishable by imprisonment of not more than one year in a county jail. (w) Refusing or failing to leave a battered women’s shelter at any time after being requested to leave by a managing authority of the shelter. (1) A person who is convicted of violating this subdivision shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year. (2) The court may order a defendant who is convicted of violating this subdivision to make restitution to a battered woman in an amount equal to the relocation expenses of the battered woman and her children if those expenses are incurred as a result of trespass by the defendant at a battered women’s shelter. (x) (1) Knowingly entering or remaining in a neonatal unit, maternity ward, or birthing center located in a hospital or clinic without lawful business to pursue therein, if the area has been posted so as to give reasonable notice restricting access to those with lawful business to pursue therein and the surrounding circumstances would indicate to a reasonable person that he or she has no lawful business to pursue therein. Reasonable notice is that which would give actual notice to a reasonable person, and is posted, at a minimum, at each entrance into the area. (2) Any person convicted of a violation of paragraph (1) shall be punished as follows: (A) As an infraction, by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100). (B) By imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, if the person refuses to leave the posted area after being requested to leave by a peace officer or other authorized person. (C) By imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, for a second or subsequent offense. (D) If probation is granted or the execution or imposition of sentencing is suspended for any person convicted under this subdivision, it shall be a condition of probation that the person participate in counseling, as designated by the court, unless the court finds good cause not to impose this requirement. The court shall require the person to pay for this counseling, if ordered, unless good cause not to pay is shown. (y) Except as permitted by federal law, intentionally avoiding submission to the screening and inspection of one’s person and accessible property in accordance with the procedures being applied to control access when entering or reentering a courthouse or a city, county, city and county, or state building if entrances to the courthouse or the city, county, city and county, or state building have been posted with a statement providing reasonable notice that prosecution may result from a trespass described in this subdivision. (Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 296, Sec. 207. Effective January 1, 2012.) |
LAUREL KARYN COPLEY | PROBATION | Bench Warrant | PC3455(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 3:38 p.m. |
PC3455(a)Police case #: CRCR2500247 Penal Code - PENPART 3. OF IMPRISONMENT AND THE DEATH PENALTY [2000. - 10007.]( Part 3 repealed and added by Stats. 1941, Ch. 106. )TITLE 2.05. Postrelease Community Supervision Act of 2011 [3450. - 3465.]( Title 2.05 added by Stats. 2011, Ch. 15, Sec. 479. )
3455.(a) If the supervising county agency has determined, following application of its assessment processes, that intermediate sanctions as authorized in subdivision (b) of Section 3454 are not appropriate, the supervising county agency shall petition the court pursuant to Section 1203.2 to revoke, modify, or terminate postrelease community supervision. At any point during the process initiated pursuant to this section, a person may waive, in writing, his or her right to counsel, admit the violation of his or her postrelease community supervision, waive a court hearing, and accept the proposed modification of his or her postrelease community supervision. The petition shall include a written report that contains additional information regarding the petition, including the relevant terms and conditions of postrelease community supervision, the circumstances of the alleged underlying violation, the history and background of the violator, and any recommendations. The Judicial Council shall adopt forms and rules of court to establish uniform statewide procedures to implement this subdivision, including the minimum contents of supervision agency reports. Upon a finding that the person has violated the conditions of postrelease community supervision, the revocation hearing officer shall have authority to do all of the following:(1) Return the person to postrelease community supervision with modifications of conditions, if appropriate, including a period of incarceration in county jail. (2) Revoke and terminate postrelease community supervision and order the person to confinement in the county jail. (3) Refer the person to a reentry court pursuant to Section 3015 or other evidence-based program in the court’s discretion. (b) (1) At any time during the period of postrelease community supervision, if any peace officer has probable cause to believe a person subject to postrelease community supervision is violating any term or condition of his or her release, the officer may, without a warrant or other process, arrest the person and bring him or her before the supervising county agency established by the county board of supervisors pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 3451. Additionally, an officer employed by the supervising county agency may seek a warrant and a court or its designated hearing officer appointed pursuant to Section 71622.5 of the Government Code shall have the authority to issue a warrant for that person’s arrest. (2) The court or its designated hearing officer shall have the authority to issue a warrant for any person who is the subject of a petition filed under this section who has failed to appear for a hearing on the petition or for any reason in the interests of justice, or to remand to custody a person who does appear at a hearing on the petition for any reason in the interests of justice. (c) The revocation hearing shall be held within a reasonable time after the filing of the revocation petition. Based upon a showing of a preponderance of the evidence that a person under supervision poses an unreasonable risk to public safety, or the person may not appear if released from custody, or for any reason in the interests of justice, the supervising county agency shall have the authority to make a determination whether the person should remain in custody pending the first court appearance on a petition to revoke postrelease community supervision, and upon that determination, may order the person confined pending his or her first court appearance. (d) Confinement pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (a) shall not exceed a period of 180 days in the county jail for each custodial sanction. (e) A person shall not remain under supervision or in custody pursuant to this title on or after three years from the date of the person’s initial entry onto postrelease community supervision, except when his or her supervision is tolled pursuant to Section 1203.2 or subdivision (b) of Section 3456. (Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 43, Sec. 52. Effective June 27, 2012.) |
ZACHARY DEAN GLADDEN | EPD | Arrest or Detention | VC16028(a), VC12500(a), VC22107, VC23152(b), DUI | Monday, Feb. 10, 4:34 p.m. |
VC16028(a)Police case #: 25-000581 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 7. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAWS [16000. - 16560.]( Division 7 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 1. Compulsory Financial Responsibility [16000. - 16078.]( Chapter 1 repealed and added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 1409. )ARTICLE 2. Financial Responsibility [16020. - 16033.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1974, Ch. 1409. )
16028.(a) Upon the demand of a peace officer pursuant to subdivision (b) or upon the demand of a peace officer or traffic collision investigator pursuant to subdivision (c), every person who drives a motor vehicle upon a highway shall provide evidence of financial responsibility for the vehicle that is in effect at the time the demand is made. However, a peace officer shall not stop a vehicle for the sole purpose of determining whether the vehicle is being driven in violation of this subdivision.(b) Whenever a notice to appear is issued for any alleged violation of this code, except a violation specified in Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 22500) of Division 11 or any local ordinance adopted pursuant thereto, the cited driver shall furnish written evidence of financial responsibility upon request of the peace officer issuing the citation. The peace officer shall request and write the driver’s evidence of financial responsibility on the notice to appear, except when the peace officer is unable to write the driver’s evidence of financial responsibility on the notice to appear due to an emergency that requires his or her presence elsewhere. If the cited driver fails to provide evidence of financial responsibility at the time the notice to appear is issued, the peace officer may issue the driver a notice to appear for violation of subdivision (a). The notice to appear for violation of subdivision (a) shall be written on the same citation form as the original violation. (c) Whenever a peace officer, or a regularly employed and salaried employee of a city or county who has been trained as a traffic collision investigator, is summoned to the scene of an accident described in Section 16000, the driver of any motor vehicle that is in any manner involved in the accident shall furnish written evidence of financial responsibility upon the request of the peace officer or traffic collision investigator. If the driver fails to provide evidence of financial responsibility when requested, the peace officer may issue the driver a notice to appear for violation of this subdivision. A traffic collision investigator may cause a notice to appear to be issued for a violation of this subdivision, upon review of that citation by a peace officer. (d) (1) If, at the time a notice to appear for a violation of subdivision (a) is issued, the person is driving a motor vehicle owned or leased by the driver’s employer, and the vehicle is being driven with the permission of the employer, this section shall apply to the employer rather than the driver. In that case, a notice to appear shall be issued to the employer rather than the driver, and the driver may sign the notice on behalf of the employer. (2) The driver shall notify the employer of the receipt of the notice issued pursuant to paragraph (1) not later than five days after receipt. (e) A person issued a notice to appear for a violation of subdivision (a) may personally appear before the clerk of the court, as designated in the notice to appear, and provide written evidence of financial responsibility in a form consistent with Section 16020, showing that the driver was in compliance with that section at the time the notice to appear for violating subdivision (a) was issued. In lieu of the personal appearance, the person may submit by mail to the court written evidence of having had financial responsibility at the time the notice to appear was issued. Upon receipt by the clerk of that written evidence of financial responsibility in a form consistent with Section 16020, further proceedings on the notice to appear for the violation of subdivision (a) shall be dismissed. (Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 825, Sec. 15. Effective January 1, 2002.) |
VC12500(a)Police case #: 25-000581 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 6. DRIVERS’ LICENSES [12500. - 15325.]( Heading of Division 6 amended by Stats. 1961, Ch. 1615. )CHAPTER 1. Issuance of Licenses, Expiration,and Renewal [12500. - 13008.]( Chapter 1 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 1. Persons Required to Be Licensed, Exemptions, and Age Limits [12500. - 12527.]( Article 1 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )
12500.(a) A person may not drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, unless the person then holds a valid driver’s license issued under this code, except those persons who are expressly exempted under this code.(b) A person may not drive a motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, or motorized bicycle upon a highway, unless the person then holds a valid driver’s license or endorsement issued under this code for that class, except those persons who are expressly exempted under this code, or those persons specifically authorized to operate motorized bicycles or motorized scooters with a valid driver’s license of any class, as specified in subdivision (h) of Section 12804.9. (c) A person may not drive a motor vehicle in or upon any offstreet parking facility, unless the person then holds a valid driver’s license of the appropriate class or certification to operate the vehicle. As used in this subdivision, “offstreet parking facility” means any offstreet facility held open for use by the public for parking vehicles and includes any publicly owned facilities for offstreet parking, and privately owned facilities for offstreet parking where no fee is charged for the privilege to park and which are held open for the common public use of retail customers. (d) A person may not drive a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles that is not of a type for which the person is licensed. (e) A motorized scooter operated on public streets shall at all times be equipped with an engine that complies with the applicable State Air Resources Board emission requirements. (Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 630, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2008.) |
VC22107Police case #: 25-000581 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000 - 23336]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 6. Turning and Stopping and TurningSignals [22100 - 22113]( Chapter 6 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )22107.No person shall turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway until such movement can be made with reasonable safety and then only after the giving of an appropriate signal in the manner provided in this chapter in the event any other vehicle may be affected by the movement. (Amended by Stats. 1959, Ch. 1996.) |
VC23152(b)Police case #: 25-000581 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |
VC23152(a)Police case #: 25-000581 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |
DAMON WADE ROGERS | EPD | Arrest or Detention | PC273.5(a) | Monday, Feb. 10, 5:39 p.m. |
PC273.5(a)Police case #: 25-000582
273.5.��(a)�Any person who willfully inflicts upon a person who is his or her spouse, former spouse, cohabitant, former cohabitant, or the mother or father of his or her child, corporal injury resulting in a traumatic condition is guilty of a felony, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of up to six thousand dollars ($6,000) or by both that fine and imprisonment.(b)�Holding oneself out to be the husband or wife of the person with whom one is cohabiting is not necessary to constitute cohabitation as the term is used in this section. (c)�As used in this section, \u201ctraumatic condition\u201d means a condition of the body, such as a wound, or external or internal injury, including, but not limited to, injury as a result of strangulation or suffocation, whether of a minor or serious nature, caused by a physical force. For purposes of this section, \u201cstrangulation\u201d and \u201csuffocation\u201d include impeding the normal breathing or circulation of the blood of a person by applying pressure on the throat or neck. (d)�For the purpose of this section, a person shall be considered the father or mother of another person\u2019s child if the alleged male parent is presumed the natural father under Sections 7611 and 7612 of the Family Code. (e)�(1)�Any person convicted of violating this section for acts occurring within seven years of a previous conviction under subdivision (a), or subdivision (d) of Section 243, or Section 243.4, 244, 244.5, or 245, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, four, or five years, or by both imprisonment and a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000). (2)�Any person convicted of a violation of this section for acts occurring within seven years of a previous conviction under subdivision (e) of Section 243 shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years, or in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or by both that imprisonment and fine. (f)�If probation is granted to any person convicted under subdivision (a), the court shall impose probation consistent with the provisions of Section 1203.097. (g)�If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of a sentence is suspended, for any defendant convicted under subdivision (a) who has been convicted of any prior offense specified in subdivision (e), the court shall impose one of the following conditions of probation: (1)�If the defendant has suffered one prior conviction within the previous seven years for a violation of any offense specified in subdivision (e), it shall be a condition thereof, in addition to the provisions contained in Section 1203.097, that he or she be imprisoned in a county jail for not less than 15 days. (2)�If the defendant has suffered two or more prior convictions within the previous seven years for a violation of any offense specified in subdivision (e), it shall be a condition of probation, in addition to the provisions contained in Section 1203.097, that he or she be imprisoned in a county jail for not less than 60 days. (3)�The court, upon a showing of good cause, may find that the mandatory imprisonment required by this subdivision shall not be imposed and shall state on the record its reasons for finding good cause. (h)�If probation is granted upon conviction of a violation of subdivision (a), the conditions of probation may include, consistent with the terms of probation imposed pursuant to Section 1203.097, in lieu of a fine, one or both of the following requirements: (1)�That the defendant make payments to a battered women\u2019s shelter, up to a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), pursuant to Section 1203.097. (2)�That the defendant reimburse the victim for reasonable costs of counseling and other reasonable expenses that the court finds are the direct result of the defendant\u2019s offense. For any order to pay a fine, make payments to a battered women\u2019s shelter, or pay restitution as a condition of probation under this subdivision, the court shall make a determination of the defendant\u2019s ability to pay. In no event shall any order to make payments to a battered women\u2019s shelter be made if it would impair the ability of the defendant to pay direct restitution to the victim or court-ordered child support. Where the injury to a married person is caused in whole or in part by the criminal acts of his or her spouse in violation of this section, the community property may not be used to discharge the liability of the offending spouse for restitution to the injured spouse, required by Section 1203.04, as operative on or before August 2, 1995, or Section 1202.4, or to a shelter for costs with regard to the injured spouse and dependents, required by this section, until all separate property of the offending spouse is exhausted. (i)�Upon conviction under subdivision (a), the sentencing court shall also consider issuing an order restraining the defendant from any contact with the victim, which may be valid for up to 10 years, as determined by the court. It is the intent of the Legislature that the length of any restraining order be based upon the seriousness of the facts before the court, the probability of future violations, and the safety of the victim and his or her immediate family. This protective order may be issued by the court whether the defendant is sentenced to state prison, county jail, or if imposition of sentence is suspended and the defendant is placed on probation. |
DENNETO BUSTOS | EPD | Arrest or Detention | PC415(3) | Monday, Feb. 10, 6:51 p.m. |
PC415(3)Police case #: 25-000584 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 11. OF CRIMES AGAINST THE PUBLIC PEACE [403. - 420.1.]( Title 11 enacted 1872. )
415.Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, a fine of not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment and fine:(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or challenges another person in a public place to fight. (2) Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise. (3) Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction. (Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 1092, Sec. 283. Effective September 27, 1983. Operative January 1, 1984, by Sec. 427 of Ch. 1092.) |
JESSE DEAN BOLES | EPD | Arrest or Detention | pc647(f) | Monday, Feb. 10, 9:08 p.m. |
pc647(f)Police case #: 25-000585 No information. |
JOSEPH DONOVAN KESSINGER | HCSO | Bench Warrant | PC459/461(b) | Monday, Feb. 10, 10:02 p.m. |
PC459/461(b)Police case #: CRCR2200779 No information. |
MATHEW SHANNON STANBRIDGE | CHP | Arrest or Detention | VC23152(b), DUI | Tuesday, Feb. 11, 12:37 a.m. |
VC23152(b)Police case #: RC21728 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |
VC23152(a)Police case #: RC21728 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |
CHRISTOPHER LYN GALLACCI | APD | Arrest or Detention | Petty Theft | Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1:21 a.m. |
PC488Police case #: 25-0346 Penal Code - PENPART 1. OF CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS [25. - 680.]( Part 1 enacted 1872. )TITLE 13. OF CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY [450. - 593g.]( Title 13 enacted 1872. )CHAPTER 5. Larceny [484. - 502.9.]( Chapter 5 enacted 1872. )
488.Theft in other cases is petty theft. (Amended by Stats. 1927, Ch. 619.) |
MICHAEL JOHN LEBRON | CHP | Arrest or Detention | DUI | Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2:03 a.m. |
VC23152(a)Police case #: RC21582 Vehicle Code - VEHDIVISION 11. RULES OF THE ROAD [21000. - 23336.]( Division 11 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )CHAPTER 12. Public Offenses [23100. - 23249.50.]( Chapter 12 enacted by Stats. 1959, Ch. 3. )ARTICLE 2. Offenses Involving Alcohol and Drugs [23152. - 23229.1.]( Article 2 added by Stats. 1981, Ch. 940, Sec. 32. )
23152.(a) It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.
(b) It is unlawful for any person who has 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood to drive a vehicle. For purposes of this article and Section 34501.16, percent, by weight, of alcohol in a person’s blood is based upon grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood or grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath. In any prosecution under this subdivision, it is a rebuttable presumption that the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of driving the vehicle if the person had 0.08 percent or more, by weight, of alcohol in his or her blood at the time of the performance of a chemical test within three hours after the driving. (c) It is unlawful for any person who is addicted to the use of any drug to drive a vehicle. This subdivision shall not apply to a person who is participating in a narcotic treatment program approved pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 11875) of Chapter 1 of Part 3 of Division 10.5 of the Health and Safety Code. (d) This section shall become operative only upon the receipt by the Secretary of State of the notice specified in subdivision (f) of Section 23152, as added by Section 25 of Chapter 1114 of the Statutes of 1989. (Amended (as amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 974, Sec. 17) by Stats. 1995, Ch. 455, Sec. 32. Effective September 5, 1995. Section conditionally operative as provided in subd. (d).) |