
6 felonies, 12 misdemeanors, 0 infractions

This page notes the names of those processed by the Humboldt County Jail, or into a supervised release program, at the date and time indicated. As always, please remember that people should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Name Agency Type Charges Time
JAMES EDWARD SMITH EPD Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Yesterday, 3:18 a.m.
JOSHUA WADE JOHNSON HCSO Arrest or Detention VOMS, PC1203.2(a) Yesterday, 8:58 a.m.
ANGELO MICHAEL SERGIO RILEY HCSO Commitment VC23578 Yesterday, 9:15 a.m.
ERON WIL MAGNUS HCSO Commitment VC23578, DUI Yesterday, 9:33 a.m.
TYLER MICHAEL NORKETT APD Arrest or Detention HS11351, Possession of Controlled Substance, HS11359(b), HS11357(b) Yesterday, 10:05 a.m.
AMANDA CHARLENE RYAN EPD Arrest or Detention PC530.5(e) Yesterday, 11:26 a.m.
ERNEST ALLEN CHOATE APD Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Yesterday, 4:02 p.m.
TARA LYNN BENSON CHP Arrest or Detention DUI, PC273a(a), VC23152(b) Yesterday, 5:16 p.m.
OSCAR RUBEN DUCKWORTH EPD Arrest or Detention PC459.5 Yesterday, 9:04 p.m.
ALICIA EILEEN WEEMS APD Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Yesterday, 9:41 p.m.
ZAKIYA SOPHIA ELLOWAY-WONENBERG CHP Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Yesterday, 10:59 p.m.
AARON WILLIAM STEPHANSON HCSO Arrest or Detention PC529(a)(1), VC14601.2(a), VC14601.2(a), VC14601.2(a), Possession of Controlled Substance, VC14601.2(a), Possession of Controlled Substance, VC14601.2(a), PC1203.2(a), HS11364(a), PC21310 Yesterday, 11:33 p.m.
WILLOW ROSE MACE EPD Foreign Warrant PC487(a), PC1320(b) Today, 12:37 a.m.
ROYCE CONAN BRYANT CHP Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Today, 1:14 a.m.
JENNIFER INEZ HEALD OTHER Arrest Warrant PC490.4(a), PC182(a)(1) Today, 1:15 a.m.
SKYLAR RENEE SPOTTS HSU Arrest or Detention Public Intoxication Today, 3 a.m.
GORDON DONALD PARKER EPD Arrest or Detention VC23152(b), DUI Today, 3:45 a.m.
SAM THOMAS BERGANT EPD Arrest or Detention PC594(b)(2)(A) Today, 3:46 a.m.
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